Su Yubing: "What's the matter with the Pac-Man game!"

Lin Luo turned his head and frowned, "Did you touch my computer?"

Su Yubing: "Is that the point!"

Lin Luo: "Damn, you still have reason? I didn't ask you what you did when you came into my office in the middle of the night!"

Su Yubing: "Don't you also come into the office late at night!"

Lin Luo: "Nonsense! I work overtime!"

In order to test the overtime income of the sitting system.

Lin Luo deliberately added a class to himself.

As a result, I hit Su Yubing when I came back to pick up my card after punching in the card.

Su Yubing: "Don't change the subject! I'll ask you about Pac-Man!"

Lin Luo: "Who the hell changed the subject? You came into my office without my consent, is that fair?"

Su Yubing was indeed ignorant this time.

But she was too aggrieved.

Think of the game of Pac-Man.

The head with his mouth open ran in front.

The dog's head is chasing behind.

She was shivering with anger.

"You care about me! I want to eat walnuts, can't I!"

Lin Luo: "You go to my computer to find walnuts?"

Su Yubing: "I...I was checking your work!"

Lin Luo: "I believe in you a ghost! You are invading my privacy!"

As soon as I hear the word "privacy".

Su Yubing was even more angry.

"I violated your privacy? Have you forgotten how you violated my privacy!"

Lin Luo: "When did I violate your privacy?"

Su Yubing: "You are invading my privacy every minute!"

Lin Luo: "Bullshit! How did I assault you?"

Su Yubing: "Are you still assaulting me less!"


Su Yubing counted Lin Luo's "crime" with his throat.

"The first time you went to my office!"

"The time in front of my secretary in the elevator!"

"The time on the tree! The regular meeting in the big conference room!"

"And this time in your office just now!"

"Too much too much! Don't you know what you did to me!!!"

The emergency room was silent.

The doctors, nurses, and patients were all shocked by Su Yubing's words.

Everyone stopped what they were doing.

The content of the two chatting just now is very...

It's not right.

Later, their voices grew louder and louder.

Everyone heard more and more clearly.

To the end.

Everyone was stunned.

An old man in a wheelchair showed a strange expression.

Especially the contents listed at the end by Su Yubing.

He felt like he had lived in vain when he was young.

The office is fine.

Reluctantly in the elevator.

The conference room is a bit too much.

In the end, it's okay on the tree?

The young people nowadays are awesome!

Su Yubing and Lin Luo looked at their surroundings with strange gazes.

They realized that they had just spoken too loudly.

The two got up and approached each other at the same time.

Sit in an adjacent seat.

And lowered his voice.

Lin Luo: "What nonsense are you talking about you!"

Su Yubing: "Why am I talking nonsense? Didn't you violate my privacy the first time you went to my office to peek at my phone?"

"Calling my nickname in front of my secretary, I'm on the tree, you video me, the big conference room opens a regular meeting, you play my video in front of all the seniors..."

"And Pac-Man games on your computer! These are not infringements of my privacy!"

Lin Luo was speechless for a while: "So you can sneak into my office and flip into my computer without my permission?"

Su Yubing: "If you didn't treat me that way before, how could I do it!"

Lin Luo: "Then you admit that it is wrong to sneak into my office?"

Su Yubing almost gasped.

This bastard kept silent about what happened before.

It was just holding onto the matter of stealing into his office by himself.

Seeing Lin Luo calmly.

Su Yubing gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! I was wrong! I admit that I was wrong! Entering your office without your permission, I apologize to you! That's all right!"

Lin Luo: "All right."

Su Yubing: "This matter is over, right?"

Lin Luo: "It's over, I am broad-minded."

Su Yubing: "Okay! Then, can we talk about the next thing!"

Lin Luo: "Of course it works."

Su Yubing: "Then talk about Pac-Man!"

Lin Luo: "What's wrong with Pac-Man?"

Su Yubing's eyes widened: "What's wrong? You made my avatar into a game, and you asked me what's wrong?"

Lin Luo: "You didn't say it yourself. As long as you don't show it to other people, it's okay?"

Su Yubing: "Then you can't make a game for me!"

Lin Luo looked mysterious and said, "Have you played that game?"

Su Yubing: "Is that the point!"

Lin Luo looked at Su Yubing and his face turned red and white with anger: "I think your profile picture is quite interesting, so I combined it with the game of Pac-Man. I said it in advance. I'll just play it by myself. Others see."

Su Yubing bit his lip: "You can't play by yourself! You are insulting me!!!"

Lin Luo helplessly said: "Then what do you want to do?"

Su Yu was angrily and wanted him to delete the game.

But I don't know if he really deleted it.

Even if he continues to play behind his back.

I don't know it!

The existence of the game made her unable to do anything. .

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