I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 161 Mind

This is really stinky, Zhang Fo sneered, "Don't braise the chicken and duck, braise the cow! Brain all the cows in the sky!"

"I have this plan. Beef can be sold at a high price, and it is only used for those fat sheep in the rich area. I guarantee that you can buy a decent yard in City Y within a year."

Oh, the tone is getting louder and louder!

Zhang Fo laughed instead, this guy... is interesting!

"Well, I won't argue with you, but let me see if what you said is true, such as your eyesight!"

Qin Yu swept his eyes and said, "There are five ants crawling under the corner over there."

Zhang Fo glanced at it and said, "There are five, and another one crawled out."

Obviously, he recognized Qin Yu's eyesight, and also revealed that he himself is also the kind of person with extraordinary eyesight.

For those who play arrows, if you want to play the top elite stream, of course the kind of people with extraordinary talents are the easiest to climb to the top.

This is the same as the initial attribute in the game.

Qin Yu was secretly surprised, and felt more and more that he had made the right bet.

This old thing is indeed a master!

"So you want to learn archery?" Zhang Fo's old god was there, and Qin Yu admitted it very frankly. Then Zhang Fo ate the duck head, ate the duck gizzard and sipped the wine, and said, "No way!"

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes, "Why?"

Zhang Fo glanced at her, and said lightly: "You are a woman, women can't bear hardships."

Oh, it's not surprising that I'm a woman.

Qin Yu frowned and said: "A woman who is pregnant in October and gives birth to a child, the pain she endures is no less than being cut continuously for a long time. If women can't bear hardship, then there are really no men in this world."

These words are a bit powerful, Zhang Fo was silent for a while, and said back: "Tell me this after you have given birth."

Oops, this old man is a bit smart.

Do you want to continue the debate about whether women can endure hardship? No, Qin Yu is not such a person, because there is nothing to debate about this topic.

"It's not the style of a martial arts person to only verbally bully you. You can take me in and see if I can persist. If you can't persist."

She reached out and put ten silver dollars on the table.

"These ten silver dollars are yours."

Zhang Fo narrowed his eyes, "Are you trying to bribe me with money?"

Qin Yu: "People in this world either talk about feelings or money. Feelings are fine. I've already failed, so the only thing left is money, but food may also be included."

Qin Yu stretched out his hand and took back the butterfly stew that Zhang Fo was eating in front of him, tapped the table with his fingers, and said lightly: "My family has a lot of secret recipes handed down from ancestors, but not everyone can eat them, so I have to accept them as apprentices. If you have money and food, you can still have successors, or if we break up, I don’t believe that in this huge China, no one can recognize heroes, what kind of men and women, talented people like me who are both smart and able to make money will have trouble Are you a lot of geniuses?"

Zhang Fo: "..."

This little girl...is amazing.

In the end, Zhang Fo didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either. He just took the plate of stewed food back and ate it, and then he naturally had to go to the stove to eat another plate.

Qin Yu was relieved when he knew it was over, and was notified by the golden wall that the hidden apprentice mission was triggered and rewarded with three stars.

All of a sudden it's Samsung! Qin Yu was surprised, this was just a reward for triggering the activation!

"Is it a continuous mission?"

There are still many difficulties and rewards for continuous phased tasks like Qin Gou's.

Dangers and opportunities coexist.

Huang Jinbi answered yes, but there was no hint anymore, neither Zhang Fo's true identity nor his true ability, nor his existence significance in the mission of the entire world system. Qin Yu was lucky enough to meet and spontaneously choose to trigger the mission target, which means that she actively chose a strategy direction on the main mission line, and she can give up, but it is a waste of time.

In this kind of D-level dangerous mission where there is nothing in the early stage to develop and grow by oneself, the early stage time is very important.

Qin Yu needs to have enough confidence in his own judgment, and also needs to have a sufficiently precise and meticulous plan for the entire task process.

D-class mission. Not that easy.

Now is just the beginning, it is time to lay the foundation.


The noodle shop opened the next day, and the marinated ingredients were put on the shelves. It was marinated last night, and it was fresh the next day, and the flavor was even better. Since it attracted many people to taste it curiously, they couldn’t put it down after eating it. It's not enough. Fortunately, Qin Yu was prepared and hired two and a half children from the orphanage to help.

After a busy day, the two boys were paid that night.

"Thank you brother Xiaoyu, we're going back, goodbye..." The two boys left with a smile, and Qin Yu looked back to see Zhang Fo standing with his hands behind his back.

"Just hired these two boys?"

"No, there are so many children in the orphanage, they come here in turn, everyone has a share."

"It's kind of you to give each of them a chance to earn extra money."

"Ah? That's not true. It's just taking turns in this way to reduce their chances of permanent contact with the store's business, so as to avoid the lack of people's hearts and minds. Moreover, it is also conducive to expanding the average level of manpower utilization, and can observe and select available ones. manpower."

The store will expand sooner or later, and she has already started to think about the backup staff.

This is called foresight, and it can be regarded as a small skill honed from Qin Feng and his wife, and it can be regarded as a small test here.

It's not the first time Zhang Fo knows that this little girl is smart, but there are two kinds of smarts, one is simple smart, and the other is complicated smart.

Complexity also shows that you know how to use your own intelligence better. If it is a bad mind, it is a scheming, and if it is not a bad mind, it is called a mind.

So far, it seems that this little girl is a very intelligent person.

"I'll give you some noodles for the things in the store, and you can arrange the rest yourself, but since there is someone to help, then you will be free..." Zhang Fo narrowed his eyes, with a smile that was not a smile.

Qin Yu clapped his hands and smiled: "So you want to find something for me to do?"


Qin Yu was early in the morning the next day, how early was it? Four o'clock in the morning!

Qin Yu was devastated but forced his soul up with reason, and stared at Zhang Fo with bewildered eyes.

With a look of lovelessness.

Zhang Fo expressionless: "Wash up and go out with me."

Qin Yu knew that his apprenticeship had already begun, and this was an opportunity he had exchanged for food and money, and he had to learn even while kneeling, so he reached out and took a bag on the table.

In fact, Zhang Fo still felt that the girl Jiao Didi couldn't bear much hardship in learning martial arts, so he disdained Qin Yu for acting like a baby who couldn't even get out of bed.

Just say you can't bear it! Girls are from every family, don't think that if you get short hair

Before he finished complaining, he saw Qin Yu reach out and pour some powder from the bag into the cup, then poured the cold water from the kettle to mix it up, and finally drank it

For a second, he saw an expression.

Distorted, painful, tearful, and finally sober.

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