I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 156 Uncle, listen to me~

Li Sheng didn't think there was anything wrong with these words, so he said directly: "Fuck money! I don't return it once in 180 years, and I don't have any money for me every time I come here. She eats and drinks. My daughter is a water-splashing person. What the hell? It's better not to be born."

Li Xiaoyun in the room twisted his hands together, his eyes were red, but he was angry: You were not so unhappy when you smiled and married off the suffering sisters! Counting money is fun!

"Oh, that's right. You need money in this life, otherwise you can eat and drink. Since you have no money to marry your daughter, at most you can only get a few thousand yuan at the beginning. It's not as good as raising a big flower from a young age. If you lose the money, why do you need to marry?"

Li Sheng, who was always looking for money, sneered, "I can tell, you're here to make me not marry this money-loser!"

Qin Yu smiled: "Then listen to me a few more words. It's not that you are not allowed to marry, but that you have cultivated a good marriage. Sister, if you are promising, it will be good for your younger brother in the future. This pig must not be fattened before killing it." ?"

Li Xiaoyun inside the house: "."

Qin Yu turned to look at Li Xiaodou, and said, "Uncle, Xiaodou is in elementary school now. Boys must be educated. If they can't read well, there will be no way out. In the future, they will have to move bricks or clean the toilet. If they don't make much money, that's the next thing. I am most afraid of making a living, so I know how to go home and gnaw on the old. What is gnawing on the old? It is an uncle who always asks parents for money. Don’t change your face. I’m not cursing you. Seven or eight out of ten households in our village are like this Yes, you know it in your heart."

Li Sheng still felt that Qin Yu was cursing him, his palms were a little itchy, and he really wanted to hit her, but when he thought of Qin Yu's murderous methods, MD, he was a little scared!

If you didn't make a move, it gave Qin Yu a chance to continue talking, "It's okay if my daughter asks you for money, she can be slapped to death with two slaps, but if it's a son, this is just a son, it hurts no matter what, and I don't want to. Hold on! How much money you have, how much money you have, what to do if you don’t have money, it’s a trivial matter, don’t gamble or do drugs, it’s okay to eat and drink, but it’s not good to marry a wife, marry now How much does the wife cost, Uncle, do you have a good idea?"

These words hit Li Sheng's heart and lungs every minute - didn't he sell his daughter because others wanted to marry his son a wife, how cruel he was at the beginning, now he can think of how miserable he will be in the future.

Will there be retribution?

"However, this is a matter of the future. Ten or twenty years earlier, but the problem must be solved fundamentally. In our rural areas, there is only one way to study. Xiaodoudou must study if he wants to be successful, but it is not so easy to study. It’s enough to go to school? No, in addition to talent, we also need environment, what is environment? Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, children whose parents can read are obviously better than those who can’t!”

This is poking the heart lung tube again.

Li Sheng, an illiterate gambler, thinks of the embarrassment and humiliation of signing in the police station all these years without knowing how to write his name, and Li's mother also thinks of Qin Yuan's literate temperament in Qin Yu's family, which seems to be different from Li Sheng and other local turtles.

That's not only handsome, but also cultured!

Oh, it would be great if my son was like Qin Yuan, but you can't say this in front of a man, or you will be beaten to death!

"Don't talk nonsense, I can't read, but my son is smart, and he will definitely be able to read good books in the future, much better than you money-losers! What's the use of women reading! Bah!" Li Sheng said and stared at his son, but looked When the precious son Du Miaomiao rubbed his nose with Sabi, he looked like Dad, what did you say.

Li Sheng: "..."

"Parents can't do it, don't you have a sister? It's hard to have a daughter who is admitted to high school. What does it mean to ascend to heaven alone! Then, after going to high school and working hard, it is impossible to go to university. A university, ouch, then It's different."

Qin Yu is very confident and calmly draws a grand blueprint: "As soon as a college student graduates, as long as he is not lazy, he can find a job, not to mention that Li's mother has trained Xiaoyun to be so hardworking, capable and willing to endure hardships. In the future, he will work in the society and earn three to four thousand a month. , Find another boyfriend to get married and buy a house in the town or city. Wouldn’t that save face? Yes! At least for Xiaodoudou, when he was in primary school, his sister was in high school, she couldn’t study, you can ask her , My sister is admitted to university, what will he think? He must also think that he is going to enter university, just like his sister. "

Anyway, she won't tell them that prices will skyrocket in a few years, and three or four thousand can only eat dirt.

"This person, people are more popular than others, and you have to throw away when you compare goods. No one compares, no one learns. He will always be with some garbage, and will always be influenced by useless people. What can he do?"

"What is Xiaoyun's role? It is to be a teacher and a role model for Xiaodou. Only when his sister leads the way can he walk the right way. After junior high school, high school, and university, he will work in the city after graduation. He will work as a white-collar worker, drink coffee, take the elevator, and Airplane, marry a girl from the city, and the children are also city children.”

white collar? coffee? elevator? What the hell? But it sounds very advanced when you hear it, and people who have read it are different.

But this is something that only those who are good at studying know. Those sons of bitches in the village who have bad grades don't understand anything.

Both Li Sheng and Li's mother's eyes glowed, and after staring at Li Xiaodou, their eyes turned green again.

Li Xiaodou: "..."

Suddenly shivering.

Finally, Qin Yu added: "Of course, you will think that it is the same when your daughter is married, and you can still take care of your younger brother and set her an example, so I can only hehe~ The water that a married daughter pours out, the teaching It's my own child, why don't you care about your younger brother, I just want to care about it, uncle, can you beat your son-in-law?"

Li Sheng: My waist hurts a little, and the dog forced the police to press the ground and toss it!

After talking about this, it was almost over, Qin Yu coughed, "Hey, I'm a little thirsty, Auntie, do you have any tea?"

Mother Li came back to her senses, "Yes, yes, you are waiting."

Qin Yu turned to look at Li Sheng: "Uncle, can I still go in and see Xiaoyun? Either you stay in the room for a few more days, it's actually fine, and your skin will be better if you eat, drink, and sleep in the room for a few days. I'm afraid that she won't be able to think about it. I didn’t study, got married and had children. In fact, high school is also very hard. I get up earlier than a chicken, and I’m tired of studying than a dog. The big investment returns big. In the future, two college students will be a family, sister and brother will join hands, and the village will be the only one~~ "

Li Sheng stared at the words, "How dare she not study well! Her brother still counts on her!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked open the door, cursed a few words, and then asked her what high school she could go to?

He also scolded her for her poor grades and not being able to go to a good high school.

In the end, I realized that I didn't understand these things at all, and then I saw that the two top grades were here, and I somehow felt that this money-losing product didn't look very good, and it might make these two good students Be her good friend, and even get her on the Pugao line, which shows that my Li Sheng's roots are still good, if my son can do it too.

His heart was agitated, and he asked Qin Yu to take care of it, and went out for a drink leisurely.

After a while, Qin Yu also drank tea from Mama Li, the most stingy in the village.

Li Yuan and Li Xiaoyun were still looking at her with a very shocked and admiring look.

That kind of look will also be called ten years later-worshiping the god of MLM.

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