I Just Want To Farm

Chapter 118 Can't Take Anything With You (There's another update today, I accidentally pos

It is not far away, but it is not the Luo family's turn to fully grasp, his power is not so abnormal.

What Uncle Zhang said was just to counter what he said just now.

The old man usually wouldn't lose his composure like this, unless he really panicked.

Sincerely, I worked hard for Qin Feng, and also for Qin Feng's daughter.

Luo Sen was indifferent, but looked at Wen Qixin who had been silent.

"What is Mrs. Qin thinking?"

Wen Qixin looked at Uncle Zhang, "What else did you hide from me, or what did Qin Yu tell you to hide from me?"

Uncle Zhang said with a straight face: "Bug, I have heard everything I need to listen to, and I have also recorded it. If the eldest lady is really killed and the husband does not wake up, I will retaliate at all costs, including you, madam. You will understand what it means Great pain."

Wen Qixin knew that she had to pay some responsibility for Qin Yu's robbery this time.

Including some things from that year.

That person noticed Qin Feng and Lin Su because of her.

She was silent, and finally said: "I know he is fake."

Rosen was startled, and subconsciously looked at Wen Liang who was sitting in the car behind and watched by the bodyguards.

That's fake?

He really didn't notice it, maybe no one noticed it, but Wen Qixin

"He doesn't have the heart of being a father, but he also underestimates me as a mother."

Wen Qixin lowered her eyes, and said lightly: "Whether Qin Yu is found or not, I will come out about this matter. Nothing will happen to the Qin family, and he... I will definitely kill him."

Uncle Zhang didn't speak.

But Wen Qixin's cell phone rang.

"Found it! In an abandoned fish farm." Wen Qixin's people found the place first, and all the people scattered nearby got on Che Wang's fish farm, but in the car, the three of Wen Qixin also knew about the fish farm The lower space is sealed—the door is locked, and water is still coming out.

What the hell is going on inside?

When they arrived at the fish farm, Uncle Zhang was the first to rush out, Luo Sen was the second, and Wen Qixin was a woman, so his movements were not as fast as the two of them, but looking around the abandoned and desolate fish farm, he finally saw the thick and heavy man who was forcibly dealt with by everyone with tools. door.

"It's filling with water, it's full!"

full of water? The people in there! ! !

Everyone's face changed.

"No, there is still sound! Someone is knocking inside! Quick!"

"Mr. Luo, Mrs. Qin, step back first!"

Wen Qixin only retreated a dozen steps

boom! It broke open, and water gushed out like a mountain torrent.


There were a lot of people handling the finishing touches at the scene, and there were also a lot of policemen. The car drove to the hospital, Zhao Tienan sent first aid, Qin Yu and Xi Jing were lighter, but weak, with many minor injuries.

It is rare for doctors and nurses to see such a beautiful woman as Xi Jing, but she has a cool tenacity, and she is very gentle and meticulous when taking care of her.

But Xi Jing asked about Zhao Tienan.

"Officer Zhao is in the emergency room, but the injury is not fatal. There shouldn't be a big problem. Miss Xi doesn't need to worry too much."

Xi Jing's expression relaxed a little, but he also asked about Qin Yu.

When Qin Yu was mentioned, the doctor and nurse fell silent.


On the aisle, Qin Yu sat there with her head down, no one dared to approach her.

Whether it's the police or Uncle Zhang and the others.

In such a long aisle, she sat alone, neither crying nor talking, just sitting like that.

Even Jiaojiao never said a word to her.

It is not necessarily all joy after a catastrophe-if ​​someone else dies.

Qin Gou is dead.

When the water rushed out, the only three survivors surprised everyone, but Qin Gou, who died tragically, and Qin Yu, who was holding Qin Gou, silenced them.

In some processes, the results are always obtained after the police inquire about the case and conduct a detailed investigation, but at this time in the hospital

Qin Yu didn't want to talk.

She was silent for an hour, then stood up, walked to the other end of the aisle, crossed her arms and looked at Wen Qixin outside silently.

Hearing Qin Yu's footsteps, she turned her head to look. She saw Qin Yu.

At that time, the four eyes were facing each other, and the two people who had a gap in their hearts probably understood each other's pain.

So they chatted secretly for an hour, and then Wen Qixin made several secret phone calls, and soon all the cases related to Li Chen were fully taken over by the secret department.

Three days later, Qin Yu returned to the Qin family.

The sun was shining brightly, the haze of the Qin family dissipated, and everything began to be orderly. Uncle Zhang arranged everything for the Qin family, and he also wanted Qin Yu to take over the entire Qin family, but he was not in a hurry.

Because Qin Yu's current state is a bit strange.

The villa, Qin Gou's.

In the cold silence, Qin Yu pushed the door open and went in to his room.

He has left this room since the night she was attacked, and has never given him a warm room for so many years.

This is a prison.

But when Qin Yu went in, he found a notebook on the table.

Qin Yu took the notebook and remained silent for a long time. After leaving the villa and in the yard, she dared not open it until it was in the sun.

Is it his notes over the years?

Not really, but a new notebook that was only recorded once.

There are not many words recorded this time, and the content is roughly as follows.

"Sister, even if it's you, there are many things I dare not say, I can't say it, but I didn't lie to you - when you hit me, I was really happy, but I had to pretend to be angry, Are my acting skills good? They didn’t see it, and I’m afraid that people will see it when other boys are bullied by their sisters. We were like this when we were young, you always bullied me, but You always protect me. But these years, I have gradually forgotten some things. I am afraid that I have forgotten. If I forget, will I become very fierce when I meet you in the future? They all say that I am bad , be bad to them, I don't care but I don't want to be bad in front of you and you will be angry, I'm afraid you will be angry. When he came to take me away, I knew I had no way out, so I wrote these. I I don't know if you can see it, it doesn't matter, I just want to leave something behind. Although I can't take anything with me."

There is no mention of any harm done to him by anyone, nor of the pain his miserable life has caused him.

He ended it so lightly.

In front of him, like a child, he was slurring his sentences and recording what he wanted to say.

His last words.

Although I can't take anything with me.

Qin Yu closed his eyes and leaned back, exposing his whole body to the sunlight.

Jiaojiao said: "Xiaoyu, the task is completed, and the dungeon is also completed. Jinbi asks when you are willing to return."

Qin Yu didn't answer, he thought she wouldn't answer again, but she said: "I'm not a good person, and I don't want to meet anyone who treats me well, do you know why?"

Is this unchanged?

Jiaojiao asked, "Why?"

Qin Yu said: "Because once they leave, I can't bear it."

Jiaojiao cried.

At the same time, Uncle Zhang happily told Qin Yu that Qin Feng woke up!

Qin Yu hung up the phone, closed his eyes, and cried too.

You didn't take anything away, but you brought him back. Are you afraid that I will be bullied?

It's really Saby.

Last night I wanted to schedule today’s one, but I sent it directly, because today I have to go to the classmate reunion, and I stayed up late last night to catch up with the two shifts. I feel so sorry for me, and I want to chop pig’s feet, so I made one shift~~/( ㄒo ㄒ)/~~~~

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