I Just Want To Deliver a Normal Takeaway

I just want to deliver a normal takeaway Chapter 322

The concept of "if you don't fight now, wait when" has already become a reason for young people to motivate themselves in this impetuous and quick success society.

Of course, if the job you get happens to be the job you like the most and the least boring, your motivation will naturally be much higher than that of your colleagues around you.

Machida Sonoko, who is a literary lover, happens to be such a person. The negative working environment around her does not affect her enthusiasm. Whether it is reading or reviewing articles, it is a kind of enjoyment for her.

Well, except for extremely bad works.

Recently, Machida Sonoko, who has been in the workplace for nearly five years, has vaguely seen signs that her immediate boss seems to want to promote herself.

Because in addition to the normal work of the library, she was also assigned to be the editor in charge of the company's comics industry.

Although her understanding of comics is not as deep as that of novels, she has relatively rich work experience and can easily dig out the market selling points from comics, so as to determine whether and how likely a work is to be sought after by the market.

The company has been focusing on the light novel industry, but because resources will be redistributed to other companies in the process of this industry, which increases the company's operating costs and also reduces the profits of the company and the comic book authors.

Ever since, under the policy of increasing support for the comics industry in recent years, Undead Sichuan Library has also tentatively started to operate comics, seizing a very small part of the market. From the perspective of success, the creation of comics clubs and The operation has been successful, but not very successful!

And her current job is to dig out more and better works to create a reputation for the company's comics industry.

Sonoko Machida is very clear that the goal of Immortal River Bunko is to create a complete set of industrial chains in her own hands, which can not only reduce costs, but also greatly improve the company's position in the industry.

There are two jobs in hand, but Machida Sonoko is not much busier than before, after all, the creation speed of manga authors is not as fast as that of light novel authors.

To give a very simple example, it takes about 2 years for a smooth-thinking light novel author to create and revise the content of a medium-length novel; The comics may take five or six years...

Of course, the premise here must be that the author does not drag the manuscript, otherwise he may be bound by the rein called mahjong like a certain 'hunter'.

In addition to urging manuscripts and reviewing submitted manuscripts, she usually has nothing to do most of the time, and now she can use this part of the time to review comic manuscripts.

In the building of the Immortal River Library, Machida Sonoko opened the door of the reception room, walked in with the documents from the regular meeting just finished, and warmly greeted the girl on the sofa.

"Do you have a clue about Teacher Xia Shizi's new book?"


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu shook his head slowly, "I have no inspiration recently, and I have cut down a dozen chapters of the outline of the new book."

"Even if this is the case, you should pay attention to rest, and don't tire yourself out."

"Okay, that's all for the gossip. Editor Machida, you came to me to talk about animation, right?"

"That's right, because of the good sales, the company has licensed the manga and animation this time and will proceed simultaneously. The manga will be handed over to the manga agency under our library, and the animation company has basically been determined." Machida Yuanzi thought for a while and said solemnly: "But for the design of Mr. Xia Shizi's work...have you found a suitable person? The company has already started to press, and this matter was mentioned in the regular meeting this morning."


Seeing Kasumigaoka Shiwa's silence, Machida Sonoko didn't know the specific situation and made no progress at all.

After a long silence, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu shook his head.

"I tried to contact teacher 'Fenglin', but the other party didn't reply me any information."

"Sure enough..." Sonoko Machida sighed, "The company has also contacted the teacher, but Teacher Fenglin also didn't reply. The biggest problem now is that we don't have the identity of a trusted teacher 'Fenglin' ​​at all. The source, the Internet is full of fake Fenglin teacher posts, but according to our research, we found that these are all fake, just to gain attention. In fact, it can be seen from the style of those design drawings Coming out is far from the real Fenglin teacher."

Why didn't Xiazhiqiu Shiyu investigate? But just like Machida Sonoko said, there are so many information about Mr. Fenglin on the Internet, and she has no energy to do other things after just screening a dozen of them.

"If it really doesn't work, we may have to entrust other work to do the design and production." Sonoko Machida said the plan discussed this morning, "Mr. Fenglin feels that he should not like the conditions offered by our company. I reported this to the people above, and they also said that they would consider increasing the stakes, but they still have to prepare for the worst.”

"If there is really no other way, that's the only way to do it." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu got up and said: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first, and I have to go to class in the afternoon."

"Okay, I'm also going downstairs to deal with some comics." Machida Sonoko glanced at his watch and nodded.

"Ah?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was taken aback, "Aren't you in charge of light novels?"

"That's right, but recently I got a new job, which I like very much, and it can improve my ability." Sonoko Machida smiled, "Recently, a teacher came to submit an article, and it was really scary at that time. It made me jump."

"What's the matter? Is it a famous artist?"

"No, it's a little girl who looks thirteen or fourteen years old, but she is very good both in terms of painting style and plot. She is very likely to be the winner of this year's awards. I am also very optimistic about it."

Because Kasumigaoka Shiyu is a best-selling author under the company, it's okay to tell the other party some things.

After hearing that, Kasumigaoka Shiwa was also surprised. To get such an evaluation from Machida Sonoko, a strict editor, the other party's future cannot be underestimated.

"This is a good opportunity. Then I wish you a high promotion. If you have the opportunity, please introduce us. I am also very interested."


Downstairs of the building of Undead River Library, a touch of gold stands out among the crowd.

Blonde, blue eyes, standard western features but an oriental face.

Yinglili was sitting on a chair outside the lobby door of the building with a cup of sundae at this time, eating. I don't know if she was eating too much or something. Yinglili made a strange whimpering sound from her mouth, her eyes were tightly closed up.


"Miss Yinglili?"


Hearing someone calling her, Ying Lili, who lost her composure, immediately stood up from the chair. There was still a faint chill in her neck, but she tried her best to hold back the discomfort and began to manage her expressions.

Sometimes being a lady is also a very tiring thing.

When Ying Lili saw the person in front of her crookedly, she grinned.

"Why...how is it you?"

That's right, the person calling Ying Lili was Chen Feng who brought Ruijier to sign the contract.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Ying Lili, holding Rachel's hand.

"Chen... Chen Feng, good morning." Ying Lili's little face was a little red, because the meeting between the two reminded her of her own gaffe when they met in the mall last time, but compared with the last time, This time, Chen Feng didn't wear a mask, and...

Who is that child with him? It feels so cute...

"Aren't you wearing a mask?"

"Uh..." When Chen Feng heard this sentence, he felt chills on his back and shook his head, "The acne on my face is gone, so there is no need to wear it. By the way, does Miss Yinglili not have class in the morning? How did you come here?"

"Ah, I'm here to accompany...Accompany a friend to do some business, and I want to talk about something by the way."

She was already extremely disappointed in An Yilun, she just wanted to pay off her debt quickly and run away, but she didn't expect that An Yilun would commit murder on the street, and what was even more ridiculous was that she was given Anti-killed.

Since An Yilun disappeared, the relationship between Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and her has warmed up extremely quickly, and the two are now very good friends.

Except for being poisoned by that fat woman from time to time, everything else is pretty good.

"By the way, who is this kid?"

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