I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 441: The First Person in History

"The winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Economics is Mr. David Sugarman." Dean Stern Grossen was the first to announce the economics prize.

"In recent decades, the Nobel Prize in Economics has almost been contracted by Americans or scholars working in the United States." Shen Qi commented on the newly announced winners of the economics prize.

"Are you still in the mood to comment on others?" Ouye looked more nervous than Shen Qi.

"Actually, the results of the six categories of Nobel Prizes have come out, and I am calmer than ever." Shen Qi took a sip of plain water from his teacup, and then gave Ouye a sip.

"Mr. Sugarman is a professor of mathematics at Northwestern University in the United States. He has made outstanding contributions to macroeconomics. His main achievements are..." Dean Stern Grossen stated Sugarman in a few minutes. Because of the reasons for the award, Sugarman was the only one selected for the economics award this year.

Sugarman himself was not at the press conference in Stockholm, and none of the Nobel Prize candidates was there.

The list of Nobel Prize winners is announced today, and a grand award ceremony will be held in Sweden on December 10. The King of Sweden will present the Nobel Prize winners to the winners.

Immediately afterwards, Dean Stern Grossen announced the name of the winner of the literary award. She is the Canadian female writer Margaret Atwood, whose masterpieces are "The Handmaid's Tale", "The Blind Assassin", "The Antelope and the Seedlings". chicken".

Margaret Atwood, like Haruki Murakami, is a popular candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature every year, but fails to win the Nobel Prize every year.

Mrs. Margaret, who is over 80 years old this year, finally won the award. She should be very happy.

The third announcement is the Physiology and Medicine Award.

Shen Qi was very concerned about this award.

This year's Physiology and Medicine Prize was jointly awarded to two American scientists for their important research contributions to the mechanism of innate immunity.

The two recipients of the Medicine Prize are from Harvard University and the Scripps Research Institute in California.

Are you an expert in the immune mechanism? I'll visit another day... Shen Qi secretly wrote down the names and institutions of the two medical award winners.

"Three awards, four people, three Americans, one Canadian lady, this year is another victory for North America." Shen Qi said to Ouye.

"Working in the United States, it seems easier to win awards." After all, Ouye has lived in the United States. She knows that the United States has the world's largest scientific research resources, very good institutional support and a relaxed scientific research environment. Working in the United States, winning awards is indeed Make it easier.

Shen Qi's competitors for the Nobel Prize include many Americans and foreign scholars working in the United States.

If he was still in Princeton, he would have a better chance of winning the award... Ouye held Shen Qi's palm tightly, conveying the power of love to Shen Qi.

Shen Qi didn't answer, and in the live broadcast, Dean Stern Grossen was about to announce the name of the chemistry prize winner.

Dean Stern Grossen said: "The winners of this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry are Mr. Exa Lister and Mr. Matt Fiers. They have made outstanding achievements in biomolecular research..."

"It's from the United States again. People in Europe, Asia and Africa have a very weak sense of existence..." Shen Qi appeared to be as stable as a dog, but his heart began to struggle.

This year's Nobel Prize, the United States is very strong.

The two chemistry prize winners are both from Stanford University in the United States. They are biologists, one of them is an American, and the other is a New Zealander working in the United States.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry is sometimes awarded to physicists and sometimes to biologists.

The two disciplines of biology and chemistry intersect very closely. The two newly announced winners of the Chemistry Prize are actually biochemists.

Finally, the most tangled moment is coming.

The last award announced by the Swedish side was for physics.

It was rumored before that Shen Qi might win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

I don't deserve the chemistry award... Shen Qi's only hope is the physics award, and he also hopes to win the physics award first. This is a task set by the system.

At this time, Shen Qi found that the originally noisy downstairs had become extremely quiet. He walked quickly to the window, listening to the voice of the Swedish director on the computer, and looked downstairs.

The crowd downstairs, standing, squatting, sitting on the ground, in various postures, everyone is holding a mobile phone, not talking, just staring at the mobile phone screen intently.

After receiving the Nobel Prize, Shen Qi can walk out of the building in a splendid manner, and give his acceptance speech in front of a group of friends from the media.

It's okay if you don't get the Nobel Prize. The Fields Medal winner is still the Fields Medal winner, and no one will blame Shen Qi.

"The winner of this year's Nobel Prize in Physics is..." Dean Stern Grossen's Nordic heavy metal-style English came from the computer speakers. This Swedish old man is more like a big boss today, and the whole world is watching him live broadcast.

Shen Qi stopped watching the live broadcast, and only listened to the sound.

Dean Stern Grossen announced the answer: "They are Mr. Yanni Stegar, Mr. Ronald Bloom, and Mr. Shen Qi."

"Me?" Shen Qi quickly turned around and rushed to the computer.

"It's you, Qi, it's you!" Ouye hugged Shen Qi and gnawed, leaving lip marks on Shen Qi's cheeks, chin and earlobes.



"Is that you, Shen Qi, is that you?"

"It's him, it's him, Academician Shen!"

"Win the prize, the Nobel Prize!"

"Congratulations, Academician Shen!"

"Get the Philippine Prize first, and then the Nobel Prize. The first person in history is indeed Academician Shen the best!"

The crowd downstairs boiled, and the eruption after the silence was deafening.

It was so noisy outside that Shen Qi couldn't hear what the old Swedish man was saying.

Shen Qi closed the window tightly, it was still noisy.

So Shen Qi plugged the earphones into the computer case, put the R earbuds in his ears, and gave the L earbuds to Ouye.

The couple snuggled together, happy, happy, and thrilled.

Dean Stern Grossen continued to state the reason for the award: "Mr. Yanni Sderga and Mr. Ronald Bloom from the University of Cambridge have made great achievements in astrophysics. The study of the central engine of the Mara Ray Burst is their main contribution..."

Two astrophysicists from Cambridge, one French and the other Belgian, jointly won the Nobel Prize in Physics for a research topic, and the European side finally won an award.

Finally, Dean Stern Grossen said: "Mr. Shen Qi from Yenching University, he has made pioneering contributions in condensed matter physics."

"He proposes a general law, complexity in condensed matter physics, that follows topology's classification of defects in order-parameter spaces to establish ordered media."

"He established the order-disorder phase transition rules of complex oxides, and derived the relevant basic equations of mathematical physics, namely the Shen-Qi phase transition rules and Shen-Qi equations recognized by the international physics community."

"He demonstrated the inhomogeneity of the amorphous structure on the nanometer to micrometer scale."

"After verification by the international physics community and the review committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, we believe that Mr. Shen Qi's innovative theoretical principles have extensive and important practical applications."

Hearing this, Ouye touched his heart: "Steady, steady."

Shen Qi touched Ouye's heart: "If my wife is stable, I will be stable."

"Huh, our American friend, Princeton partner Professor Clark didn't win the award?" Shen Qi gradually calmed down from his excitement. Clark is actually a good man, a pretty good American scientist.

Princeton really supported Shen Qi to win the award. Professor Haldane's team called for Shen Qi, but their own seed player Clark failed.

Dean Stern Grossen made a final summary: "Congratulations to the above-mentioned winners. We will be waiting for you in Stockholm for the award ceremony on December 10. Thank you. Today's press conference is over."

Boom boom boom!

Someone knocked on the door of Shen Qi's office.

"Who?" Shen Qi shouted.

"Boss Shen, congratulations on winning the Nobel Prize, come out and show off!" The person outside the door was Xiao Junlong.

"Wait a minute." Shen Qi tidied up his clothes, and Ouye also helped tidy up.

"Honey, I'm very happy today." Shen Qi said to Ouye.

"Super happy, isn't it?" Ouye smiled with tears, happy tears.

"I am very happy today, as happy as the day I won the Philippine Award. In my life, the Philippine Award Day and the Nobel Prize Day are tied for the second happiest day, and the number one is our wedding day." Shen Qi finished her hair , holding Ouye's hand, and walked towards the gate.



(Four more 10,000 words are sent, and the ticket is here!)

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