I Just Want to Be a Quiet Top Student

Chapter 439 Communication (Second Change)

Never has the same person won the Fields Medal twice.

In the history of the Nobel Prize, a total of four people have won the Nobel Prize twice.

The most famous is Madame Curie, she has won the Physics Prize and the Chemistry Prize.

Those who are most dedicated to this major are John Bardeen and Fred Sanger, who have won two physics awards and two chemistry awards respectively.

The most successful cross-border is the American chemist Pauling. Shortly after he won the Chemistry Prize, he won the Peace Prize.

From the Philippine Award to the Nobel Prize, there has never been anyone who has won the Philippine Award and the Nobel Prize.

Mr. Nobel did not set up a mathematics prize back then, which gave Shen Qi a chance to make history.

Lu, vice president of the Academy of Numerology, asked Shen Qi: "The Nobel Prize is about to be drawn. Are you hopeful?"

"Keep hope and accept the reality." Shen Qi said, looking calm.

Don't be excited, and don't be under too much ideological pressure, otherwise the vitality will drop again.

Old Lu got excited, and gave Shen Qi a set of writing, with four words in total: success will come soon.

Shen Qi recently practiced calligraphy, and he gave Lao Lu a gift of calligraphy in return: success or failure turned around, and the green hills are still there.

"As for the idiom Solitaire, you have a good attitude, just like writing with a brush. Look, the drawing of the idiom must be vigorous and integrated." After becoming the vice president, Lao Lu devoted himself to the study of calligraphy, and maintained the same mentality. good.

Shen Qi and Lao Lu have studied calligraphy all day long, so they must practice their calligraphy well and don't panic when signing.

After finishing writing the Tongque Terrace Fu, Shen Qi received a piece of news, which surprised him a bit.

The team of Duncan Haldane from the Department of Physics of Princeton will visit the capital of China in the near future and conduct friendly visits in Yanda and Shuimu.

The organization department is neither Yanda nor Mizuki, but the Chinese Physical Society.

"What is the intention of Haldane's team to come to China at this time?" Shen Qi waited quietly for the arrival of Haldane's team.

At the end of August, Haldane and his party of seven arrived in the capital, including three Nobel Prize winners in physics, Haldane and two of his students.

The first stop of Haldane's team was Yanda University. Under the arrangement of the Chinese Physics Society, they came to Yanda University.

The president of Yanda University, the director of Shen Qi Mathematical Sciences Research Center, and the dean of the Academy of Physics received Haldane and his party.

"Duncan, have you been to China before?" Shen Qi accompanied Haldane on a tour of the Yanda campus. President Lu and Dean Ning of the School of Physics followed behind them, accompanying Haldane's two Nobel Prize students.

Haldane said: "I have been to China, but this is the first time I have come to PKU. Oh, a very beautiful school."

Shen Qi asked as he walked, "I think your coming to China at this time is not just to appreciate the beautiful scenery of PKU?"

The chubby Haldane said with a smile: "Oh, of course, my team wants to communicate with you about some topics."

Shen Qi asked again: "Which subject?"

Haldane: "Metal plastic."

"Okay, I'd be happy to communicate with you." Shen Qixin said that Princeton's Nobel laureate is tough, and came to my door to grab my job.

Looking back, Principal Lu, Dean Ning and Haldane's two Nobel Prize students were talking and laughing happily.

Including Haldane, none of the three Nobel Prize winners from the American team were nominated for this year's Nobel Prize.

Haldane's team's only nominee for the Nobel Prize in Physics this year is Harry Clarke.

Accompanying Harry Clark was Shen Qi's student Yang Dingtian.

"Hey Yang, you're young." Clark is a passionate, middle-aged white American of Irish descent.

Yang Dingtian nodded: "Hmm."

Clark obviously spoke more than Yang Dingtian: "Yang, you speak English well."

Yang Dingtian: "Hmm."

Clark said with great interest: "Before I came here, I also learned Chinese."

"Hey, have you eaten yet?" Clark said this sentence in Chinese, which is quite standard.

"I can't eat it." Yang Dingtian responded in Chinese.

Clark was a little puzzled: "Can't eat, why? Are you sick?"

After strolling around the campus, everyone came to the conference lecture hall of the Institute of Physics and Technology, and entered the theme of this academic exchange.

Shen Qi took the lead in speaking on behalf of the Chinese side: "I very much welcome the arrival of Professor Haldane's scientific research team. The news I got before is that the two sides will conduct a comprehensive discussion on condensed matter physics. We have also prepared some meeting materials. And just now Professor Erdan told me that everyone wants to focus on the subdivision of metal and plastic. Then we go directly to the metal and plastic segment?"

"Okay, let's do it," Haldane said.

"As the host, let's start first." Shen Qi glanced at Yang Dingtian.

Yang Dingtian, who had already been prepared, stood up and started to play the PPT. He made a report on behalf of Shen Qi's team.

Perhaps one of the purposes of Haldane's visit to China this time is to show off the students.

Who can't show students? Shen Qi also has students with unique talents and unique roots.

This PPT was made by Yang Dingtian, and he probably knows more about the specific experimental data of the FASTER project than Shen Qi.

Yang Dingtian is very familiar with the PPT he made, and he reported smoothly: "In the first half of this year, our laboratory successfully prepared a metal plastic of the cerium-aluminum-copper system, with a Tg of 349K, a τ1 of 129.8ps, and an I1 of 16.9%... the experimental data It shows that this material has the possibility of commercialization, and it is predicted that it can be used in civilian fields such as automobiles and home appliances. Thank you, my report is over."

After Yang Dingtian finished his report and sat down, Shen Qi looked at a group of American physicists across the conference table: "Next, let the American experts ask questions or express your valuable opinions."

The American expert who asked the question first was Clark: "Hey, Yang, isn't the PPT you reported just now the article in "Physics Today"? We are very familiar with that article and have read it a few months ago."

Shen Qi spread his hands and said: "We haven't made any significant progress in the past few months. Our latest research result is the article reported on "Physics Today."

Shen Qi instructed Yang Dingtian to share yesterday's news with the American team, not because of lack of sincerity.

The latest research progress of the FASTER project needs to be kept strictly confidential. It is impossible for Shen Qi to share the national scientific research secrets with outsiders at this time.

Haldane's team is very sincere. They shared the latest research results two weeks ago with the Chinese team.

Of course, this output was the latest result two weeks ago, and it is the latest that the US claims.

The U.S. side was given a report by Clark: "Our laboratory successfully prepared a metal-plastic with a cerium-niobium binary system two weeks ago, with a Tg of 340K, a τ1 of 127.2ps, and an I1 of 20.1%. In the atmosphere, the metal-plastic sample of the cerium-niobium binary system is precisely processed at a scale of 100 microns, and the outline of the obtained micro-gear is clear and complete, and the scale is accurate. This shows that this metal-plastic has a good charge in the supercooled liquid phase region. Modelability, and the strength of the sample is high enough. Please see the actual picture.”

100 microns is 0.1 mm, and it is difficult for the naked eye to see parts of this scale.

In the physical picture Clark showed, the gear with a diameter of 100 microns was enlarged to the extent that the human eye could see it clearly.

Naturally, it is impossible for the American team to show all the experimental details and core parameters, so they shared the conclusive results with Shen Qi's team.

Shen Qi's heart skipped a beat, he was a little nervous and stressed.

It was agreed to put down the mental pressure during the recovery period, but Shen Qi couldn't help it. The research results that Clark showed didn't look like a fraud. The research and development progress of the Princeton team on high-end metal plastic materials is ahead of Shen Qi's team.

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