100 years ago, any mathematical problem could be explained clearly to an interested ordinary person.

Today, some mathematical problems are difficult to explain even to most professional mathematicians.

One of them is the Hodge conjecture, which was proposed by the British mathematician Sir Hodge in 1950:

"Every (of a certain type) harmonic and differential form on a nonsingular projective algebraic variety is a rational combination of the cohomology class of an algebraically closed chain."

Whether it is Chinese, English or other languages, it is difficult to read Hodge's conjecture in one breath.

Whoever can understand even a technical term in this sentence can definitely dominate the class.

"I have studied counting for decades. From a student to director of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Yanda Mathematics Institute, I have also conceived the role of mathematical analysis methods in Hodge's conjecture, but it has not been able to be implemented. Why can't it be implemented, because only Knowing numbers and points cannot prove Hodge's conjecture, and it is even difficult to understand Hodge's conjecture." Lu Guozhen said with emotion, and then added: "Fortunately, I know a little algebraic geometry and understand Hodge's conjecture. It's OK for me."

Shen Qi said: "Hodge's conjecture looks so profound and unsolvable. If you go back to the source, no matter how difficult it is, you can find the law through calculus. The most basic tools can often solve the most profound problems. The key is The people who use the tools and how they are used. Mathematical analysis is the basic mathematical tool, differential is the jack, integral is the torque wrench, and progression is the screwdriver. As long as the tools are used well, even the toughest car can be dismantled.”

Lu Guozhen dipped his fingers in some tea and sketched an abstract figure on the desktop seemingly aimlessly: "But we use calculus to define an object, and the defined object is not necessarily geometric."

Shen Qi wiped off the water marks on the table, and asked, "Director Lu, what is Huo Qi's other name?"

Lu Guozhen patted his forehead: "Hodge's conjecture is geometry without figures."

Shen Qi smiled and said: "Yes, another way of thinking, we can propose Hodge's conjecture from the integrals along the generalized path on the algebraic variety. If some of these integrals are zero, then there exists an energy in this path class. A path described by a polynomial equation."

Lu Guozhen realized that Shen Qi's thinking was more reliable, so he patted his chest and asked for Ying: "Tell me, what do you want me to do? Counting me, I can mobilize about seven or eight backbone members of Yanda."

"Three or four more will be transferred, just enough to make up a football team."

"I'm just the director of the teaching and research section. Do you think I'm the dean? Shen Qi, what teams are included in the team you formed this time?"

"The two doctoral students I lead at Princeton are in charge of the algebraic geometry section, the Morningside Mathematics Center is in charge of the topology section, and Director Lu and your backbone team are in charge of the mathematical analysis section."

"You cast a wide net, Chief Designer Shen Qi." Lu Guozhen saw some clues, and he continued: "Shen Qi, one of the two doctoral students you lead at Pudong University is a Chinese student. Bar?"

Shen Qi said: "That's right, my two students, one is Chinese and the other is American."

"In your vision, two top universities in China and the United States plus a scientific research institution are divided into three sections to overcome Hodge's conjecture, and finally complete the successful meeting under your integration. Mathematicians participating in this century project amount to More than a dozen people, including an American doctoral student, and the rest are all Chinese...Shen Qi, it seems that your strategic focus is gradually shifting to China, and I absolutely support you." Lu Guozhen analyzed Shen Qi strategic intentions.

"In the transitional stage, let's take it step by step." Shen Qi has his plan. Before returning home, he wants to present a generous gift to his motherland. Hodge guesses that this project is a good gift.

The main person in charge of the conquered Riemann Hypothesis project was Shen Qi. At that time, the team included Chinese, Germans, Swedes, and Israelis. With the strong support of American academic forces, they completed a feat in the history of mathematics. Proved the Riemann Hypothesis.

Now when people mention the Riemann Hypothesis, the most common comment is: "A Chinese mathematical genius led an international team and made history in the United States."

Although mathematics knows no borders, Shen Qi's wish is to lead a Chinese team to make history again.

Regarding the new project Hodge Conjecture, Shen Qi and his Princeton team have a total of three people, Lu Guozhen and his Yanda team have seven or eight people, Director Wu and his Morningside Mathematics Center team have five or six people.

For basic mathematics research, setting up a special research team of 16 or 17 people for a subject is definitely a grand occasion.

In this luxurious lineup, only Shen Qi's student Ralph is an American doctoral student, and the rest are Chinese mathematics workers. This should be regarded as a Chinese team.

Hodge's conjecture is a project with a huge workload, and the feasibility study before the project is approved is essential.

The two small teams of Lu Guozhen and Director Wu immediately carried out intensive feasibility study work, and after completing the feasibility study report, they will apply to the relevant departments for project approval, which will take several months.

"Hodge guesses that this project has already started operation. What about the other set of three difficult problems?" Shen Qi returned to the hotel, wrote down the N-S equation, the P versus NP problem, and the Yang-Mie equation on paper, and stared at the problem. Staring at them in a daze, helpless.

The outside world believes that the most difficult of the seven millennium problems is the Hodge conjecture, while Shen Qi believes that the most difficult is the P versus NP problem, followed by the N-S equation and the Yang-Mie equation.

"The level of physics is still a bit low. Two of the four earthquake prediction points are correct, and there is no news about the other two." Shen Qi has been frantically accumulating physics knowledge this year. Looking for a breakthrough, it is best to upgrade to another level.

"One of the conditions for upgrading from level 12 to level 13 in physics is to work as a physics professor for at least one year. Where can I find such a job?"

Shen Qi is currently a professor of mathematics at Pudong University, a visiting professor of mathematics at Yanda University, and a senior mathematics consultant at the Morningside Mathematics Center.

The fact that Shen Qi can have three prominent identities in the field of mathematics at the same time is because Shen Qi has achieved world-renowned achievements in mathematics.

Shen Qi has also made certain achievements in physics. One of his papers on condensed matter physics was published on PRL, and another paper on seismology model was published on "Science".

"My physics doctoral thesis "On Complexity" has been submitted to PRL for some time. I don't know what stage it is?"

Shen Qi entered PRL's submission system to check the review progress of the paper "On Complexity".

PRL's submission system shows: Accepted.

The system flashed the information, because the host published a paper in a physics journal with an IF value of 7.872, and was rewarded with 393,600 Xueba points.

"Two PRL papers, one "Science", I wonder if there is a chance to get the title of physics professor?" Shen Qi left the hotel and wandered around the campus of Yanda University looking for opportunities.

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