I Just Become The Richest Man: Received an Admission Letter from Hogwarts

Chapter 234 The inexplicable prophecy of the divination class (please subscribe for flowers)

"Be quiet, ladies and gentlemen, because the train is late and we're a little short on time today."

Professor McGonagall said, pressing her hands together.

Everyone slowly quieted down, because the main source of noise was in Gryffindor.

And Professor McGonagall happened to be the professor that Gryffindor lions were more afraid of.

But Professor McGonagall could only come in second, with Snape in first.

Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction and said loudly:

"Next, the sorting ceremony will be carried out first. The person I called by name, please come forward, and I will put on the sorting hat for you..."

"Potter! Poet!"

At the end of the Slytherin table, Malfoy looked at Harry gossiping.

Harry turned his head and saw Malfoy asked with a smirk:

"I heard you were attacked by dementors?"

Hearing Malfoy's words, Harry's face was a little ugly.

"Shut up Malfoy, it's none of your business here."

Ron turned Harry back with a look of disgust:

"Never mind him Harry, he's like that, but how did he know you were being attacked by Dementors? I remember there were five of us there."

"I didn't say it, and Hermione couldn't tell Malfoy, it's just..."

Ron said, and looked at Sean quietly.

"Shut up Ron! Sean is not like that."

Hermione frowned.

Ron shrugged and turned his head "five six three".

Hermione then whispered:

"Sean, you should teach Malfoy a lesson, he knew Harry was hurt."

Sean nodded:

"He'll be punished tonight."

Sean could see that Malfoy didn't have any bad intentions, he was just looking for a little bit of superiority.

But he just couldn't tell the difference between a joke and a slander.

What he did just now was just rubbing salt into people's wounds.

At this moment, the new little snakes who had already been divided into courtyards also came to the Slytherin table and sat in the front row.

In order to take care of the height of freshmen, Slytherin freshmen generally sit at the table closest to the professor.

The little wizards were curious about everything, looking at Malfoy who was sitting alone at the end of the table and asked:

"Who is he? Not welcome?"

As a child, when you first arrived, you must want to find an organization, a united front, and integrate into the group as soon as possible, and the fastest way is to bully a person with everyone.

Others knew it too, but the second-year student shook his head and said:

"I advise you not to mess with him. He is not the target of our bullying. His name is Malfoy.


The freshman who just arrived looked surprised.

The second-year student cautiously pointed to Sean, who was chatting with Hermione, and whispered:

"That's the boss of our Slytherin. He is very fierce! And once a little wizard is disobedient, he will be thrown into the black lake by him!"

The first-year freshman turned pale after hearing this, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked:

"What's in the Black Lake?"

A trace of panic flashed in the eyes of the second-grade snake:

"There's a man-eating merman, and a super-sized octopus! That's a monster! If you're lucky, you can see its tentacles in the common room window."

"One of its tentacles is so big!!"

Saying that, the snake made a rather large gesture, which made the first-year freshman feel an inexplicable fear of the Slytherin common room and Sean.

While everyone was chatting in a low voice, the sorting ceremony had ended.

But the Sorting Hat was not taken away. Instead, many of the other three students stood up and lined up at the front.

Some students were holding toads in their hands, while the student in the middle was holding a sorting hat.

The next moment, the music sounded, and under the leadership of the Sorting Hat, the little wizards began to sing, and the toads in their hands followed the harmony, which was weird and very nice!

Sean looked at the professor's desk and found that Snape's face was ridiculously dark! The corners of his eyes were still twitching.

Sean then remembered that Snape hadn't contacted him for a holiday!

But soon Sean figured it out! It's easy to explain, two of the four who bullied him back then are here now!

Another died, and the only thing that pleased him was that Pettigrew was locked up in Azkaban, and he escaped!

No wonder Snape's face looks good!

After the song was sung, Dumbledore stepped onto the stage and said aloud:

"Welcome! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hogwarts again!"

"Let's not gossip. This year, our professor team has some new professors. I need to introduce them to you."

"First, our Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, Professor RJ Lupin, is your Defence Against the Dark Arts professor."

"Clap clap clap..."

Everyone applauded enthusiastically, but Snape was the only one with an ugly face.

Not to mention that Lupin was his enemy, but that he was robbed of the most wanted position by the enemy, and Snape's face was not good-looking, and he couldn't even pretend.

Dumbledore continued:

"In light of the departure of our Keeper Filch, we have had to recruit a new Keeper."

"Allow me to introduce, Sirius, Olaine Black!"

"Clap clap clap!!!"

Harry was so excited that he stood up and applauded.

Sirius shyly got up and said hello.

Dumbledore squeezed his hands and continued:

"Of course, because our former professor of magical creatures had to leave us because of his age, and we also had to find a new professor of magical creatures..."

"Rubber Hagrid!!"


Hagrid was obviously more popular with the little wizards, and this time most of the little wizards stood up and cheered.

Hagrid was still sitting on the seat with a smile, and he didn't remember to get up until Professor Sprout touched him with his elbow next to him.

As a result, after getting up, his big belly almost overturned the table where the professors were eating.

But no one cared about this, but his honesty made everyone laugh.

"Okay, since the time is too tight today, I won't say more, but I still want to remind you."

"The recent situation is special, and there will be some dementors in Hogwarts."

"You should know that dementors are very evil creatures. They have no compassion at all, and they are not born to forgive."

"So, I warn you, don't give them reasons to hurt you."

"Don't run around, don't touch the dementors, don't look at them, they won't enter the castle, you are safe."

"Okay kids, let's have dinner!"

With that said, Dumbledore clapped his hands, and countless delicious delicacies appeared on the empty table.

The little wizards clapped together excitedly.

Hearing this, Sean really has an old rant!

Dumbledore, the old man, said every time, "The safety of the students is the most important, and the safety of the students is my first priority."

The body has hired some dangerous and extremely unreliable professors again and again.

Look, Hagrid the half-giant, Lupin the werewolf, and Quirrell who is already in heaven.

Sean was thinking, Quirrell must be very pleased to see the Defence Against the Dark Arts professors at Hogwarts getting more outrageous than each other, right?

Voldemort is probably also very pleased.

And Barty Crouch Jr. who drank Potion Potion and dressed as Mad-Eye Moody next year. Is one more outrageous than the other?

The only normal professor came to Hogwarts because of Sean, made a good relationship with Sean, and left...

After complaining, Sean finally had enough to eat.

After dinner, Sean kept his promise.

When Sirius left, he also said hello to Sean.

Sean waited about ten minutes before Hagrid arrived late:

"Sorry Sean, you know, I've had a lot of trouble just becoming a professor."

"I'm looking for you just to tell you..."

Hagrid twitched a little.

"Say it straight."

Sean looked at the Dementors outside the window.

"I want to ask you to borrow Buck... hurricane, yes, hurricane, you know, as a new professor, I need some biology to get students interested in my class."

As I said before, at Hogwarts, there are electives starting in the third year, and the Fantastic Creatures class is an elective.

Students will try a class before choosing whether to take it as an elective.

Therefore, professors generally try their best to complete their KPIs in the first class.

Sean frowned:

"Really Hagrid, I don't really want to give it to you, I always think you're going to get yourself and me in trouble."

"No Sean, I know a lot about hippogriffs."

Hagrid patted his chest to assure.

"You have it, but others don't..."

Although Sean muttered, he let the hurricane out.

"You must be careful, especially Malfoy, that kid is very jealous."

"Of course, I'll be careful."

Hagrid said absentmindedly, and left with the hurricane.

Looking at Hagrid's back, Sean shook his head:

"I still think something will happen, but Hermione has a time-turner, so it shouldn't be any trouble."

With that said, Sean turned his head and walked towards the common room.

When Sean arrived at the door of the Slytherin common room, Malfoy was standing beside the door with a dejected expression. When he saw Sean coming, he immediately stepped forward and said with a bitter face:

"Boss, I should listen to you, I promise, I will listen to you in the future, let me in!"

"The door won't let me in!"

Sean shrugged:

"You're a Gryffindor now, don't call me boss."

With that said, Sean opened the door and walked in. Malfoy also wanted to sneak in, but the door closed directly, preventing Malfoy from entering.

Looking at the dark corridor, Malfoy shivered with a pale face, trembling 1.6 to the Gryffindor common room.

It was only when he reached the door of the Gryffindor lounge that he remembered that he also didn't know the password on the Gryffindor side!

Fortunately, the little lions in Gryffindor like to swim at night. After he waited for a long time, several little lions came back chatting.

It's obviously a little surprising to see Malfoy:

"Malfoy? What are you doing here?"

Malfoy must be embarrassed to say that he is afraid outside, so he can only pretend to be calm and say:

"I'm looking for someone!"

Although the little lions doubted that Malfoy could come to Gryffindor to find someone, they didn't ask much, opened the door and walked in on their own.

Malfoy followed suit and started looking for Harry's dormitory.

Soon, Malfoy found Harry's name, Malfoy stepped forward and knocked on the door.

The thunderstorm outside was incessant, and the deafening thunder flashed from time to time.

While Harry's dormitory was very lively, Ron, Harry, Seamus and Neville were eating roaring candy and talking and laughing.


Ron's voice came from inside.

"It's me, Brother Drag Horse Dung."

The laughter inside stopped instantly, and soon, Ron stepped forward and opened the dormitory door, still holding his wand.

Seeing Malfoy walk in, the four of them looked at Malfoy in silence.

Ron picked up the wand, got up and said vigilantly:

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