I Just Become The Richest Man: Received an Admission Letter from Hogwarts

Chapter 230 Surprised to see that the scalpers are entering the factory to work (please subscribe fo

In the chaos, Maggie had floated out of the room and slowly lifted into the air in the garden. Dursley dragged a dog-bitten leg and tried to grab Maggie, but his fat body really made him uncomfortable.

After finally grabbing Maggie's hand, she found herself floating with Maggie too.

"Release! Damn dog!"

Dursley shook his leg angrily.

"How dare you scold my dog!"

Maggie shouted angrily, causing Dursley to shudder and let go.

At this point, Harry had already taken his luggage from upstairs and walked out angrily.

"Sean, let's go!"

Sean shrugged, finished the last sip of red wine gracefully, wiped his mouth, got up and walked to the door.

"Wait! Don't go! Give me back my sister!"

Vernon tried to stop Harry, but Harry got his wand against his neck and had to move away.

Harry walked quickly out of the house with Sean, dragged his luggage, and walked into the distance without saying a word.

Sean knew he was angry and didn't say much, just let Seth follow them.

In the distance, in the sky, Maggie's screams echoed across the block.

Sean flipped a little, took out his wand and waved it lightly.

In an instant, a rising airflow hit, Maggie rose again, and quickly disappeared into the clouds.

"Will she die?"

Harry suddenly sat on the side of the road, looking at the sky and asked.

"Ten dead without life."

Sean replied with a smile, as if it was not a life at all, but a pork chop.

That girl is now estimated to have floated into the ozone layer, how could she still be alive.

Harry fought a cold war for 14 years, and suddenly felt that Sean beside him was strange too.

"Will I be in trouble then?"

Harry knew now that he was afraid.

Sean couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said:

"No, it's just a Muggle. If you've had enough, let's go, the weather is getting worse and worse."

Sean looked up at the sky, the sky seemed to have a storm forming, and the center was Sean.

A gust of wind blows, and Sean always feels like something is staring at him.

"Get behind me."

Sean squinted, took out his wand and pointed it into the distance.

"Bah ah!!"

Just then, Seth drove up to Sean.

Sean was attracted, turned his head and glanced, and when he looked back in that direction, that look had disappeared.

"what is that?"

Harry looked at the distance with lingering fears, and he also felt the malicious gaze.

"Who knows. Let's go."

Sean opened the door, sat up and said softly:

"Harry, where are you going? Follow me to my house for a while or go home?"

Harry looked a little down:

"Go to the Broken Axe Bar, Xiaohui will be waiting for me there, I'm not safe at home alone."

Sean nodded, sure, that's the case now.

Although Pettigrew was written in the original book as stupid and stupid, but in fact, if his strength is not up to a certain level, he will not be appreciated by Voldemort.

And anyway, Pettigrew is also a grown-up wizard, too much of a threat to Harry.

"Come on Seth, Broken Axe."

Seth started the car, nodded and said:

"Okay sir."

It was raining heavily outside, and when Seth parked in front of the Broken Axe, Tom came out to greet him.

"Master Sean, Mr. Harry, please come in and warm up, it's cold outside."

Having said that, Tom took the luggage from Harry's hand and walked in, and said to the waiter:

"Open a room, alone."

Sean took a look, and even the Broken Axe Bar was posted with a petit star's reward notice.

At this time, the staff had already gone upstairs with Harry's luggage.

"Mr Harry, your owl arrived here two hours ago and is upstairs."

Harry nodded, looking at Sean.

Sean looked left and right, and found that he didn't know anyone, and he didn't stay much. He turned his head and said:

"Then I'll go first and see you tomorrow."

On the way back, Sean took out his phone and swiped boringly.

Howell had sent a message asking what had just happened on Privet Drive.

After all, a Muggle died, and many people have seen it, the impact of this incident can be big or small.

Sean asked him to find a reason to prevaricate and ignore it. Open the community and brush up,

At this time, Sean found that quite a few Asian faces have appeared in the dynamic.

These people are without exception, all of them are from Longguo. After all, Sean only sells mobile phones in Longguo in Asia.

Most of these people from the Dragon Kingdom appeared below some videos about magic spells and potions, obviously stealing teachers!

For this, Sean didn't stop.

Perhaps this is also good. It can subtly change the portal view of the Dragon Kingdom, and it can also indirectly help Xiao Kun and others.

When Sean returned to shut down Xiao Kun, this kid often sent some messages.

Sean will also reply when he has time, there is no one sentence at all.

When he got home, Sean found Alice and Raymond sitting on the sofa with their mobile phones in their hands, and their faces were solemn.

"Sean, what happened to Pettigrew?"

Although Alice and Raymond are ordinary people, as immediate family members of wizards, they have the right to know about the magic world.

Likewise, they can subscribe to the Daily Prophet, not to mention they can use their cell phones.

Sean roughly explained what happened to Pettigrew, and Alice and Raymond were relieved.

"That kid named Harry, his godfather left him alone in the bar! Men are so irresponsible!"

Alice frowned and said angrily.

Sean and Raymond looked at each other and could only respond with a smile. After all, Alice spoke at home.

At this time, if you refute it, you will be in big trouble.

"And you! Sean, I thought you would be more sensible, why didn't you invite him to come to our house for a while! Poor child..."

Sean scratched his head:

"Mom, you don't have to worry about him so much. The people at the Broken Axe are all pretty good, and his textbooks and stuff have already been sent to the Broken Axe."

"The day after tomorrow, many classmates will go to the Broken Axe Bar, and he will have no problem."

"By the way, here is a piece of paper that you need to sign."

With that said, Sean took out the notice from the school that he agreed to enter Hogsmeade Village.

Alice looked it over and signed her name.

"Hogsmeade, sounds like an interesting place."

Sean could see the longing for the magic world in Alice's eyes.

After all, after being an ordinary person all his life, if he really sees another world hidden under the real world, anyone can't help being curious and excited.

Sean silently urged himself in his heart, he must find a way to make ordinary people cast spells as soon as possible!

If someone told Sean at this time that he wanted to cast a spell to kill a wizard and transplant an organ, Sean would not hesitate.

Unfortunately, becoming a wizard is not so easy.

The wizarding world has not yet discovered the difference between wizards and ordinary people.

After getting the signature, Sean went back to the room, took out his phone and swiped it.

There seems to be a popular hot spot in the community again, and Lucius and Arthur sprayed each other in the air.

And Arthur released a big news!

Arthur Weasley: "Wizards, you may think Malfoy is a wizard who has always been at the forefront of pure blood, but in fact you are wrong, wrong."

"Lucius and I have been classmates since childhood. He came from a wealthy background. When he was young, he used his family's influence to successfully infiltrate the Muggle world and make a lot of money."

"If you have contacts in the Muggle world, you will find that Lucius is now the Earl of the Eagle Kingdom Royal Family! This is enough to prove that he successfully entered the upper class of the Muggle world."

"At the same time, he once pursued Queen Elizabeth I and was rejected. Now Elizabeth is no longer confused, but she has not yet married."

"Then do we have reason to suspect that an outraged Lucius Malfoy cursed Elizabeth for rejecting him? Although Malfoy has been strenuously denying it, the evidence is there."

"Who is interested, you can check it out, Lucius, why are you quibbling this time?"

Lucius Malfoy: "Slander! This 563 is a filthy slander and slander! How could I go to those Muggles like you!"

"I'm going to sue you! Arthur! I'm going to sue you for bankruptcy!"

Lucius was visibly embarrassed.

Below is a crowd of melon eaters. After all, the two families, Weasley and Malfoy, are rich and powerful, so they naturally attracted a crowd of melon eaters to stop and watch.

Sean didn't think it was a big deal to watch the fun, and made a comment:

"Continue arguing, I'm waiting to eat melon."

Someone quickly replied to the following question:

"What does eating melon mean?"

"It's just watching a play while eating melons, abbreviated as eating melons."

Sean has just finished replying, and the following replies are in a row:

"Eat melons!"

"Eat melons!"


Sean was speechless:

"Sure enough, the essence of human beings is a repeater, even wizards are no exception."

It seemed that Arthur and Lucius were not going to continue arguing, so Sean put down his phone and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Sean got up to wash up and went downstairs to find Hermione already here with her cat, Crookshanks, in her arms.

Laifu originally followed behind Sean, and when he saw Crookshanks, he jumped off the second floor platform, jumped to the living room, and sniffed in front of Crookshanks.

Crookshanks, after all, was just a cat nerd, shivering in Hermione's arms with fright.

"Go away Lai Fu, you scared Crookshanks."

After listening to Laifu, he rubbed his head against Sean's leg aggrieved.

It's just that its huge head can't seem to be wronged. If Sean is not its owner, no one will feel wronged.

After Crookshanks found out that Laifu had not hurt himself, he became more daring and put his head together to smell Laifu.

Animals can become friends just by smelling each other.

After a short while, the two little guys ran out playing around.

"What? Are you going to take pets to school this year?"

Sean asked suspiciously.

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