It is difficult for the four to attack, but they have some advantages in defense. After all, when they play against the pros in the practice room, they're always on the defensive.

Therefore, four people can also handle the Gryffindor team with ease.

Not long after, Marcus got the Quaffle.

The next moment, the four of them looked at each other and rushed towards the Gryffindor team's goal at the same time.

"Gryffindor is returning, but Slytherin's pass is so fast and steady! The last time I saw this passing technique was in the Quidditch Cup!"

This time, Lee Jordan had to admire Slytherin's technology and explained passionately.

"Marcus got the Quaffle, is he going to hit the door?"

"No! He passed the ball, and the Slytherins didn't know when they got behind the Gryffindor line!"

"Hit! Score! Slytherin gets fifteen!"

Led by Marcus, Slytherin scored one after the other.

The score was quickly equalized, or even surpassed.

By the time the last goal was scored, Slytherin had scored 60 points and Gryffindor had 75!

"Malfoy, look at you!"

Marcus was sweating all over.

Malfoy nodded, looked at Harry next to him and said:

"Careful, Scarhead, I'm about to start!"

Harry dodged the Bludgers' attack, and before he had time to speak, Wood behind him shouted:

"Come on Harry!"

Harry turned his head, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

I saw the Bludger that just flew past, turned around and flew towards Wood!

Harry wanted to help, but it was too late!

"Watch out Wood!"

Wood turned his head and found that the Bludger was rushing towards him at a strange speed, and the ears of everyone who pierced the air 14 pierced hurt.


Suddenly, a green figure suddenly appeared, hitting the flying ghost flying ball with a stick, turning his head and saying:

"Be careful, Wood."

When Wood saw that it was Marcus, his eyes were full of surprise. After a while, he twisted:

"That...thanks mate."

Marcus didn't speak, but looked at the Bludger:

"That ball isn't quite right, be careful!"

At this moment, Harry and Malfoy saw the Snitch at the same time, and the two reacted at the same time, whistling towards the Snitch.

Marcus and Wood looked at each other and started chasing again.

Marcus is now very clear that he must defend himself desperately, as long as Malfoy catches the Golden Snitch, he will win!

But four people face the aggression of six people, it is impossible to guard against it.

Often Marcus's side has just defended, and the opponent will continue to play other teammates with the advantage of numbers, and then score.

At this time, Malfoy and Harry had already got into the ravine below the arena and connected to the audience.

The complex terrain inside made Malfoy a little uncomfortable.

On the contrary, Harry, who was naturally quick to react, was flying like clouds and water, and quickly extended his hand towards the Golden Snitch.

Malfoy frowned:

"No, you can't play with him in this place anymore."

Saying that, Malfoy flew down sharply.

At this time, Harry was shaking hands trying to catch the Snitch.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Harry's eyes, he saw Malfoy rushing towards him from below. If he hit, Harry would definitely hit the bar in front of him at this speed!

Harry struggled for a second, then gritted his teeth, gave up the Snitch, and flew upwards.

The two flew out of the gully at the same time, followed by the Golden Snitch and flew into the audience stand.

The two of you chased after me, flying at high speed in the stands.

Suddenly, the Bludger roared again and hit Harry hard.

Malfoy escaped this disaster because he was behind Harry.

Harry was directly knocked out, fell hard on the Quidditch pitch, and was quickly carried down by the medical staff.

Eventually, Malfoy caught the Snitch with a nice flick of his tail.

"Malfoy caught the Snitch, Slytherin scored 150 points! With a total score of 210 points, Slytherin won!!"

Lee Jordan shouted loudly.

On the field, Wood sighed and looked at Marcus in front of him and said:

"You're doing a great job, and you've got to be a good Seeker."

Marcus also smiled, wiped his sweat and said:

"With two people missing, you almost slipped to death on the field."

Saying that, the two looked at each other and laughed.

This time Quidditch, although the smell of gunpowder is less, but the love of classmates is even more touching.

When Marcus and Wood high-fived, all the students stood up and cheered with various flags in their hands.

Dumbledore got up and said:

"Congratulations to Slytherin, who won the Quidditch champion for two consecutive years. At this moment of laughter, please sing the school song and cheer for Hogwarts!"

"Any tune you like, come on boys, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, go!"

"? Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts."

"Please teach us knowledge."

"Whether we are bald old people."

"It's still a kid with a broken knee."

"Our minds can take in, something interesting."

"Because our heads are now empty and full of air."

Everyone sings the school song, the tune is completely different.

The two guys George and Fred even sang the Hogwarts school song to the tune of a famous meat song.

Although there is no pattern at all, Sean, who is sitting in the stands at this time, thinks this school song is surprisingly good.

Maybe everyone can't stop smiling when they sing the school song.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, Slytherin won the Quidditch competition, and rewarded the mysterious magic skin treasure chest! 】

The sound of the system made Sean excited, and he was the first to leave the venue, quickly returned to the dormitory, and entered the training room.

Sitting on the lounge chair in front of the villa, Sean held a treasure chest the size of a palm in his hand.

The treasure chest is very delicate, and there are complicated patterns on it, as if they are all golden threads.

Seriously, Sean kept all the boxes left from opening the treasure chest before.

The main thing is that this thing is really a boutique, and it has super defensive ability!

It is basically impossible to destroy it with external force!

Unless the lock is broken, trying to open it is a fool's errand.

But the question is, how to get such a hard lock, after all, there is no lock in the box given by the system.

Thinking wildly, Sean opened the treasure chest.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the magic cursed heart-piercing skin: Streamer Gold, which has been automatically loaded. 】

[Congratulations to the host for getting the weapon skin except you: Mamba Green, which has been automatically loaded. 】

Sean looked confused:

"System, what's this thing? What's the use?"

[The host will know after trying it. 】

Hearing the system's reply, Sean got up and picked up his wand, facing a stone in front of him:

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

A gentle, holy golden light suddenly flashed and hit the stone on the ground.

"That's it?"

Sean looked weird.

[The host still doesn't know how to appreciate it. 】

The system's disdainful voice echoed in Sean's mind.

Sean is aware that each spell has a corresponding color, and this is not controlled by a wizard, it is determined by the nature of the spell.

Damage magic is generally green magic light.

And some ordinary magic is white, and the magic of healing is golden or warm white.

Thinking of this, Sean took out his wand and pointed it to the ground:

"Except your weapons!"

The next moment, a green light like an unforgivable curse roared out, hitting the ground and blasting countless green lights.

Sean was speechless for a while:

"Sorry, I really can't think of any use for this thing, it's okay to confuse people."

And at this moment, in the principal's office.

"This kind of behavior is really bad, poor beating Liu, you can't get better if you don't cultivate for a year!"

Professor Sprout said angrily.

Dumbledore looked at everyone and said lightly:

"Who do you think did it?"

"It must be Sean, nobody does such a boring thing but him."

Snape had a stiff face.

Professor McGonagall also nodded helplessly:

"I asked about the portrait, and Sean was in the castle hall during the morning game."

Deng 537 Bridor pondered for a while, then shook his head:

"There should be no reason for him to do this. Let's look for evidence."

"By the way, Fox, please go get Sean."

Fox fluttered his wings reluctantly and disappeared into the office.

In the training room, as soon as Fox came in, he was pushed to the ground by Laifu who smelled it.

As a phoenix, Fox is getting old very quickly, and it is estimated that he will be reborn from the ashes soon.

Laifu has become much stronger after being strengthened twice by Madman's Potion.

This time, it was a tie with Fox, and it didn't get discovered by Sean until he was exhausted.

Going to the headmaster's office, Sean found Dumbledore alone.

"Sean, I have completed all your conditions. Phoenix is ​​still looking for news, but Principal Black can't wait."

"So you see..."

Dumbledore asked hesitantly.

After all, as the principal, this kind of thing is not suitable for him to do.

Once exposed, I am afraid that he will be stabbed in the spine by everyone.

And he didn't want to go to jail either. If Dumbledore really wanted to rescue Sirius, I'm afraid he would use other methods.

But I have to say that prison robbery is the fastest and most effective way.

Dumbledore was embarrassed to ask a student to do this.

"Tell me about Azkaban, I think you know a lot."

Sean said after sitting down.

"Azkaban, there are a lot of large defensive spells around, and Muggle banishing spells."

"The most important thing is that there is even a magic spell on the bottom of the sea, as long as you go in, you will be discovered."

"Azkaban are all high-level Aurors, and they are jointly managed by Aurors from the Magic Association. They can only get out of the prison every day when they eat."

"There are countless dementors patrolling around, and in general, Azkaban is airtight."

"Even Fox can't Apparate inside."

After listening, Sean pondered for a long time:

"We've got to make some noise to get those Aurors' attention."

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