Books will be available tonight at 0:00!

I will keep updating all day on the 13th, and strive to achieve more than ten updates!

Thanks to the second group, the editor-in-chief Beihe, the editor-in-charge Canaan, and all the readers for their support!

This book has been published since October 8th, and it has been about a month now. The number of words is nearly 250,000 words, which is not very much, but not a lot!

After writing books for so many years, there are two books with an average price of more than 20,000, but the first order has never been particularly bombed. "Top Luck, Quietly Cultivating for a Thousand Years" has only nearly 9,000 orders. I hope this book can break my own. Record, please subscribe to support~~

The first website of this book is UU Reading, and the mobile phone can download the APP. If the update is slow in other places, or suddenly broken, you can come to the first website to see it!

I'm already an old author, so I won't be sentimental or complaining. Thousands of words are gathered to ask for the first order~~

Of course, asking for a subscription also has to show my attitude~~

After the launch, every 1000 monthly passes will add a new chapter. From the second day of the launch, the number of chapters that will explode tomorrow will not be included in the update link~~

Reward the leader, if you have no other needs, just ask for an update, one leader will add two chapters~~

Please look forward to the next episode of the outbreak, it will make everyone happy!

The countdown is six hours. Except for the first wave of updates, we will continue to update all day tomorrow to see how much more ~~

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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