The news that the **** of misfortune and the **** of demons was suppressed by Jiang Changsheng did not spread, because all living beings did not know these two gods at all.

Shenyou Datiandi caused a lot of shock. After all, the existence that can make Daozu personally take action must be very strong. The believers are all guessing the identity of the suppressed person.

However, after several years, the matter was left behind by the believers, just because the battle in the Xuanhuang Datiandi became more and more cruel, more and more ancient powerhouses were born, and the believers in the Xuanhuang Datiandi became fugues. The most sought after group of people in Datiandi.

The Kunlun world is peaceful, and the heaven world is suppressed by the Martial Ancestors from the other side. When the two worlds are peaceful, practitioners are naturally curious about the situation in the Xuanhuang Heaven and Earth.

Those strong men who left their reputations in the long river of history were born one after another. Even though they were far away from Xuanhuang Datiandi, believers could feel the atmosphere of martial arts catastrophe.

this day.

Traveling to a corner of the world.

The Martial Ancestor of the Other Bank appeared out of thin air, he opened his eyes, his eyes were full of shock, and Jiang Changsheng's voice echoed in his ears.

"Before the heaven and the earth opened, I was here first, and I alone led the three thousand roads..."

The Martial Ancestor on the other side muttered to himself, repeating the words of the Dao Ancestor, feeling the pride in the words.

At the beginning, Jiang Changsheng gave him a lot of Taoism in the storage ring, including the Golden Core Dao. As his cultivation base of immortality became higher and higher, his awe of immortality became deeper and deeper. Admiration reached a new height, and a bell rang in my mind.

Traveling around the world!

At this moment, Martial Ancestor on the other side suddenly realized.

Why the Martial Dao cannot detect the information of the Dao Ancestor, why the Immortal Dao is so loyal to the Dao Ancestor, and why the Immortal Dao can bloom in the Xuanhuang Heaven without anyone noticing...

Good means!

Martial Ancestor on the other side felt emotional, he suddenly saw a person flying towards him.

"This fellow Taoist is new here, let's go, I'll show you around, the world is huge, be careful not to get lost."

The visitor was a young immortal cultivator with a warm smile on his face.

The Martial Ancestor on the other side found that he couldn't see through the aura of others here.

He nodded, and did not reject the other party's enthusiasm. The two flew to the sky together. Along the way, the young monk introduced Shenyou Datiandi, focusing on the place where Taoism was inherited, which made the Martial Ancestor of the other side feel a little good for him.

"The Dao of Immortals is more generous than the Dao of Martial Arts. Even if it is in the world of Shenwu, when a new Tianjiao arrives, unless he has a backer, there will be no one to lead him, let alone open the door to inheritance."

Martial Ancestor on the other side thought silently.

In the world of martial arts, if one wants to obtain powerful unique skills, one needs to do tasks and exchange contributions for unique skills. He was born in martial arts and is accustomed to it, but now he is ashamed to hear young monks introduce immortal ways.

Martial Dao is really not as good as Immortal Dao in every aspect...

No wonder the immortal way will be born before the Martial Dao catastrophe, there are days in the dark, and those who can defeat the Martial Dao must be better than the Martial Dao in all aspects, just like when the Martial Dao replaced the ancient arts.

Not only the Martial Ancestor of the Other Shore, more than a thousand new believers enter Shenyou Datiandi every day, and every entrant will be warmly guided by old believers. Under this tradition, the factions in Shenyou Datiandi are intricate.

In a stone hall, there are stone statues with different postures standing on the edge, as if recording the inheritance of ancient civilization.

A man in black knelt down in front of the steps, and an old woman in a red robe sat meditating on the steps.

"My lord, the **** of misfortune and demons was taken away by the Taoist ancestor. This matter will affect our judgment on the Taoist ancestor."

The man in black said in a deep voice. When he told this information, his eyes showed horror.

The old woman in the red robe opened her eyes, her pupils were pale, and she slowly said, "Even the God of the Great Dao has been subdued by him, although it is an ancient gadget from the last time, without the blessing of the power to measure the calamity, but its own divine power Immortal."

"Stop the plan for the heavens for the time being, and see if Immortal Dao will be harmed by the two divine powers."

The man in black raised his head and asked, "If the immortal way is not harmed, how should we choose?"

The red-robed old woman narrowed her eyes and said, "If that's the case, give up the heaven."

The man in black breathed a sigh of relief. He is specialized in collecting information, and he can investigate any information that exists in the endless void, except Daozu. The more he investigates, the more frightened he is.

It seems that Daozu can easily suppress any enemy, and he has not found out that Daozu was injured.

Not only undefeated, but also uninjured.

How can such a terrifying power be provoked?

Even the Martial Ancestor of the other side has surrendered...

"If you can subdue the **** of misfortune and the **** of demons, Daozu will receive more attention. In the catastrophe, no one can be alone. We will not deal with the heavens, and there will be stronger ones who will take action. Every time the catastrophe ends , there will always be a party that dominates the void, and no one can live alone."

The tone of the old lady in the red robe was full of sorrow, and she closed her eyes after she finished speaking.

"The ruler of the Dirong family is about to return, so you can act for him in the future. I am going to retreat and attack the realm of heaven. I will either sit down or succeed."

Hearing this, the man in black raised his head, looked at her and hesitated to speak.

Finally, the man in black sighed, stood up, saluted respectfully, then turned and left.

When only the red-robed old woman was left in the hall, her voice sounded faintly:

"The Great Dao Nirvana has changed in the era, so many heroes and giants have given up everything, but they don't know that the real destiny characters are born in the catastrophe, and their birth will eclipse all previous existences..."

"Fate... ridiculous, ridiculous!"

Above the Zixiao Palace, Jiang Changsheng appeared on the eaves out of thin air. He raised his right hand, and in the palm of his hand, there were 36 large banners, circling together, majestic and majestic.

Nine days and ten places lore array!

It took Jiang Changsheng more than 80 years to successfully refine it, and it took 50 years to refine the weapon alone. These thirty-six banners were made of the best resources that Heavenly Court could collect, and they could bear his weight. mana.


Jiang Changsheng said silently in his heart, the thirty-six flags immediately flew out of the Kunlun Realm, the speed was extremely fast, and the heavenly soldiers and generals above the Milky Way saw it, they would not think it was his hallucination, and a commotion broke out.

Thirty-six banners flew into the void and surrounded the Kunlun Realm, each bursting out Jiang Changsheng's mana, like thirty-six stars surrounding the Kunlun Realm, followed by invisibility, from the outside, the Kunlun Realm is like the moon in a mirror with waves , but quickly returned to calm.

Jiang Changsheng then disappeared into the eaves and appeared on the throne of Qianyuan God on the main road. He began to exercise his muscles and bones.

As his understanding of the way of destiny deepened, he was able to peek into the short future, and the peaceful days of immortality were coming to an end.

He decided to take a trip to the river of fate.

The River of Destiny was discovered by him when he realized the Dao, and the River of Destiny is the manifestation of the Way of Destiny, formed by the condensed fate of everything.

Going to the River of Destiny is not the physical body, but the consciousness. The essence of the River of Destiny is not the real existence of sentient beings' cognition, which is a bit similar to traveling in the world.

Jiang Changsheng sat down after exercising his muscles and bones, and then used the power of destiny to enter the river of destiny.

He opened his eyes, and in front of his eyes was a space of radiant light. There was a big silver river flowing in front of him, and the stars in the river were dotted with different lights.

Jiang Changsheng flew to the Long River of Destiny and looked in the direction of the river's surge.

In an instant, thousands of scenes came into his eyes. He saw the enemies that Xiandao would face in the future. After one figure after another, a more radiant figure suddenly appeared, interrupting his prying.

"It seems that that person is also involved in the way of fate."

Jiang Changsheng silently thought that if he could spy on fate, those who delved into the way of fate would naturally be able to, so the fate he could spy on did not involve other powerful fates.

Regarding the future of Immortal Dao, he naturally would not believe in fate. He just wanted to feel the river of fate when he came here this time, and by the way, understand what Mu Lingluo said about the future.

In the future, she seems to be avoiding something.

According to his understanding, it must be her in the future who wanted to contact her now, but was interfered by other fateful people.

Of course, that figure may not be the future Mu Lingluo, what is certain is that it is at least a strong man involved in the way of fate.

Jiang Changsheng looked back and looked at his own fate. The past experience came into his eyes. He found that he could connect with his past self, but he didn't do it.

He knows himself best, and if the future self contacts him, he will definitely keep doubting it, and if he interferes with the past self, he will be backlashed by the force of fate.

When his eyes locked on the past, he clearly felt that there was an invisible force of fate in all directions ready to bite him back at any time.

Those who practice destiny can only spy on destiny, but cannot interfere with it.

Knowing the fate, but can only be alone, this may be the terrible thing about the way of fate.

Jiang Changsheng looked at it for a while, then looked away, and then looked at Mu Lingluo's fate. The cause and effect of the two of them are closely related, and he could easily capture her fate.

Looking along her future, Jiang Changsheng didn't see many figures.

Soon, he saw another figure, who looked exactly like Mu Lingluo, standing on the river of fate, also spying on Mu Lingluo, who seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly disappeared.

"At different time as long as you use the way of fate to spy, can you detect it?"

Jiang Changsheng silently thought, of course, it could also be a coincidence.

After watching for a while, Jiang Changsheng felt dizzy and retreated immediately.

He opened his eyes, and said to himself: "It seems that my realm is still too low, and I can't bear it after spying for so long. The way of fate is really unpredictable."

Jiang Changsheng smiled and was not disappointed.

He rested for a while, and then looked into the purple gold gourd.

The God of Misfortune and the God of Inner Demons were extremely furious and arrogant when they first suffered from the ban, but after so many years of torture, they finally calmed down.

Jiang Changsheng probed his divine sense into the purple gold gourd, and at the same time opened the eyes of the avenue, and shone on the **** of doom who had a stronger aura.

Jiang Changsheng began to read his memory, and the God of Heart Demon seemed to sense something, and turned his head to look at the already sluggish God of Doom.

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