
On the move!

Chen Xuan's figure charged towards the military camp. high speed!

The attack begins!

This attack really caused such terrible damage to the opponent in an instant. It was such a simple situation.

Twenty minutes passed like this.

Thirty minutes passed like this.

It can be seen that if this continues, it feels like no one can get out alive.

In fact, there is such a person in the dark. This is by pretending to be dead, so as to avoid the all-round attack in the past. He survived like this, and then moved towards this distance little by little. Xuan moved further and further away.

After I thought I was completely sure, I stood up in an instant, and escaped from here in an instant. There was not a moment of hesitation, it was just such a situation, such a thing!

Then he went to the military camp of a general and directly reported the news of the arrival of the big devil.

The general hit the table with his palm.

In an instant, he was so angry that he stood up.

Unexpectedly, someone is actually causing trouble. This is such a crazy rhythm of not knowing whether to live or die. This is such a rhythm of wanting to die. It seems that this is to let the other party know that some people are really Very, very hard to mess with.

If you mess with him, that's what you'll end up with: death, death, death!

Must die, it is such a simple situation, such a simple thing!

They must make the other party pay such a painful price.



The general has arrived with this army!

However, wherever there is a trace of the other party, the other party has already escaped, which is annoying.

The general had no choice but to come back with his people.

However, wasn't the general's whereabouts exposed? Judging from everyone's attitude, you can be sure that he is a general! When this team arrives as soon as possible, you can be sure that this is the top executive team responsible for management.

The Supreme Execution Team is the elite team next to the general. Only the elite team can be so fearless. No matter who your enemy is, they will not treat the enemy as the same thing.

OK, OK, OK! that's great!

This is the feeling that the enemy must be captured.

It's true that even if the King of Heaven comes, there won't be any changes.

Then, this matter became simpler.

No, this was an attack directly towards the place where the general settled.

Come in instantly! boom! boom!

The general was absolutely sure of where he would settle, and he was absolutely sure that he would be harmed. He would forcefully develop things to such a point. What, what is this? Can this still make it possible for people to play happily?

It really makes people feel unhappy.

This, this simply seriously affects people's emotions. what to do? I don’t know what to do at all!

It's not even the slightest bit melancholy. boom! boom!

Look, this attack hits one after another, this feeling, it's like beating people until they turn into brainless treasures.

It can be seen that this is purely a way of making people feel better, and it is just such a situation.

"I want to communicate with you in such a good way."

Really, there are not many people who can push the general to such a point!

This person is very, very powerful.

"I do not want!"

This is Chen Xuan's answer. If you think about it, that's your business. Well, he doesn't have to think about it!

But, he just doesn't want to!

He just doesn't want to think about it! He is such a kind of dog!

At this moment, for a while Yes, that's still, always, that's the case! It's just like this, always caring about you, doing whatever you want, and being serious, I never thought of following your rules. Arrangements come and go, make people angry!


This knife is fatal. The attack launched to kill you is not allowed to fail.

However, the general has protection on his body!

Therefore, although the attack is coming , but failed!

What does it mean to fail once?

The second time, the attack came again!

The third time, the attack came again!

The fourth time, the attack came again!

Tsk tsk tsk tsk, this is a firm idea that this idea must be You are driving me crazy.

Like this, this is a must, it is as simple as that.



Time and time again, this hit the general and took away this huge The impact, the huge movement, it is really such a look that makes people very, very speechless.

What should I do?

If this continues, what should I do?

This, this is simply such a melancholy feeling! It makes people not very Such a pleasant feeling! Such a feeling of not being in a good mood

"Haven't you noticed that my mood has become very bad because of you?"

"Being bad doesn’t mean anything. What I need is that your heart has become very desperate because of my relationship. What I want is that you are desperate, not bad. It’s my fault that you are not desperate yet. I I have to help you despair!"

After saying that, this desperate attack, tsk tsk, tsk, tsk, has already been launched!


Hit! Hits like this again and again.

Just listen to the banging sound, it is really like this, do you think... Am I joking with you?

No, no, impossible!

Absolutely impossible, that's what happened.



"You, you really make me feel so comfortable, that’s what I think, if you keep fooling around with me like this, I won’t be very happy, I, I It just broke out, it broke out!"

"What kind of explosion?"

Chen Xuan asked.

Suddenly, the general realized that something was wrong, something was definitely wrong!

It seemed that the other party was chatting with you, but in fact, the other party was lowering your guard!

And, The other party must have lowered your alertness for this final calculation.

Unknowingly, he has been tricked by the other party!

How, how could it be?

How could a good thing develop into such a situation? It looks like, ah, ah, this is really driving people crazy.

This is how people's emotions suddenly change into something that is not very enjoyable at all.

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