It is also very difficult to get the Infinity Stones.

What's more, the spells on Doctor Strange's side may not be able to help them.

This is the difficulty they encountered, and the most important thing is what to do with the things in front of them?

Will they be able to make it through this side?

Natasha said as she walked: "I also felt this when I watched the Wanjie video platform, so we should go and take a look now. 35


Of course, Natasha didn't say much here.

Some things really have power for them, maybe because the result now faces what Natasha said, all this really has a certain relationship with them.

Even if you don't do it like this, it will have a role in it~, and it is likely to be the case.

Anyway, all he saw was a desire to deter--that's all.

"What do people from other planets—say?"

"We're still too young, and it's really hard to go to outer space.

Stark didn't know all of this at all.

Originally, he thought that what this Wanjie video had learned was just an ordinary combat power problem, and it was already very troublesome for them to understand the combat power of the original world.

If they want to put a label on each combat force, it is difficult for them to know now.

Rogers said: "Didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. have spoken? It will definitely come over. Wouldn't it be nice if we took the Cosmic Rubik's Cube over there? We're not afraid of other people."

The arrival of Hela, the goddess of death, made them tense.

Ragnarok, that's no joke.

Some things need to be laid out for the first time before they can know what to do. Otherwise, if they don't lay out at this time, they will be discovered by others.

That's the point.

Dr. Banner said: "If Nick Fury is willing to come and help, let Nick Fury come."35

"The people of S.H.I.E.L.D. must be undercover, not to mention that the Hydra is hidden so deeply behind, there may be problems behind it, isn't it?

"Absolutely not!"

There is still a big problem behind the Hydra.

Not to mention Buggy.

In fact, the biggest key point of these super soldiers is why there is such an organization behind them?

Especially Rogers, once his weakness meets Buggy, the winter soldier, the next thing may be more troublesome, and Stark and the others are definitely destined to have a fight.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Although the Wanjie video platform has not said it yet, it is indeed the case that is seen today.

Only Natasha was very calm, he looked at the eagle eye beside him.

"How do we go together?

"Then go to S.H.I.E.L.D. and see what the agents have to say. If the agents at S.H.I.E.L.D. mean that, then we don't have to let them come."


Hawkeye and Natasha didn't say much, they could only come here if they acted directly.

In fact, they don't have much ability in their hands. Even if they get these weapons in Stark Industries, other things cannot be solved by these weapons.

But there are things they need to change, and they need to be able to hold in their hands.

Of course, everyone knows the existence of these weapons, and it is based on these things, not to mention that other people already know this.

"Just get these weapons!

"Wouldn't it be nice for SHIELD over there under Nick Fury's management?" under.

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