Saitama nodded slightly when he saw KING's appearance.

The strength of the spirit is the real strength!

What Saitama didn't know was that the reason he became strong wasn't some daily fitness training and so on.

It's the belief of being a hero!

It was belief that made Saitama so strong that he could crush his opponent with a single punch.

In the world of One Punch Man, there is the setting of weirdos.

And the appearance of weird people, to "six nine seven" is often because of obsession.

For example, if a human being especially likes Coke, he may become a Coke freak.

A special creature that is out of the category of normal people.

The Doctor of the House of Evolution has a definition of a weirdo.

Humans mutate into weirdos, caused by some bad habit or stress.

Or a genetic mutation, etc.

There's also the introduction of technology, as is the case with the eccentrics of the House of Evolution.

The creatures that humans think are usually upgraded due to environmental pollution or other factors, which is similar to the upgrade of humans.

There are also some special creatures themselves, such as sea people or underground people.

Generally speaking, there are three types of monsters.

In the Hero Association, most of the heroes are actually mutant humans.

It's just that they retained the consciousness and reason of human beings and stood on the side of human beings.

Like the second-ranked hero Tornado of the S-rank, he was born with superpowers.

If you use this ability to do evil, you will be included in the ranks of weirdos.

Saitama also became powerful after a genetic mutation.

The reason for Saitama's mutation is the hero's obsession.

This obsession is too strong, so Saitama breaks through the limiter theory in the world of One Punch Man.

The so-called limiter theory, that is, no matter how much effort a person puts in.

So growth will have a limit, there will be a range of growth.

Even if it becomes a weirdo, the limiter still exists.

It's just because the body has changed dramatically, so the limiter has also become bigger.

Saitama is also the only one who has broken through this limit, and his appearance has not changed.

This super belief is also the reason why Saitama can be on the list and rank in TOP2.

And the reason why there are no top ten heroes before the list.

It's because Saitama has enough faith, but the world of One Punch Man is very small...

There are only twenty-six cities in total, and trams are used to travel between each city, and you can reach another city in an hour.

The number of people that Saitama rescued was far less than that of the top ten heroes.

Soon Genos also rushed over, naturally a bunch of words of thanks to Saitama.

Saitama doesn't care, the relationship between their master and apprentice is not so hypocritical.

Just like friends.

Journey to the West World.

The news of Tang Seng's death immediately spread throughout the Three Realms, and the entire Heavenly Court was shocked.

As a participant in the great cause of learning, Heavenly Court has been cooperating.

It's not just the secret help in the plot, let the 3.2 subordinates act as actors and so on.

In the original novel, Tang Seng was not alone when he first left the Tang Dynasty.

No one is a fool, let Tang Seng go so far away alone.

It was with a dozen entourages plus some carriages and horses.

As a result, as soon as they came out of Datang, they encountered monsters, and more than a dozen people were eaten.

At the critical moment, Taibaijinxing appeared and rescued Tang Seng, and told him to go straight ahead.

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