I Heard That I’m Super Fierce

Chapter 97: Incompatible

Just like this, Lin You didn't say a word in a daze. I was probably aware that she didn't even say a word from beginning to end, and the eyes of the others fell on her somehow, seeming to be waiting for her to speak.

This is not so good, Lin You thought, her thoughts are the same as Meng Shao's. It’s better if you don’t attract the attention of others. This is the most convenient way to act. One or two is okay. If you are with many people and are stared at again... Then what else can you talk about collecting cards!


A certain intuition was desperately ringing the alarm bell, but reason told her that it would be better to follow their topic. After tangling for a while, Lin You said, "Who are you talking about?"

Everyone looked at each other.

"Hey? Haven't you heard of it?" The girl who led her over blinked, "Just the one that is famous on the forum?"

"It's okay, it's not that everyone plays games on the forum."

Another teammate laughed: "I also listened to my friends."

"I heard that there was a big boss recently," he explained. "The style of behavior is quite hard-core, especially fierce. Ordinary people are scared by ghosts and screaming, but she can chase them all around. What else can you give? Sadako has a plasma burn. What abducted Saeki Toshio. Sadako and Kayako didn't know how she was instigated to have a fight. Tsk tsk, it's too miserable."

Lin You: "......!!!"

Damn it.

Why does this sound so familiar.

Isn't it her who wouldn't say it? !

How these things were spread, and the spread was even more exaggerated. She didn't chase the ghost everywhere-although she wanted to try it, at least she hasn't done it yet!

Maybe her expression was too subtle, and they saw something was wrong.

"Why," asked the teammate, "Sure enough, have you heard of it? I said it was pretty popular."

"No, no, no."

Lin You insisted and shook her head again and again, thinking about how to pretend to be a fool to pass the test.

"I have never heard of this person," she asked innocently, opening her eyes wide, "who is that guy?"

She looks harmless, and besides, I'm afraid that she hasn't heard of this performance. The teammates couldn't help but screamed, but her question also caused their doubts.

"We can't talk about this," someone agreed. "It was'that woman' because he joked that it was'the woman whose name cannot be mentioned because of the rules', so I don't know who it is until now, only that there is such a person. ."

Lin Youxin said that I really appreciate the version regulations.

"Anyway, as expected."

A man wearing gold-rimmed glasses said: "I guess I will run into it sooner or later, depending on whether I can live until then."

With a single sentence, he brought the atmosphere of their happy conversation back to the current predicament. The chandelier in the middle of the ceiling of the meeting room flashed a gloomy light, and the crowd was silent.

No matter how deliberately changing the subject, there is no way to ignore the fact that there are currently unknown monsters wandering outside.

In the worst case, they will encounter a highly dangerous SCP as soon as they leave the house-or even if it is not safe here, they may be attacked at any time.

"I want to ask, is there a time limit for this containment breach?"

One of them said: "Then what kind of foundation doesn't always allow monsters to run everywhere, right?"


"The Foundation will send agents and mobile task forces to deal with the containment breach," the young man with gold rim glasses pushed the frame, "but it has nothing to do with us."

"We are Class D." He said, "Expendable also means that if the site goes out of control, these felons will be executed in situ, lest they make the situation more chaotic."

In other words, even if the agents who came to recontain those SCPs found them, 80% of them would die in nine.

What the players have to do is also very "simple", not only to survive in the pursuit of many SCP monsters, but also to escape this tightly closed base before Foundation agents arrive.

"God's S-level copy," I don't know who gritted his teeth.

Although splitting has always been a stupid practice that has been criticized in many horror films, it's just that you can't put eggs in the same basket here.

After all, so many people are walking together, if they encounter a monster with powerful lethality, the whole army will be wiped out.

There have never been many such monsters in the Foundation.

While they had decided on the course of action, Lin You was planning to take this opportunity to propose to act alone, and someone patted her on the shoulder.

"We are together," Meng Shao said solemnly to her and to others, "right?"

Lin You: "I—"

Just as he uttered a word, I saw Meng Shao winking at her desperately, not afraid of eye cramps.


Lin You thought.

She understood, this guy was afraid that she would accidentally tell others about his identity.

It doesn't matter if it is convenient, but when it comes to the person she doesn't want to cooperate with, this dear friend is definitely ranked first.

To find a way out of the base before the agents arrive, time is extremely precious. The group of people in good groups left the conference room one after another. After Lin You walked for a while, she stopped walking just to see that there was no one else around.


She said: "You don't think you want to go back with them, so let's split up here and act alone."

Meng Shao scratched his head.

"How do I feel that this benefactor is not simple," he saluted with one hand in a deceptive manner, "Are you sure not to be together?"

"Definitely and surely."

Lin You said without blinking: "We are incompatible with each other."


Meng Shao scratched his bald head again, wondering why this was related to the issue of physiognomy.

"Is it so serious?" he asked in confusion.

of course!

Lin You guarded the picture book that hadn't been summoned vigilantly, she didn't know how far the other party's career had been. What if he reflexively came here for a while and accidentally injured Chu people Meizhenzi Jiayu and Xue Yao.

At a corner, she directly chose the road on the left, "Bye."

Meng Shao still stayed where he was in confusion, but he didn't care, and then turned and walked in the opposite direction.

The two parted ways. After a few minutes, Lin You opened the backpack and released the skull which had been holding back for a long time.

"It's really stuffy inside."

It complained repeatedly, and then Lin You stopped him back by saying "You don't need to breathe".

"Psychological function," it called Qudao, "Can't psychological function work!"

"Good job."

"Don't blame me." Lin You wandered in the passage, "There are so many players in this instance, I don't want to explain why I have a talking skull when I meet everyone."

If she loses her horse, it becomes even more difficult for her to become her signature feature.

Lin You knows exactly what she wants to do.

The foundation is strictly hierarchical, and if you want to reach the exit, you have to pass through layers of agencies. Class D has no permission. She needs to search everywhere to see if any superiors who fled in a hurry have left their credentials.

There is another barrier in front of me.

Fortunately, this level does not require any authentication, so she pressed the button on the door. The mechanism made of titanium alloy turned on layer by layer, and closed behind him again. Lin You took a deep breath, but immediately stunned when he saw the stain on the corner.


She said: "I didn't expect it to be so exciting when I came up."

Skull: "...?"

In its view, this is nothing more than a puddle of dirty, **** liquid that soaks through the wall, leaving strange corrosion marks.

What's even stranger is that the corroding sound of "Zzi" was heard soon.

Lin You's eyes didn't blink.

Now 80% of them are too late to run.

They—more precisely, she has been targeted.

The black mud spread from the pool of stains to both ends, the wall slowly peeled off, and a figure was passing through the softened wall.

That looked like a rotten old man.

He is naked|naked, with mutilated limbs, and his smooth muscle tissue has an asphalt-like luster. The organs slid out of the tattered chest cavity, and black liquid dripped every step of the way.

Seeing the prey appear in front of him, he grinned broadly.

Lin You: "..."

Uncle came out for a walk?

No matter how bad it is, she must first try to get out. She quickly turned around and ran away.

The old man followed behind her, keeping his distance unhurriedly.

"Who is this?!" The skull shouted, "The wall penetration technique is a bit slippery!"


Although knowing that closing the door would be futile, Lin You hurriedly pressed his shoulder against the iron door.

"SCP-106." She gasped again and repeated.

SCP-106, the scary old man.

It usually appears as a decaying old person, who can corrode any connected solids and pass through them, such as entering a wall and then leaving the ceiling. I have repeatedly breached containment, and my favorite is hunting humans between ten and twenty-five years old.

Lin You did not dare to act rashly any more, silently counting the time. Ten seconds, twenty seconds, almost three minutes passed, the last door she closed has not been corroded like the previous ones from beginning to end—

She only felt a tingling in her leg.

Lin You lowered his head.

Grasping her hand withered and broken, the old man's facial features grinned at her in the black mud spreading on the floor.

The hand tugged fiercely.


"Hey, little girl," the skull cried, "wake up, wake up."

"I'm awake."

The weightlessness of the fall made people dizzy. Lin You closed her eyes and shook her head to try to relieve the dizziness.

Looking back, she could understand what happened.

The other party probably managed to get into the outer wall, and then appear on the ground after passing through the wall. This is also the reason why she feels that she may not be able to win, because he has too many shortcuts.

Lin You looked at herself with a little bit of light. She was dragged through the sludge-like liquid, except for the faintly stinging calf that seemed to be bleeding, but she didn't leave a trace on her body.

"Hiss——" The skull also looked left and right, but it looked at this dirty and dark room, "Where is this?"

"'Pocket Dimension'."

When it was supposed to be panic, Lin You's voice was calm.

"Or at his home, he likes to play with prey. After the first attack, he drags them in to play the game of'cat and mouse'. When he is in a good mood, he releases the people, and when he is upset, he tears them up." She looked around. , "But it seems that the person is not there."

Right, there are so many players outside, maybe they want to grab a few more and come in and play slowly.

Just right.

"I originally wanted to run as long as I could. He doesn't like glare and lead, but without these, it's not very cost-effective to face up. Since it's still here-know why I didn't call it just now?"

Skull: "...Huh?"

"Come, before he comes back."

Lin You smiled and drew out the illustration book, "Find a few more and try if you can tear it down."

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