I Heard That I’m Super Fierce

Chapter 24: .Find the body

Lin You always thinks that she is quite good to feed.

Cut some shredded lettuce, slice a few slices of tomato, add half an egg and mix some salad dressing into a small half bowl of vegetable salad to get rid of dinner. When the sound of the key turning came from the door, she was already standing by the sink and washing the dishes.

"How is the world of two people?" she asked.

"Very good, good." Mother Lin squinted, "Your dad stopped and I'll tell you. It's interesting that he asked me to watch that movie, and the steak at noon—"

Lin You: "..."

She thought of her lunch at noon.

Really, as expected.

Just thinking about it, her mobile phone shook up by the pool. Hearing the ringtone, Mother Lin asked smoothly as she changed her shoes, "Who?"

"Xiaojia," Lin You shook the drops of water on her hand, picked up her phone, "I guess something is wrong with me."

"Oh oh."

Mother Lin replied and reminded me of something suddenly: "Girl Jane hasn't come to visit for a while, you ask people to come to our house for a meal."

"OKOK——" Lin You made a gesture, "Then I will answer the phone first."

She guessed what Jian Mingjia wanted to say, and as expected, she closed the door and put on the phone, and she heard the other person asking.

"Just now Xiao Geng didn't say much when I was there. Are you really going to participate in that event?"

"Otherwise, are you going to participate?" Lin You replied leisurely. "The official organization will experience the A-level dungeon in advance. What a chance, how many people want to participate yet have no chance."

This is true, it has already been fried on the forum.

The homepage is overwhelmingly discussing this topic, and occasionally there are several previous "come and talk about interesting teammates you have encountered in the game", "rational discussion, which is your most terrifying experience" Class floating "hot" tall buildings.

Lin You skipped these for the time being, she glanced at a seated person.

"So someone will come out to claim the quota."

In other words, it is equivalent to the strength of some players being recognized as the best in the public, and some people will inevitably expand because of this.

"Don't talk too much about everything," Jian Ming Jialiang said, "It will be fun if you can't hold it back then."

"Also, it's not that I don't believe you when I'm making this call. Anyway, it's A-level. You should pay more attention tomorrow."

"Good, good," Lin You promised, "I will converge."

Concise Jia: "..."

In fact, she wondered if this person knew how to write the word "convergence".

But after so many years, how can I not know the other's temperament, and I can't persuade him when he understands it, so he can only give up.


Lin You remembered, "My mother just saw you call and asked me to ask you which day you have time to have dinner."

"Okay, anyway, I have quit my internship and I have time. Help me and my auntie to reply." Concisely said, "If you want to participate in the activity tomorrow morning, then I will sleep and wake up again."

The game official uniformly stipulated the start time of the test in the morning of the next day.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Linyou went online on time.

In the list of friends, the names of Jian Mingjia and Geng Qinghe are grayed out. It is estimated that they are going to wait until she comes out at noon.

[Detected that the player holds an invitation letter. 】

The voice of intellectual brain and inorganic matter sounded.

[Do you choose to enter the test copy? 】

Lin Yu thought that he still had to ask, of course he chose "yes".

[I am entering the A-level copy "Karitsuki Station". There are a total of twelve players participating in this dungeon. Since it is still in the open beta and debugging period, the difficulty balance cannot be guaranteed. 】

After such a brief statement, Zhi Brain began to count down.

When it counted to the last second, Lin You suddenly felt her body shake.

The shock was short-lived, like a nap in the car and suddenly awakened. Opening her eyes again, she found that she was sitting in a tram.

The night scene outside the window passed quickly, and the tram sprinted smoothly. At least Lin You couldn't feel any shaking while sitting on the thick and soft seat. She was still holding the invitation letter in her hand, and there was only the slight sound of railroad tracks rubbing in her ears.

She was the only person in the entire carriage.

Not only this one carriage. Lin You got up and looked through the glass door between the carriages. The left and right sides were empty and there were no signs of human figures, really panicked.

Not surprisingly.

Lin You thought.

After all, this copy is "Karitsuki Station".

This is an urban legend from a Japanese forum. The girl took a tram late at night and got off at an unmanned station by mistake. While trying to get out of the station, she asked netizens for help on the forum.

But no one had heard of the name of the "Karitsuki Station" she was at, and her parents who promised to pick her up on the phone could not find the location of this station.

The girl described the weird scene she saw, and finally said that she was willing to take her away when she met a kind person, but she never appeared again.

It was not until seven years later that she finally went online, claiming that her seven years had disappeared out of thin air, and her parents took her home.

In short, regardless of whether this urban legend is true or false, this copy is based on "stations that do not exist in reality" as the background.

It was suddenly dark outside the window.

The outside was originally a night scene, but now it seems to be passing through a long tunnel without any lighting measures.

"Next stop."

In the empty carriage, a cold mechanical female voice suddenly sounded.

"The terminal is Kisaragi Station."


Lin You tensed her nerves and didn't take it lightly, and then she suddenly felt hot in her palms.

She immediately realized the source of the temperature and tore open the envelope in twos or twos.

The fleeting piping hot seemed to remind her that the content above had changed. Sure enough, waiting for Lin You to open the folded letter paper again, replacing the original printed lines with a row of crooked handwriting.

The handwriting is naive and awkward, as if it were written by a child.

[Meet with your partner within three minutes, otherwise you will be at your own risk. 】

The glass windows were a little brighter, and the tram finally passed through the tunnel, but its speed slowed down.

Lin You still knew what was indifferent and what must be observed. When the tram stopped and the door opened, she rushed out for the first time, looking around trying to find the so-called "companion."

Before entering the book, she was told that there were a total of twelve players, which means there are eleven people besides her—


Lin You took a deep breath.

The platform was also empty.

The car door closed behind him, and the lights in the tram went out in the next second. The only lighting is a light bulb less than half a palm hanging from the ceiling of the station.

It may have been used for a long time, the lights turned yellow, and the entire platform was dimly yellow.

But with this light, Lin You could still see the big dark red characters painted on the white wall.

[Go here. 】

The red edge was glowing black, and she couldn't tell whether it was blood or paint. However, the crooked corners subtly matched the handwriting on the letter paper.

Lin You raised the letter paper again and compared it. In terms of writing habits, the two should be from the same person.

There was also a big arrow drawn beside the words on the wall. Looking in the direction of the arrow, it was an old-fashioned straight van-type elevator—it was obvious that she was asked to get on the elevator. But when she looked back, she could also see that there was a staircase directly opposite the elevator.

These words and the elevator are very suspicious, and the yellow seals that can be affixed to the ends of the stair handrails are also suspicious.

Lin You understood that this was the first choice given to her at the start.

——Do you want to believe the words on the wall?

She snorted, raised her hand and pressed the elevator button.

Now I still believe that the other party should be wiser. Besides, even if something really happens—

Isn't that better?

She consciously felt that her picture book was about to move.

Facts have proved that if she always holds this mentality, she is destined to be disappointed-the road is safe, and the only weird thing about this elevator is that there is only a floor button to B1 beside the door.

Lin You pressed it down, she leaned on the inner wall of the elevator car, waiting boredly for it to rise.

With a "ding", the elevator arrived.

The door of the box opened, and Lin You saw a living person for the first time since entering this copy.

Her first reaction was to look down at the letter paper, and the content on it had disappeared.

... is that she fulfilled this requirement?

Lin You breathed a sigh of relief and began to look around with confidence.

The floor she came to looked like the waiting hall of the underground passage of "Karitsuki Station". It was very spacious—to be precise, it was too spacious.

The underground passage is so long that the end cannot be seen at first glance. Supporting pillars stand every four or five meters, and the pillars are wrapped with dilapidated advertising posters.

There is also a sign marking the tram line. The signs on the sign correspond to the ticket gates at both ends of the passage.

A small group of people stood not far away, and when they heard the movement, they looked at her.

Excluding Linyou, there were seven men and three women present. Among them, one or two young men saw Lin You's appearance and figure clearly shine, but before they had time to come over and start a conversation, there was another noise from the elevator behind her.

The elevator doors opened again.

Lin You froze for a moment, and aimed at the person passing her from behind.

He is no more than twenty-five, and he is said to be plain-looking, and every aspect of his facial features is quite outstanding, but somehow he looks extremely dull together. Seeing her looking at him, he smiled gently at her.

Reflex nodded, Lin You's eyes turned back to the elevator.

She must have never seen this person on the lower floor.

But it seems that there is only one elevator here, and those teammates were not surprised by the two people's arrival—perhaps they all came out of the elevator.

The elevator is the only entrance to the underground passage, which connects the different spaces that the players were initially dispersed into in the form of nodes, allowing them to gather here.

It seemed that the twelve people present had all made the right choice, and Lin You was a little curious what would happen if he took the stairs.

There she fell into thinking for herself, and it was a little deliberate and untimely when she came up to strike up a conversation, and the two people stood there in grief.


The sudden sound of children resounding throughout the passage surprised everyone. When looking for the source of the sound, they found it was coming from the horn at the junction of the ceiling and the wall.

The passage is too empty, and the louder voice will bring up an echo, and the speaking person is quite satisfied with this.

"Hello?" It sounded like a little girl with a crisp voice. She patted the microphone hard with her hands. "Can you hear it?"

No one answered, but she didn't care about it.

"Everyone is here," she giggled, "then the game will begin!"

Lin You: "Game?"

Her voice is not too small, and the few teammates who heard her looked at each other and stepped aside.

Only then did Lin You see what they were surrounding.

——It's a coffin.

The coffin was not big, it was about the size of a ten-year-old girl lying in it. The lid of the coffin was leaning on one side, and a note was pasted on the edge of the coffin. The crooked writing on the note was exactly the same as that on the underground wall.

[Find my body. 】

"Yes, yes!"

The little girl happily agreed as if she could see the situation here.

"Six hours from now," she said, "you need to find one part of my body every hour. You can leave here after you find all six!"

Someone's heart hanging in his throat fell because the difficulty of this requirement was not beyond imagination, and the next second he almost jumped out because of the other party's supplement.

"But, I said this is a game—"

"So there are some restrictions." The little girl's voice had a cruel innocence, she proudly and slyly announced, "For example, every twenty minutes there will be a new'guest' visiting."

"This station gathers ten lines, so there are ten ticket gates."

She said: "Underground passages are divided into east and west areas, five in each area.'Guests' will appear randomly from these ten entrances. As for which one, I will kindly remind you when the time comes."

"The mission of brothers and sisters is to survive the chase of the'guests' and find my body."

"After all," the little girl chuckled, "If I don't find the part I specified and put it in the coffin within an hour, everyone will be GAMEOVER."

Everyone: "…………………………"

What kind of **** difficulty is this special? !

Even if she didn't say it clearly, who couldn't guess what the "guest" in her mouth was-except for ghosts or ghosts, six hours would be less than eighteen ghosts. Is it going to be a mess of ghosts and monsters when running together? !

Now they really believe that the official hasn't adjusted the difficulty, A grade? Is it an S-level rhythm that is divided into minutes? !

Several of them have already begun to regret why they brag about how awesome they are to their relatives and friends and on the forum before entering the game. Wouldn't it be that they slap themselves in the face if they die.


A girl with burgundy curly hair was shocked, "I was selected by lottery, I am sure..."

It's hard to imagine that she was still showing off her good luck to her friends half an hour ago. It's just that she didn't prepare mentally and miscalculated her bottom line.

"Then—" The little girl didn't care about their reaction and announced enthusiastically, "The game has begun!"

In the dead silence, everyone could vaguely feel the vibration from the ground under their feet.

That is the movement of the tram.

"What you are looking for this hour is my right hand."

"Ah!" she cried out fussly as if listening to something, "it seems our first ‘guest’ got out of the car."

"Please note."

The voice was still childish, and the little girl pressed her childish voice and used the tone of business affairs to be a little funny-but no one could laugh.

"The guy codenamed ‘SMILE’ appeared at the fifth mouth."

"'SMILE'...?" someone murmured and repeated.


The sound of dragging footsteps approached from far away, and everyone understood the meaning of the code name the moment the other party poked his head out.

At first glance, this guy looked like a person, but when his face was exposed to the light--

He is smiling, but his smile is far different from normal people. One face has long been utterly devoid of reason, and the corners of his mouth stiffly mention the highest on both sides, almost showing his gums. From the corner of the forehead to the cheek, there are bursts of blue veins, and the eyes are turned upwards to the white of the eyes.

The man crouched back, dragging a half-human axe.

He walked faster and faster, and finally darted straight towards them.

At a glance, he knew what he was going to do with that axe.

"Go here—"

Someone in the crowd yelled, "I just saw a way upstairs!"

Upstairs? !

When everyone heard it, their spirits came.

Of course it is good to throw him as far as he can. Someone who starts to run desperately will catch up with him because of fear of falling behind.

But the girl with wine-red curly hair was frightened at first, but she shook her feet and stopped at the end. She hurriedly stepped forward, and the next second she realized that she was grabbed by the arm.

"Help..." She turned her head to face the grinning face, "Ahhhhh!"

Blood splattered.

The girl lost her breath immediately, and the man swung an axe and slashed her back again and again. When he drew the axe from the **** corpse, the axe blade was still dripping blood, and when he looked up again, the crowd was far away.

He did not hesitate to catch up.

Listening to the sound of footsteps leaving, Lin You, who was only one door away, breathed slowly against the bathroom door.

Before you know what the opponent's weakness is, avoid it first.

Based on various reasons, she always felt that the little girl-almost certainly she was the boss-deliberately emphasized that "No. 5 mouth" was a bit contrary to peace, and wanted to go back and look for clues after the other party left.

She didn't run a few steps, and got in when she saw a place to hide not far away.

The timing is right now--

Lin You just thought so, and suddenly heard the footsteps go back and forth.

...? !

She was taken aback, and quickly stepped into the last compartment as the opponent approached.

Obviously it was used to put things, the bottles of detergent plus all kinds of tools piled up almost nothing.

Lin You finally set aside a place and just stood in and locked the door, she heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened.

"I... saw you hiding in..." A vague voice squeezed out from the twisted mouth, "Don't hide, come out..."

Lin You: "..."

The eyes were all turned white, and the expression in his eyes was actually quite good.

Speaking of eldest brother, she thought, this is a women's toilet, is it appropriate to come in so openly?

The murderer obviously didn't care, she heard him knock on the door of the first compartment, and kicked up again after receiving no response. Seeing no one inside, he quickly turned to the next one.

He seemed to enjoy the process of forcing the target's psychological defense line to collapse little by little, as he smashed it back and forth one after another, and finally stopped in the penultimate one.

-Her next door.

There was another deafening knock on the door, but she waited for a long time, but she never waited until the door in front of her was knocked.

Lin You raised his hand and waited for the summoning illustration book, wondering whether it was used or not.

Until she noticed a shadow on her head.

Lin You slowly raised her head.

The dragging footsteps and kicking had misled her, making her think that the other party's actions would inevitably bring great movement.

But when you think about it, it’s not a human being, who said it must have a sound.

The "man" squatted silently on the top of the partition, with a grinning smile that burst to her. He carried the dim light of the bathroom behind his back, and his face became more and more terrifying.

"turn up……"

The word "you" didn't come out. Lin You looked at his feet squatting on the partition board, and backhand picked up the broom leaning on the back, directly against the opponent's chest.

With a "plop", the stick stabbed him and he fell back on his back next door.

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