I Have Six Big Cubs

Chapter 295: Eat

"Just this little strength?" Shen Yan sneered, "I can't say that Huang Xi can't beat me, and he doesn't weigh how many catties he has, and he comes to provoke us. Isn't this sent to the door for abuse?"

The danger was lifted, and Huang Xi smiled unkindly when he heard Shen Yan's words.

"As expected of my sister Yan!"

Shen Yan let go of her hand and returned to Huang Xi, "Isn't it hurt?"

"Thanks to your timely arrival, she didn't hit me. Sister Yan, you are my idol!"

A person who looked so weak could actually block Lan Zi Ling's slap with ease.

She saw clearly just now that Shen Yan grabbed her hand effortlessly, and Lan Ziling tried her best and didn't break her free.

Shen Yan burst into laughter and stretched out her hand, "Give me breakfast."

"Oh, well, it's still hot."

Xu Huaiman on the side looked at Shen Yan's gaze as if poisoned.

She saw the man enter her room again last night, and then did not come out all night.

Shen Yan was late again today, and he didn't need to think about what happened to them last night.

Xu Huaiman was so resentful that all the creases of the costume were scratched.

Shen Yan didn't notice Xu Huaiman's eyes at all, and she was concentrating on breakfast at this time.

For her, there are only three things that are most important at present-eating, sleeping, and finding a son.

She was thinking of a way to pry open Fengming's mouth. If there is no way, she will post the film to find someone after she finishes filming the scene.

The effort pays off, she will find it one day.

But she also has her own worries.

The eldest of the remaining three sons was only three years old when she was sealed. Can you really remember her?

Shen Yan had no bottom in his heart.

"Here, drink some water." Han Yichen didn't know when he sat beside her.

She glanced at the unopened water, hesitated for a moment or took it, "Thank you."

"What are you thinking about?"


For Han Yichen, Shen Yan's mood is very complicated.

But she doesn't have time to deal with those complicated feelings. There are too many things that bother her at the moment, and she can't just stare at one or two things in front of her.

Han Yichen knew she didn't want to tell herself, so she didn't ask again.

"I dreamed of the place called Qingluan Country again, just like our ancient times. I also saw you, and I live next door to my house..."

Shen Yan's heart tightened, "Did you really dream of it?"

"Well, it's the same as last time, it's very real, just like my own experience."

"That's really weird. Could it be that you have read too many scripts recently, or have too much mental stress?"

Han Yichen looked at him and laughed, "Perhaps."

Shen Yan unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of water. He looked down and continued to eat breakfast. There were thousands of possibilities flashed in his mind, but none of them could explain his situation.

According to the information given to her by Huo Ye, Han Yichen was born to Han Ming’s ex-wife, so if Han Yichen has a problem, that ex-wife’s problem is also very big.

So she wanted to ask the ex-wife.

Shen Yan thought about it all morning.

She is as smart as her, even if she has troubles in the morning, it did not delay her filming. On the contrary, she performed better than yesterday, which made the director full of praise.

After filming, Huang Xi stayed to communicate with the director, while Shen Yan went to the dressing room to remove makeup.

Xu Huaiman also followed and sat next to her.

"Shen Yan, I want to talk to you."

"I have nothing to chat with you."

"I think you will be more interested in matters related to Feng Ming than me."

Shen Yan looked at her with a smile, "Why do you think I care about him?"

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