I Have No Interest In Devil Fruit

Chapter 605 The black dragon steals the country, and... the princess, and the princess again

[Chapter Header Series·Red Heart Pirates 13·『Do you need me? Please, you need me...']

[After listening to this last story, baby5 was still wiping tears silently, but Corazon and Luo, who were smoking cigarettes, stood up and boarded the spare boat of their warship parked by the sea... baby5 was crying on the shore Once again the embankment broke, she cried and asked, are you going to abandon me too? Don't abandon me, okay... I'm really useful, you can use it however you want, just please don't abandon me, okay...]——

"Then, the Lord of the Black Dragon is the hero who saved the country, right?"

Xiangchun lowered his voice and sneered, "Besides, the emperor abdicated back then, so why did we go on and on to assassinate the black dragon—this is really hard to understand, isn't it?"

Xing Tian was silent, walking aside without speaking.

Xiangchun stared at the direction of the city gate where people come and go, and gritted his teeth: "You are wrong! Because... more than three hundred years ago, the national treasure of the Kingdom of Flowers was not accidentally lost because of the incompetence of the royal family... …

"It's because of that hateful black dragon!

"The national treasure was deliberately taken away from the royal family by the black dragon. They first removed the national treasure from the royal family, and then lured the pirates into the country of flowers. They watched the chaos in the country of flowers with cold eyes. The army and the pirates fought each other, waiting for the emperor and Princess Lily to be powerless. Withdraw from the enemy..."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Headless Xing Tian was thoughtful, "However, how are you sure——huh?"

Robin, who controls his Hua Zizai avatar, is more keenly aware of the unusual aura around him with the help of the powerful aura of the avatar.

"It seems that we have been targeted." Xing Tian said calmly, "Get ready to fight."

Xiangchun shrank his pupils and clenched his fists...

Her body was tense, and she concentrated on paying attention to the trailing qi machines.

And when Xiangchun and Xingtian walked out of the city gate in a strangely calm atmosphere, the murderous intent followed closely!


Three minutes later, on the side of the road tens of meters outside the city, Xiangchun lowered his fists with an expression of disbelief.

Around her and the headless monster lay nine palace masters who came to hunt them down. These are not ordinary goods, but dead soldiers in black armor, the elite of the elite of the army under the lord's command.


When the nine black-armored killers followed closely and appeared to strike, before he had time to find a chance to join the fight, the headless monster suspected of being Kongtiao Xu Lun knocked them all down with a chirp. .

It was also seen that the headless monster used such a powerful martial arts, he just used Qi to protect himself, wandered among the nine black-armored killers, went straight, punched to the flesh, and knocked them down.

The difference in strength is too great...Xiangchun was shocked, it was so big that he could crush it unilaterally...Is this the strength of Qi Wuhai Kujo Xu Lun? !

Boom, the head of the doll on the neck of the headless monster loosened during the fight, and suddenly rolled and fell to the ground, grunting, and rolled to the hands of the killer in black armor lying on the side.

"Be careful..." Xiangchun reminded.

Headless Xingtian turned his head... oh, no head. Then turn around... On the chest muscles exposed in the half-opened front, two bright eyes on the left and right saw that the nine black-armored killers who were lying on the ground stood up one after another.

They were as silent as a ghost, and they didn't speak. They reached in from the edge of the armor in unison, and took out a small package of paper bags.

"Not good! Stop them!" Xiangchun yelled, already taking action, and flew towards them.

However, the black-armored killers had already opened the small paper package, and decisively pounced on their noses and mouths, opening their mouths to swallow the mist of pollen into their bodies.

The black-armored killer let out a low growl, and the exposed skin on his face and neck instantly turned red, his veins bulged, his eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body swelled a few points in an instant.


The berserk black-armored killer knocked Xiangchun away with a punch.

"This is..." Robin's eyes on Xingtian's chest saw this, and of course he remembered the situation when Xiangchun dealt with those blue-armored Dragon Banner troops outside Buluzhu Village before. They ate something and went berserk.

Lynch didn't kill them that time, and those Dragon Banner soldiers died as if they were withered. It seemed that they were eating something that overdrawn their vitality in exchange for a moment of powerful strength.

What they ate in the small paper bag they took out just now...

Robin must have read it right this time.

It is "pollen".

Her heart skipped a beat.

Although Robin's memory cannot be compared with Lynch's stand-in, after all, he is also a genius who can get a doctorate in history at the age of eight. Qi's body is stronger.

Soon, she remembered the historical text found on the interest island of the loan shark king...

"...Researchers have discovered that the PYRO particles can release many different wavelengths after adjusting the microstructure..."

"...some wavelengths transform the PYRO particle into a particle that exists widely in nature and in the water cycle; some wavelengths transform it into a factor that is highly compatible and highly similar to the bloodline factor ; while some wavelengths convert PYRO particles into a special particle that can affect bloodline factors, and the tragedy recorded on this historical text stele is related to this third particle called PYROSADO... ..."

"...the high-concentration PYROSADO solution, and the fruits of the plants it cultivates, have the property of attracting the particles of the second lineage-like factor. A certain catalytic effect of human blood factors was widely used by some countries at that time on the soldiers of the army to improve their combat capabilities. But tragedy also happened because of this... The army with unprecedented combat effectiveness was invincible, but it didn’t take long. All the soldiers who took the special medicine all aged prematurely, their organs quickly failed, and in a very short period of time, countless soldiers died of old age..."

Using the technology of that special particle, the plants cultivated...


In order to improve combat capabilities... Physical exhaustion... In a very short period of time, directly die of old age...

Isn't this what happened in front of you?

Robin was distracted thinking, when he suddenly heard Xiangchun's voice: "Enough, they are already dead."

Robin came back to his senses and realized that he was controlling the headless Xingtian holding the neck of a berserk black-armored killer, and he seemed to have burned out his life at this moment, his hair was gray, his skin was shriveled, and he was gone. The sound was the same as the eight black-armored killers on the ground nearby.

Of course, the powerful strength obtained by taking pollen forbidden medicine is not without any effect.

They still hit the Xingtian controlled by Robin many times, but it was useless if they hit them, and this body was not Robin's own, and Robin couldn't even feel the pain—it was Lin who felt the feeling of being hit. Qi's deity, as for this, Robin will comfort classmate Lin. If he really needs to. laugh.

Therefore, the berserk black-armored killer was doing useless work, and finally burned out his life and died, like the ashes of nine human figures.

Robin sighed, and manipulated the headless Xingtian to put down the withered "old man" in his hand.

Xiangchun was about to sigh, she was amazed.

Although he already knew that Giorno was very powerful when he dealt with the Blue Armored Dragon Banner Army before, this time it was different. female captain.

did not expect……

The nine black-armored Dragon Banner soldiers whose strength has skyrocketed after taking the pollen couldn't even beat this headless monster who was Kongtiao Xu Lun, so they were defeated just like that...

If it was them...

Is it even possible to defeat the black dragon head-on?

Thinking of this possibility, Xiangchun's heart trembled slightly, and he couldn't bear to think about it.

She said hoarsely: "Whether you are Xu Lun or not, I will take you to meet someone..."

Headless Xingtian turned his head, oh, there is no head. ——turning around and saying, "Who are you seeing?"

"Our eldest sister, Xianglian..."

Xiangchun looked towards a certain direction in the distance, and Robin found that it seemed to be not far from the direction of Bulky Bamboo Village.

Xiangchun murmured: "My third brother and I were adopted by the eldest sister, she is the real last descendant of the Humble Bamboo League..."

Xing Tian nodded—oh, no head. Robin nodded. According to what the psychic grandma said, Lynch's mother, Lily, and this "last descendant of the Humble Bamboo League, Xianglian", were married to Jinlan, and they could be regarded as the last "half descendant"...

Well, well worth a walk along the way...

Xianglian should know more about Lynch's mother.

On the way, Xing Tian suddenly asked: "By the way, the question that was interrupted by the killer before..."

He turned to face Xiangchun, and asked, "How are you sure that the story of 'the black dragon framed the royal family, lost the national treasure, and lured pirates in' is true?"

Xiangchun looked into the distance, and said calmly: "This is the truth behind what Princess Lily left behind... and her descendants, that is, the blood of the former royal family, are still alive!"


〖Country of Flowers, Zhuoye Road, Bamboo Village—〗

The psychic grandma is getting old and lacks energy, so she rests in the thatched hut when she is tired.

Ayu stayed for a while, picked up his bamboo pole, pushed open the door and saw two familiar figures just outside the door.

"Ayu, are there any guests?" The voice of the psychic grandma came from inside the room.

Ayu looked up, opened his mouth, and said "um".

Lynch propped his elbows on the door frame of the thatched cottage, "Are you going out?"

Robin leaned over and patted Ayu's head, and said with a smile, "It seems like we came just in time?"

These two, especially the psychic granny, obviously know a lot.

Whether it's the Humble Bamboo League or Lynch's mother Lily...

Now that they have decided to find out what happened in this place in the past, naturally they will not go around in circles, and they will find all the insiders they can find together, and everyone will explain everything they know clearly and clearly. it is good!

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