I Have Countless Ability Cards

Chapter 268: The Punishment Against Lan Wei

Chapter 268: The Punishment Against Lan Wei

Soon, Gu Fan came to an area on the edge of Seven Star Academy.

That area is known as the protective cover of the Seven Star Academy, where the guardians of all the people in the world gather.

Of course, this kind of name can be seen at a glance that the people in this area named it themselves.

As for whether people in other places admit it or not, they probably don't care.

All in all, this is the territory of the Seven Star Academy Security Department.

And Gu Fan came here now, of course he came to look for Lan Wei.

Because the best tenth candidate in Gu Fan's mind is of course Lan Wei, whom everyone knows.

And Lan Wei's strength is also considered very high.

His strange weapon left a very deep impression on Gu Fan.

What Gu Fan didn't expect was that when Gu Fan walked into the office building of the security department, he happened to meet Lan Wei walking out with something.

While walking, while looking lonely.

Lan Wei didn't raise his head until he was three meters in front of Gu Fan, just in time to see Gu Fan's smiling face.

He immediately changed his expression, trying to hide his loneliness.

"Gu Fan, why are you here?"

Gu Fan looked at Lan Wei, and said badly in his heart: "Lan Wei, what's wrong? Your face is very ugly."

Even if Lan Wei tried his best to cover it up, he couldn't hide it from Gu Fan's eyes.

But at this moment, Lan Wei still wanted to hold on: "It's nothing, you came here to look for me, what's the matter?"

Gu Fan looked deeply at Lan Wei, frowning and thinking for a moment.

Only then did Gu Fan figure out the key.

"Lan Wei, you were kicked out by the security department, right? Just because you followed me to break into the Emperor's Building? I remember that you said you resigned from the position of the chief of the security department, and you didn't quit the security department completely!"

"Could it be that there are some guys in your security department who have been coveting your position for a long time, and just took this opportunity to drive you out?"

At this time, Lan Wei knew that Gu Fan couldn't hide it, and said with an ugly face.

"It was worse than what you said. I was not kicked out by the Security Section, but directly kicked out of Seven Star Academy."

"The Presbyterian Pavilion has already issued a notice, asking me to leave the Seven Star Academy within one day, and I will never be allowed to re-enter."

Hearing Lan Wei's words, Gu Fan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

First of all, Lan Wei's treatment must have something to do with following Gu Fan to the Emperor's Building.

However, for this incident, Changlaoge did not punish Emperor Building, Gu Fan, Wanshouyuan, and Science and Technology Museum, but only punished Lan Wei!

Why? Why?

Looking at Gu Fan's expression, Lan Wei pretended to be relaxed and said.

"That's okay, I stay in the security department all day, dealing with all dangerous incidents, I'm very worried."

"After leaving Seven Star Academy, I can also try to live a more relaxed life, which is not bad."

"It's just a pity. I know that you came here to let me join your wonderful society and participate in the club competition with you. I really want to participate, but I don't have the chance."

However, just by his expression, normal people can tell that he is lying, let alone Gu Fan.

"Is this an order from His Excellency the Elder? Don't worry, I'll go find them."

With that said, Gu Fan walked directly in one direction.

That direction is exactly the center of the Seven Star Academy, where the Elder's Pavilion is located.

Seeing this, Lan Wei trotted a few steps, trying to stop Gu Fan.

"Gu Fan, don't be impulsive! The Elder Pavilion is in charge of all the affairs of the Seven Star Academy, so don't conflict with them."

"This punishment is just to let me leave Seven Star Academy, I am already satisfied."

However, Lan Wei couldn't stop Gu Fan at all.

Even, Gu Fan took out the card "King of the Dark Street", and after transforming, he accelerated towards the Elder's Pavilion.

At this time, the Elder Pavilion happened to be having a very important meeting.

The core content of the meeting was about the details of Gu Fan's entanglement with Wanshouyuan and others to bravely break into the Emperor's Building.

Sitting at the head was a man who looked to be around fifty years old.

At this time, he was sitting upright, as if closing his eyes and resting his mind.

And on both sides of him, there were exactly twenty-four members of the Elder Pavilion.

Not one more, one not less, all the people from the Elder Pavilion are here.

"After our discussion, the general punishment result has been released temporarily."

"All the losses caused by Gu Fan leading people to break into the Emperor's Building will be borne by Gu Fan himself. As for the specific amount of compensation, we will make a final determination after the club competition is over."

Mr. Li stood up, held a piece of paper, and said seriously.

Then, he looked at the person sitting in the first place, and asked carefully.

"I don't know if we can handle it this way, can we?"

Li Laogui is the Pavilion Master of the Elder Pavilion, so he needs to speak to that person in a low voice at this time.

"Hmph." The person sitting at the top snorted coldly, and then said: "If you just deal with it like this, isn't it too cheap for Gu Fan? Inside the Seven Star Academy, he even took the initiative to break into other students' mansions. Injured so many people, fine a little money?"

"In my opinion, this Gu Fan has committed a heinous crime, and he should be sent to a military court!"

Hearing this, the members of the Elder Pavilion on the left and right looked a little ugly.

Especially Li Lao, whose wrinkled face gradually turned cold.

And at this moment, the door of the Elder's Pavilion opened.

Gu Fan didn't talk too much, just opened the door and walked in.

Just in time, he saw that everyone in the Elder Pavilion was there, so he said directly.

"I broke into the Emperor's Building this time, and I should bear all the consequences. Why should Lan Wei be punished?"

"I beg everyone in the Elder Pavilion to take back the punishment for Lan Wei!"

As soon as the words were finished, Lan Wei finally arrived.

But he was still a step too late, and Gu Fan couldn't stop him before he could stop it.

Seeing Gu Fan and Lan Wei coming, it was Mr. Li who reacted the most.

He quickly got up from his seat and trotted all the way to Gu Fan.

"Gu Fan! What are you doing here now?"

"We're in a meeting now. We'll talk about it later. You go first!"

Seeing Mr. Li's anxious eyes, Gu Fan focused his attention on the person sitting at the top again, and instantly understood everything.

First of all, as the head of the Elder Pavilion, Mr. Li should sit at the top no matter if it is a meeting or a meeting.

But now, someone actually appeared and took his place.

It can only be explained that at this time, a person with more power than Mr. Li has come to the Elder's Pavilion, and he is the guy who is sitting at the top right now.

The reason why Mr. Li drove Lan Wei out of the Seven Star Academy was actually to protect him.

After all, it doesn't matter if he has no power, no power, no money, and he is in the most dangerous security department, where he is the easiest to be retaliated against.

At this time, the person sitting at the top spoke with great interest.

"As long as you are Gu Fan, I thought you were not bad as a King Kong with three heads and six arms. From this point of view, it's nothing more than that!"

Gu Fan gave Mr. Li a firm look, and whispered: "Trust me."

Afterwards, he went straight to the leader.

"Now it seems that the entire Elder Pavilion is up to you?"

"The country is really deserted, and a scum like you is sent to Seven Star Academy!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Elder Pavilion fell into a deathly silence.

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