Zhou Yi once helped some refugees.

People who can check their luck through qi-gazing technique and have hope and fighting spirit in adversity are worthy of helping.

Chen Liang is one of them, a young man who fled from Zhenzhou after the dragoon rebellion in southern Xinjiang.

"I remember that Lao Wang arranged for you to go to the restaurant's kitchen?"

Chen Liang in Zhou Yi's memory was dark and thin, and it was no longer easy to survive on foot for thousands of miles.

Looking at the white servant in front of me who was cleanly dressed, tall and straight, with an iron ruler hanging around his waist, he seemed to be a different person.

Chen Liang bowed and saluted: "Sir, he got on the sedan chair and said, Mr. Fu Yin ordered me to see you off."

"Well, let's go to the Demon Slayer Division."

Zhou Yi sat on the sedan chair, and Chen Liang led the way while telling his story.

The chef of the restaurant run by Lao Wang has a secret sauce secret skill that he never reveals to others. The dishes in the restaurant have a special aroma after adding sauce, which is the signature of the restaurant.

A month ago, a newly opened restaurant poached the chef at a huge price.

Without the secret sauce, the restaurant can hardly survive and is about to close down.

Chen Liang personally went to the chef's house and bought the sauce recipe for the restaurant for a hundred dollars.

Lao Wang was very happy when he found out about this, so he followed Chen Liang's wishes and arranged for him to work as a white servant in the Beijing Yamen.

The servants, clerks, scribes, and other non-standard miscellaneous servants in Daqian had quotas for each yamen, and they were temporary workers with established salaries. The additional servants recruited, called white servants, were only given a skin and responsibilities, and did not receive the most basic salary.

Chen Liang has made great contributions to Lao Wang. If he stays in the restaurant for a few years, he may be able to become the shopkeeper.

But judging from Chen Liang's appearance, Bai Yi was also doing well.

"...I asked Mr. Wang for your name. Today, I heard my boss said that Mr. Zhou from the Demon Slayer Division was being sent, so I took the initiative to invite you here."

Chen Liang said: "Master Zhou has treated me with as much kindness as a mountain. If I succeed in the future, I will repay you with a spring of water."

"You kid can also use idioms."

"There are some idle books written in the Yamen. I ask for advice when I have free time on weekdays. I can recognize most of the characters."

"If you know how to make progress, you can!"

Zhou Yi's eyes flashed with inspiration, and he looked at the luck above Chen Liang's head.

The color is green and white, with the roar of a tiger hidden in it. Unfortunately, a strand of red silk thread is entangled in the middle, which is very dazzling.

All the way to the Demon Slaying Department, Chen Liang bowed and lifted the curtain for Zhou Yi. After watching him go in personally, he took out a few silver beans and handed them to the bearer.

"If someone asks, you are going to say this and this... Do you understand?"

The bearers accepted the benefits, and what Chen Liang said was quite different from the truth, so they nodded in agreement.

Ministry of Things.

Zhou Yi noticed Li Mu, who was copying bibliographies alone in the Fur Department.

At last night's party, Li Mu shied away from having something to do and didn't participate, so there was no friendship as they had worked together in the dormitory.

Other colleagues gathered at the Wu Zang Branch to divide the spoils. Master Chen's uncle, Chen Shilang, sent a full two kilograms of Concentrating Flowers. If you buy Ningshen flowers outside, you can count the flowers. If someone owns this, you can give it away by the pound.

Ningshen flower is the main ingredient in refining the elixir of nourishing the spirit. Even if the elixir is not refined, chewing it raw, making tea or wine can have the effect of condensing the yin spirit.

Most of the people in the Ministry of Finance are middle-level third-grade Qi Refining Realm monks, and they are more in need of Concentration Flowers.

The lifespan of a mid-level third-level person is one hundred and fifty, which is almost the same as that of a lower-level third-level person or even an ordinary person. After concentration, the life span starts at three hundred.

"Old Liu, that's too much. Yours is bigger."

"My fast hand, Liu Zhongzhong, is more accurate than Zhu Zi. You can slander my integrity, but you can never question these hands!"

Old Liu's hands are like jade, whiter than those of an courtesan. Rumor has it that he practiced some kind of secret technique of acupuncture, poisoning, and concealed weapons, and condensed it with secret medicine.

Zhou Yi walked in and saw a group of people arguing about the size of the flowers.

Zhang Cheng had already brewed the concentration tea. He took a sip of tea and painted Yan Chixiao.

It is rumored that Yan Chixiao's scroll has magical effects in warding off and exorcising evil spirits. Ordinary people would rather believe it or not and buy a scroll to hang on the wall.

As the seemingly true and false stories spread, the demand for Yan Chixiao's paintings gradually grew.

The painting shop smelled business and even more advocated the effectiveness of Yan Chixiao's paintings. In order to comply with Daqian's habit of symmetry and the mentality of making more money by selling two paintings, he hooked up with Qin Qiong.

Yan Chixiao hangs on the left and Qin Qiong hangs on the right, which can ensure the safety of the family and home.

In Deshengfang, Zhou Yi heard someone tell the story and then peddled the scroll.

Unfortunately, those scrolls were completely different from those of Yan Chixiao and Qin Qiong, similar to the difference between real-life photos and cartoon images.

Many people who bought the scrolls did not know who Yan Chixiao or Qin Qiong were, but simply thought the two people on the scrolls were very powerful.

Yan Chixiao wields a sword, while Qin Qiong holds a golden mace, majestic and majestic.

From a purely psychological point of view, it can give people a sense of security and confidence. Yang fire will naturally be strong, yin energy will not invade, and ghosts will not dare to approach.

Zhang Cheng's painting is not a fake on the street. Yan Chixiao almost jumped out of the painting and killed the monsters.

"Brother Zhang, your painting is about to condense its true meaning."

Zhou Yi said as he rolled up the picture of the Immortal Riding a Bull hanging in front of him and threw it aside.

"It's still far away, at least another ten or eight years."

Zhang Cheng looked surprised: "This painting is my hard work. It vividly depicts the posture of a true immortal. Why did you take it off?"

"It looks like an eyesore. He can't control so many things in the world. How can he be considered a true immortal?"

Zhou Yi shook his head and sighed. There was a box of concentration flowers on the seat, weighing about half a catty.

Brew it with boiling water and take a sip. It feels really refreshing.

Zhang Cheng laughed and said: "You kid is so arrogant that you don't know how high the world is. So what can true immortals do? Those legendary Taoist Buddhas who are immortal cannot control everything."

"Is there really an immortal Taoist Buddha in the world?"

Zhou Yi immediately became interested. Magical powers, magic weapons and mounts are just means of protecting the road. The ultimate pursuit of all monks is immortality.

Countless demons have been slain, and some of the great demons with profound backgrounds believe in their memories that there are immortals in the world, but unfortunately the details are unclear.

The memory fragments revealed in the Demon Manual will be slightly more detailed for important memories, while others will appear broader.

The specific description is similar to an encyclopedia or a biography of a character.

"Perhaps, I have only heard some rumors that may be true or false."

Zhang Cheng pointed to Yan Chixiao's scroll and said: "We look at Taoist Buddha just like ordinary people look at Yan Chixiao's painting. How can we find out whether it is true or not?"

Zhou Yi shrugged. He had actually explored whether the White Lotus Evil Buddha might be an immortal existence.

The Demon Illustrated Book distributed rewards, indicating that the evil Buddha did indeed die, and then came back to life not long after.

Anyone in the world who recites its sutras will return from death.

"A different kind of immortality?"

Zhou Yi smiled slightly: "Wait until the evil Buddha comes to life completely, and then do it again..."

When fighting the evil Buddha, it was discovered that all the power it exerted came from incense. The newly born evil Buddha had less incense and was easier to kill.

Zhou Yi not only wanted to reward the illustrated book, but also studied how to kill it completely to avoid future troubles.

After his colleagues shared the Concentration Flower equally, thanked him happily and left, Zhou Yi closed his eyes and meditated, and turned his attention to the execution room.

The demon-slaying captain has distributed tasks, three B-character prisons and six C-character prisons.

This amount of tasks is a bit abnormal for a new torturer!

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