Shi Xuan could almost imagine that Lisa, who was chatting privately, gasped, "Brother, master, the number of battleships on the other side..."

"I also find it hard to believe, but this is the result of satellite reconnaissance. (Pinyin of bi qi wu)Ω 』Δ e"

Lisa hesitated for a moment, and seemed to have made a decision, "Brother master, you can lead the team back, my sisters and I hid in the inner space that was discovered last time, and even these 'Dark Moon and No Stars' guys can't find us. ."

Shi Xuan shook his head, "This is the most unavoidable choice. If they are allowed to do things in the Pegasus Galaxy, all your previous constructions will be destroyed and you have to start all over again."

Hiding in the inner space, the star coins and some resources can be taken away, but the built buildings cannot be taken away. The buildings on various planets and the aborigines who can contribute star coins to the team every day will be taken away. "Dark Moon Without Stars" They plundered fiercely, and they would not leave until the maximum time specified by the system was reached.

Moreover, after a big defeat, the points of the "Phoenix of Desire" team will even be deducted by the system, and it is possible to drop from a 3-level team back to a 2-level team, or even to the original 1-level team.

This can no longer be simply used to describe the loss of the team as "great damage to vitality", it has become almost nothing.

Lisa offered to invite Shi Xuan and the others to go back, but she felt that there was no hope of defeating "Dark Moon Wuxing". In order to save Shi Xuan and the others from losses, they would rather choose to hide in the inner space.

Seeing that Shi Xuan did not agree to her suggestion immediately, Lisa continued: "Master, the number of fighters between us and the enemy is too different, and there is no chance of defeating them. I think that if you go back now, you can also avoid bigger Loss."

Shi Xuan thought about it for a while, if he fled like this, it would be too useless, and the championship team's glory of being number one in the universe would be lost. Moreover, now I only know the superiority of the opponent's number of fighters, and I still don't understand the individual strength of the enemy's fighters. It is too hasty to make such a decision.

"Lisa, you secretly make some preparations to hide. If I try to find a way to test the strength of these fighters, it will be too late to make a decision."

Lisa was naturally reluctant to admit defeat just like that. Seeing that Shi Xuan's determination seemed to be very high, anyway, the championship team's retreat through the Battle Alliance Stargate would be something that could be accomplished very quickly, so she agreed.

"Master, don't force it. If you can't do anything, please leave as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I know." Shi Xuan nodded and ended the private chat with Lisa.

To test the strength of enemy fighters,

Naturally, it's going to be a test. It's just that the enemy warships are all together now. If they approach rashly, it is not to test their strength, but to send sheep into the tiger's mouth and throw themselves into the net.

You have to find a way to find the enemy plane alone, so you can try it out.

But now all the detection satellites have been blown up by the bug missiles of the cockroach fighters, and it is difficult to determine where there are single fighters for a while.

Shi Xuan couldn't help but look forward to the super radar space station being built in the Aries galaxy. If he has this super radar now, he can clearly grasp the traces of the enemy planes, and it will not be so difficult to find a single enemy plane. .

There is no other particularly good way. Shi Xuan launched a few small detection satellites towards the enemy plane. It is expected that it will not take long to fly over to check the situation back, although it can be expected that these small satellites will soon be captured by the enemy. Fang fighters were destroyed, but this was necessary and could not be saved.

Shi Xuan looked around again to see if there were any conditions that could be exploited, but the surroundings were all the void of the universe, and there were no favorable stars that could be used.

The detection satellite soon sent the information back, and the battleships of "Dark Moon and No Stars" were still led by cockroach fighters in the front, and a dark area behind them headed towards the center of the Pegasus Galaxy.

It seems that they want to use their huge numerical advantage to sweep the way steadily. The efficiency of this combat strategy is not high, but it also has the fewest weaknesses. In order to defeat them, they basically need to be confronted with strong strength, and there is very little room for tricks.

It didn't take long for those cockroach fighters to discover Shi Xuan's detection satellites again. After a wave of bug missiles, those satellites were destroyed again.

Shi Xuan thought about it, and now it seems that he has to create conditions to lead snakes out of the hole to test their strength.

The current position is right in front of the opponent's fleet, and the enemy planes will collide when they fly. Shi Xuan recognized the direction and controlled the fighter planes to fly to the side.

To the side, Shi Xuan estimated the approximate location of the enemy warship, and controlled the fighter to approach from the side.

At the same time, it also released a detection satellite to fly over with its own fighter plane. This is to use the characteristics of the detection satellite's wider effective detection range than the fighter radar to detect the enemy aircraft early.

It didn't take long for the detection satellites to find the traces of the enemy plane.

Since it was approaching the enemy fleet from the side, this time it wasn't the cockroach fighter that approached first, but another fighter that looked like a scarab.

Shi Xuan stopped. He was very close to the enemy now, and he could be discovered at any time. If he continued to approach, he would definitely be discovered by a large number of enemy planes at the same time. It would not be a test of strength, but a death sentence.

Shi Xuan set up the super-powered laser cannon of the fighter's secondary weapon, and relying on the signal of the detection satellite, he locked on one of the scarab fighters, and suddenly fired a cannon.

The distance between the two sides is so far apart that the chance of hitting the other side is actually not high, but Shi Xuan's purpose is not to rely on his own fighter to inflict a huge blow on the enemy. This cannon only needs to alert the enemy and attract a small number of enemy planes. If it succeeds, it doesn't matter whether it can hit the Scarab fighter.

Therefore, Shi Xuan did not choose the more concealed and more powerful main weapon oscillating particle cannon, but chose the more conspicuous super laser cannon.

Shi Xuan is still very confident in the strength of his own fighters. If the opponent only sends out a small number of fighters, he can completely defeat them, and he can use this opportunity to analyze the general strength of the enemy's fighters in detail.

But if the other party sent a large number of fighters, Shi Xuan had no choice but to run away first, and then slowly look for opportunities.

The super laser was like a rainbow, and it instantly irradiated the group of bug fighters. It rubbed the back of the fighter that Shi Xuan was aiming at, and hit an asteroid in the distance.

Although this blow caused no actual damage, it alarmed the fleet.

Immediately, several Scarab fighters turned their heads and protruded several long tentacles toward Shi Xuan.

Shi Xuan estimated that this was the way the bug fighter enhanced the radar detection effect and range.

Sure enough, those fighter planes swayed their tentacles a few times, and it seemed that they detected Shi Xuan, a solitary fighter plane, and the formation of the insect fighter group changed.


Shi Xuan was a little nervous. How many fighters would the enemy send against him? See you soon...

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