I Have a Zombie Assistance System

Chapter 257 Fat Cockroach Attack

Qiu Zhilan frowned, "Why didn't this spider resist? Did it give up its struggle, or did it mean it didn't take those cockroaches into consideration at all?"

Wang Qiushui shook his head, "There's something wrong with this white-fronted tall-legged spider. It has been eating since we saw it. Even if it has been hungry for a long time and needs to replenish a lot of energy, it is not like this. What's more, it is obviously In the face of a powerful enemy, it still only cares about eating. It seems that eating is very important to it."

Qiu Zhilan thought for a moment after hearing this, "Could it be that it's a foodie? Or maybe it's been hungry for too long, so it's better to have a full meal first, so that it can have the strength to fight."

Wang Qiu Shui looked at her speechlessly, "You two sisters, please stay away from Wang Qiu Shui. Her IQ is almost at the same level as hers. Even if you don't care, you have to be considerate of me. It's very tiring to take care of three Wang Qiu Shui at the same time. ."

Qiu Zhilan looked at her expressionlessly, the dragon-slaying gun in his hand ready to move.

Wang Qiushui in his mind was even more furious, "Ah ah ah, you will be dead when I come out, just wait for me."

Wang Qiushui said quickly, "It's just to liven up the atmosphere. Don't be angry, both of you. In fact, it's like this. We all know that pregnant women need to supplement nutrition during pregnancy to help the fetus develop. In the same way, animals will also have similar symptoms. Behavior, whether before or after pregnancy, you need to eat a lot to replenish energy as much as possible.”

Qiu Zhilan's attention was indeed diverted, and she looked down at the white-fronted high-legged spider that had been wrapped into a ball by cockroaches. "You mean, it might be laying eggs, so it's eating like crazy. Or maybe it's... , it has already laid eggs, so it is just now replenishing energy by eating."

Wang Qiushui nodded, "That's it. As for which one it is, it's hard to say. However, it has little impact on us. At least there are no other level 4 zombies within the scanner range. In other words, The male cockroaches and male spiders are not here, they may have turned into food, or they may have gone elsewhere."

Qiu Zhilan thought for a while, "If it has laid eggs, will it give you a spider curse or something like that? By then, you will have both spider and cockroach curses on you, which can balance each other. Let They fight each other, and the one who wins has the right to kill you."

The corner of Wang Qiushui's mouth twitched, "You are really a genius."

While the two were chatting, the White-fronted Tall Spider was still eating, which could be seen from the cockroach corpses that fell from its body from time to time.

On the other side, the level 4 fat cockroach was also eating, but its food target was also a cockroach.

I saw those cockroaches lining up in front of the level 4 cockroaches. Even when they saw the death of the cockroaches in front of them, they still showed no fear, as if they were possessed.

Level 4 cockroaches cannot directly suck flesh and blood like spiders, so they open their jaws and bite the cockroaches in front of them directly. Despite its huge size, it eats very quickly.

As it eats, the black liquid no longer flows out of the wound. Then, the wound actually slowly repaired. In the end, it turned out to be completely intact, and even the broken legs grew back.

Qiu Zhilan swallowed, "This ability is too terrifying. There are so many cockroaches here that are its food. Doesn't it mean that unless all the cockroaches are killed at once, there is no way to kill it?"

Wang Qiushui nodded, "Theoretically, that's the case, but let's look at the situation. Anyway, its current opponent is the white-fronted tall-legged spider. What's more, we still have pesticides, so I don't believe it can't be poisoned. "

At this time, after the level 4 cockroach finished eating the cockroach in its mouth, it directly propped its six legs on the ground.

The remaining cockroaches that escaped the disaster got out of the way and stood on both sides of the level 4 cockroaches, like guards.

Then, the level 4 cockroach quickly rushed towards the white-fronted spider. Although it is huge in size, it is not slow at all when running, but it makes a bit of noise.

Its legs stepped on the ground and made a "tapping" sound, like someone typing on a keyboard. In addition, it also caused vibrations in the house, which was especially felt by the two people on the roof. An uninformed person would definitely think it was an earthquake.

Wang Qiushui wondered in his mind, "Why do these animal zombies like to grow in size? It's so inconvenient to move with such a big body."

Wang Qiushui explained directly, "Animals are originally judged by their size. The bigger the size, the more powerful they are. Some animals even inflate themselves to make themselves bigger in order to scare predators, such as puffer fish. Therefore, they go in this direction. Evolution is normal.”

Qiu Zhilan turned around and looked at her.

Wang Qiushui said, "She just asked me why animal zombies like to get bigger."

Qiu Zhilan nodded, "But there are exceptions. Just like the big fish before, it is obviously so small."

Wang Qiushui continued, "That is its special need. Being smaller can confuse the enemy and make the enemy think that it is dead. However, if you really encounter such a small animal zombie, you have to pay attention."

Qiu Zhilan asked strangely, "Why? Aren't smaller ones easier to deal with?"

Wang Qiushui shook his head, "As the saying goes, what is concentrated is the essence. If an animal-type zombie maintains its original size or is smaller than its original size, it means that their abilities are used in other ways, maybe faster. , or copper skin and iron bones. Coupled with their sharp claws and fangs, the lethality can only be described as terrifying. Although it is said that humans are the leader of all things, that is only because of human intelligence. It's higher, and it can only use tools. In terms of physical strength alone, it is definitely not comparable to those animals, let alone the mutated animals."

Qiu Zhilan nodded in agreement and looked down again.

As the level 4 cockroaches rushed closer and closer, the cockroaches that were originally hanging on the white-fronted tall-legged spider suddenly received some instructions and crawled to the side, exposing part of the middle.

The white-fronted spider was still eating, but suddenly his eyes lit up, and then he saw a fat cockroach rushing towards him at high speed.

The incident happened suddenly. The white-fronted tall-legged spider had no time to dodge or defend itself before it was hit hard by the level 4 cockroach.

With a "bang", the White-fronted Tall Spider flew directly backwards, but due to its own weight plus the weight of the hanging cockroach, it landed and rolled before it flew very far.

The cockroaches hanging on the body were crushed directly into a pile of sauce. However, even so, the cockroaches still did not let go and were still hanging tightly on the white-fronted tall-footed spider.

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