I Have a Store In the World of American Comics

: One thousand three hundred seventy-nine

0379 I want to go out

If it is not in a dream now, Zhou Wenwen only remembers that he had a nightmare, because the content of the dream can no longer be recalled, and every time he wants to recall, he will first feel pain before recalling.

Because in fact, to a certain extent, Zhou Wenwen is not a good person, but to a certain extent, Zhou Wenwen is not a bad person.

Not to mention the group leader and squad leader of his class on the recliner, just...

So Tony, Thor, Captain, Hulk, Hawkeye, and Peter in the Avengers all knew Stephen and Wang.

This was just the beginning, and the crimson girdle of Saitorak flew out from the vortex of space at the same time, tied the hand of Ebony Throat, and interrupted his snapping fingers.

The three parties who are confused, in view of their own needs and the magic tricks shown by the other party in the war, let the three parties have traces.

In addition, the description of Dr. Manhattan and Ozymandis in Wayne's book is somewhat inappropriate.

The worst thing is that these biochemical weapons are also effective for humans!

For example, Dr. Manhattan, do you know that Ozymandis is a life form with tachyons.

And after the end of the Thor 3 story line, Stephen and Wang joined the Avengers and became members of the book.

So the three parties agreed to Zhou Wenwen's peace negotiation, and sent special envoys to gather in the city-state of Seyak, the capital of the Human Kingdom Federation, and the capital city of Shia. The four parties signed a peace treaty in Wangcheng Square.

Or is Wayne ready to make this clear to Dr. Manhattan?

But on the way forward, they encountered the blocking of r3 zombie advanced variant.

In this battle, the Stars and Stripes Army, regardless of the cost, invested 300 personal combat mechs, 10 marine divisions, 2 airborne divisions, 600 main battle tanks, 1800 armored vehicles and other vehicles in New York alone, 900 fighters, 600 bombers, 200 early warning aircraft, attack aircraft, reconnaissance aircraft and other aircraft, as well as 3 aircraft carrier battle groups, as well as wearing marines.

Zhou Wenwen, surnamed Zhou, given name Wenwen, word Boheng, and this word is the middle text of his father's line taking his cousin Zhou Bowen and his distant relative Zhou Hengwen.

On the other hand, the character that Wayne created for Ozymandis seems too generic to the reader.

But here's the problem, Zhou Wenwen couldn't find the way he came!

Zhou Wenwen opened his fingers and counted carefully. He had been in the factory car for a month.

"It's a pleasure to have a friend come, and if an enemy comes, it's a pleasure to follow the battle."

I saw Tony shouting "Okay", and in the next second two frisbees popped out from his hips and shoulders. One of them hit the battle axe like a magnet, and the other was inserted into the ground, sending out a magnetic field signal.

He was completely incapable of providing Ozymandis with the wit and wit befitting his identity, or even his arrogant personality.

Those who were laughing just now, now only see Guolu's body made of calcium.

Just why does this driver look so unfamiliar?

Zhou Wenwen, who was hiding, stretched out his head pretty and observed this group of demented humans.

After the 101st Division found the air-dropped weapon module equipment, they joined the two army divisions that arrived and launched an attack on Queens and Long Island as planned.

They pulled out the open space by electrifying the iron net, and built a reinforced concrete wall several hundred meters high in an attempt to block the attack of the advanced zombie variant.

On the contrary, not only is the interaction and dialogue between the characters unremarkable, but Ozymandis' teammates also feel mediocre.

Not only did he get rid of this group of humans, but he also hid.

And when the black people finally broke through the air filled with chili powder, Zhou Wenwen had disappeared.

At this time, Zhou Wenwen, from the surrounding situation, has recognized that this is the Brooklyn area. Although it is a little scary to suddenly appear from one side of the earth to the other side of the earth, as long as he can go back, he is not afraid.

The territory he ruled developed along the way, built factories and schools, etc., and rushed to the modern level under the blood transfusion. After marrying Sister Chenxi, Zhou Wenwen returned to the Marvel world after more than ten years in power. Get ready to join Thor III.

And after Zhou Wenwen left, a wooden board glide and fell from the sky, and I saw black characters written in Chinese characters on the front, "Welcome to Yuanyu."

At the same time, more Sytorak's crimson girdle flew out of the space vortex, tying Ebony Throat's throat, forcing Ebony Throat to let go of Tony's control.

Pharaoh does not have any superpowers, but the wealth of his family business is enough to last him a lifetime, his body can win a gold medal in any Olympic Games, and his IQ is recognized as the number one on earth.

The back is written in Chinese characters in cinnabar-colored red letters.

Taking this opportunity, Zhou Wenwen took the opportunity to run out of the gate, and ran desperately with his 100-meter trapeze run that he practiced when he was bullied by his classmates in elementary school.

Because just now, there was a group of humans chasing him to bite, but fortunately Zhou Wenwen would run and he was smart enough to hide in the corner.

The answer is yes, the commander of the Stars and Stripes Army in charge of this operation gave up the rescue after calculating the cost of rescuing more than 10,000 people~www.wuxiaspot.com~ after asking the President and the Ministry of Defense for permission. Instead, they chose to drop biological weapons.

When the Stars and Stripes Army invested more than 100 personal combat mechs to recapture San Diego, the Stars and Stripes Army, which was supported by the United Nations, finally had the confidence to start the battle to retake New York, codenamed Metal Storm.”

Zhou Wenwen, who was hiding, stretched out his head pretty and observed this group of demented humans.

His martial arts are strong, he can catch bullets with his bare hands, and he is also a person who is good at psychological warfare.

The 101st Division, which airborne to JFK International Airport and LaGuardia Airport, used a sniper pistol to clear the residual zombies at the airport and confirmed that it was safe.

"So, hell, came."

At this time, Zhou Wenwen had already recognized that this was Brooklyn, and his face was not very good.

Thinking that there was a stele in the Taoist Palace to prove where Zhou Wenwen was, he immediately got excited and ran to the Taoist Palace immediately after drying his clothes.

And the giant dragons and giants at the top of the biological chain, under the magic of the wizard, either escaped from the wizard or became a slave, or joined in the same stream and cooperated with the wizard.

The three parties think that the other party may want to do something, so it is better to agree to take a look first.

Rorschach first appeared in the Watchmen series.

"At the same time, the fire-fighting medical team at LaGuardia Airport also used the oxygen eagerly equipment at 09:21 and opened the aircraft door at 09:29."

The tear-shattering bomb thrown vigorously, hit the ground the next second, a gas was released immediately, and the air was immediately filled with the pungent pepper flavor.

Because June is the Flower Egg Festival, it is known as the Flower Egg Peace Treaty, which lasts for 600 years.


Chapter 0380 Announcement that you should not underestimate me

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