Chapter 48, Candy

"Huh? Is that Xiao Cheng?" After finally resting today, Sister Yu, who brought her daughter and Yu Duoduo to the supermarket for shopping and leisure, saw Zhang Cheng inadvertently.

Yu Duoduo, who was following her, turned her head to look at it. After two months, she couldn't quite remember what the person she had dated with back then. After all, the other person was quite ordinary. Just vaguely remember what city the other party is called?

But following Sister Yu's gaze, seeing the figure pushing the shopping cart, chatting and laughing with the beautiful woman beside her, the vague memory at the beginning suddenly became clear.

It is this person.

But why does he seem to have found a girlfriend? And she's pretty, at least much prettier than her.

After thinking about it, Sister Yu walked over.

"Xiao Cheng." After all, I finally met him outside, so it would be a pity not to chat.

Hearing the familiar voice, Zhang Cheng turned his head to look, and immediately smiled happily when he saw Sister Yu.

When he entered the factory to screw screws, Sister Yu took good care of him because he was young.

"Sister Yu, this is my girlfriend Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang, this is Sister Yu, the master of the screw factory where I used to work." Zhang Cheng introduced to both parties.

"What master is not a master." Sister Yu turned to look at Xiangxiang, what a beautiful girl, Zhang Cheng is quite lucky.

"Hello, my name is Yu Lizhi. If Xiao Cheng bullies you, just tell me, and I will teach him a lesson for you."

Although these words sounded harsh, Zhang Cheng warmed his heart.

After all, he has no relatives and no reason in this world. After entering the factory, the sisters, brothers and sisters I met were really good.

Moreover, what Sister Yu said sounds like she is self-righteous, but in fact? It's not just that when Xiangxiang might quarrel with him in the future, she can complain to her and leave a buffer.

It can be described as well-intentioned.

Sister Yu spoke lively, and she didn't stop in her hands, and quickly added a small letter from Xiangxiang.

"What are you doing now, kid?" Sister Yu turned her head and cared about Zhang Cheng.

"It's still upside down ginseng." Zhang Cheng said.

Sister Yu looked at Zhang Cheng and saw that he didn't seem to be making up nonsense, and he seemed to be doing well.

Looking at the various wines slowly on the shopping cart behind the two, she couldn't help frowning.

"Then what are you doing?" Sister Yu said. Her words are undoubtedly very lenient, but in the case of non-relationship and non-friendship, who wants to meddle in their own business. After getting along for a few years, Sister Yu felt that Zhang Cheng was a good boy and recognized this younger brother.

Then, as a sister, she would naturally ask questions when she sees some situations.

"Let's drink and see, and taste the kind of wine that suits your taste." Zhang Cheng turned to look at the dozens of drinks on the shopping cart, and said with a chuckle.

Sister Yu looked at Zhang Cheng and felt that she could not see through this younger brother for a while.

In the shopping cart, there are very expensive wines such as Maotai and Wuliangye.

There are so many, are you afraid of 10,000 or 20,000 yuan?

At this moment, Yu Duoduo came over, next to Sister Yu's daughter Xiuxiu.

"Hello." After saying hello to Yu Duoduo, Zhang Cheng squatted down and looked at the four- or five-year-old girl.

Sister Yu also has a son who is already in high school. This daughter will be wanted later.

"This is Xiuxiu, right? She's so beautiful." Zhang Cheng greeted the little girl.

Xiuxiu was a little afraid of life, so she hid behind Duoduo's legs, her big bright eyes flashing, very cute.

When Yu Duoduo saw Zhang Cheng greet him lightly, he couldn't help pursing his lips.

She admits that she still has some eyesight. Zhang Cheng, who was just an ordinary worker before, is still wearing ordinary and cheap sportswear, but her temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Confident, casual, relaxed.

All of this is a state that requires a lot of confidence to appear.

And this also shows that the ordinary worker, who she despised before, has already made a fortune.

Thinking of this, Yu Duoduo felt bitterness in his mouth.

If she was a little patient before, is it her who is standing beside him now?

"Can uncle buy you candy?" Zhang Cheng seduced Xiuxiu, but he didn't care about the changing look.

Xiuxiu's eyes lit up when she heard the words, then she turned to look at her mother.

Seeing that her mother had no objection, she quickly came out from behind Yu Duoduo.

"I-I want to eat toffee." said childishly.

Zhang Cheng hugged the little girl directly: "Do you know where the toffee is?"

"I know." Xiuxiu nodded her head fiercely.

Zhang Cheng laughed and led Xiuxiu to the candy area.

Looking at the various kinds of candies filling several shelves, Zhang Cheng didn't quite know which one was better. After thinking about it, he simply picked up a few packs of the most expensive ones.

Don't look down on it, a few bags add up to more than 1,000 yuan.

Sister Yu was taken aback when she saw it.

He hurriedly put these expensive candies back.

This is where candy is eaten, it is directly eating money.

"The big white rabbit will do. Just buy a few big white rabbits to make Xiuxiu sweet and sweet. You can't eat too much sugar when changing teeth."

Zhang Cheng was overjoyed when he saw this, knowing that he couldn't hold back his elder sister, so he went to buy some white rabbit toffee, but at the same time winked at Xiangxiang.

Seeing this, Xiangxiang nodded lightly, and picked up the packets of candy that Sister Yu put back.

When Sister Yu saw this, she thought it was Xiangxiang who wanted to buy it, so she frowned a little and didn't have anything to say.

Thinking about how to persuade Xiangxiang when there is a chance in the future, don't spend money lavishly.

After all, making money is not easy, and they will spend more money in the future.

Zhang Cheng took Xiao Xiuxiu and walked around the supermarket. It was getting Let's have a meal, shall we? "

There is nothing wrong with Sister Yu. Yu Duoduo wanted to leave for a long time, but she couldn't help but feel a little hopeless in her heart. If Zhang Cheng is interested in her, can she get rid of this Xiangxiang?

As a woman, Sister Yu is naturally a little aware of Yu Duoduo's thoughts.

"Duoduo, don't you have anything else to do this afternoon?" I just wanted her to leave.

Xiangxiang glanced here when she heard the words, and Sister Yu noticed something, how could she have not, but after all, Zhang Cheng was by her side, and she was not familiar with the other party, so it was undoubtedly a bit reckless to say something rashly.

I didn't expect Sister Yu to help drive people away.

"It's a little thing, nothing." Yu Duoduo insisted on coming over.

This made Sister Yu sigh involuntarily. You said why you are so troubled. You didn't look down on others before, but now that Xiaocheng is prosperous, she has to move forward even though she already has a girlfriend.

Zhang Cheng bought another doll for Xiuxiu. At this moment, he was holding Xiao Xiuxiu, and Xiao Xiuxiu was holding the doll. He didn't notice the situation on Duoduo's side.

But even if Zhang Cheng noticed it, he wouldn't care.

After putting wine and the like in the car, Zhang Cheng took Xiao Xiuxiu to a restaurant.

I ordered fried rice with beans as the main course, drunken chicken pot, stir-fried garlic sprouts with barbecued pork and other dishes.

Sister Yu talked about some chores in the factory, especially about a few friends who knew Zhang Cheng well.

After Zhang Cheng resigned, another older brother who knew Zhang Cheng also quit.

Who fought with whom in the factory.

It's all trivial matters, but Zhang Cheng also listened with great interest. After all, he worked in the screw factory for nearly five years.

And there are only a few five years in a person's life.

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