I Have a Safari Park

Chapter 543 The Swan Shows Love

On this side of the waterfowl lake, more than a dozen pelicans have been introduced.

A pelican seemed to be tired from swimming, and staggered to a wooden perch on the shore.

The pelican is top-heavy because of its big mouth, staggers and staggers when walking, and looks quite witty and funny.

There is a breeder on the side, explaining to the tourists: "I heard a child call it a toucan just now, it is quite vivid, but its official name is pelican, and it has nothing to do with the daigo.

Legend has it that someone stole a piece of meat and was chased to the river. He bit the meat and jumped into the river. He didn't let go until he died. Later, the man became a pelican, and the stolen meat grew together and became It became the big pocket under the pelican's mouth. "

Liu Xueqing leaned over and listened curiously to the breeder's explanation. Yingying had no interest and looked at the graceful swans in the water with relish.

"There are 8 species of pelicans, mainly distributed in Asia, Africa and Europe. They like warm waters. There are three kinds of pelicans in China. The pelicans in our zoo are white pelicans!

They are one of the largest birds that can fly, with fully open wings and can reach three meters in length.

The big mouth, although it looks awkward, is a powerful weapon for the pelican, and when fishing, it can be quickly inserted into the water with almost no resistance. At the same time, the big mouth is very sensitive to vibration. Even in dark waters with poor light, it can feel the fluctuation of the current, so as to fish freely. "

A tourist wondered: "Isn't this a white pelican? Why does it look a little powdery?"

The breeder said with a smile: "It's just like this, it doesn't mean it's pure white when it's called white."

The tourists next to him were a little embarrassed to hear that, and just told the child that this was a flamingo.

He has never seen a flamingo, but the impression of flamingos is that they are pink, and they are very big, so they are confused.

In fact, this situation is very common in zoos!

Pointing at the red pandas and saying that raccoons are nothing, some are even more outrageous, saying that they are weasels and skunks.

Some people can't even tell the difference between lions and tigers, thinking that the mane on the head is a lion, and the mane is not a tiger, and asked the breeder why the lion and the tiger were kept together.

Although it sounds ridiculous, it also reflects that people today really know very little about animals.

Another child asked curiously, "The bag under its mouth is so thin that the light can penetrate through it, and won't it break?"

The breeder was stumped by this bizarre question, and he got stuck and said: "It shouldn't be, the pelican's throat sac is very elastic! The fish will not break if it jumps in it."

The pelican's feet are on the log, the wings are spread, the long neck is pressed down in a "Z" shape, and the back of the neck is close to the back.

Then he raised his upper body, his neck elongated, his big mouth drooped, opened and closed, as if he was drooling and said "Aba Aba Aba", looking very funny.

The bright red throat sac swung like a wave.

After shaking the throat sac, he raised his head, opened his mouth wide and yawned.

o mouth o

The tourists burst into laughter and looked really happy.

The breeder said with a smile: "The pelican's throat pouch is very important! Look at the bright red color of its throat pouch. This is a change that only occurs during the breeding season. The pelican will tap the beak from time to time and shake the throat pouch. to find a mate.

Pelicans are also very specific birds in love. Once they find a mate, they will not change for life.

Of course, the pelican shakes the throat sac, and it also has the effect of dissipating heat. "

The pelican yawned and looked dumbfounded.

Even standing still, with a big head and small black pea-like eyes, it gives people a sense of stupidity.

Liu Xueqing couldn't help thinking, she never thought that this seemingly stupid bird was still a loyal lovebird!

Just then, the pelican opened its mouth again, with the back of its head on its back, as if doing yoga, and slowly slid back.

The laryngeal sac is held up by the curved neck and turned inside out until the edge of the beak catches the neck!

The flesh inside is exposed, which is a bit similar to human eyelid ectropion, and it looks like a two-point horror.

A mallard resting on a log next to him raised his head and looked up at the big guy beside him, looking at him curiously.

Tourist: ( ̄mouth ̄)!!

I don't understand it, but I'm blown away!


"What's this for?"

The breeder said calmly: "This is the pelican cleaning the throat sac! If there is water in the throat sac, the water will be taken out like this, and it will be put away after it is finished. Otherwise, there will be too much water and the weight will affect the flight."

"I see!"

The pelican shook his head, tugged at his throat sac, tucked his neck lazily, and rested.

Yingying tugged at Liu Xueqing's sleeve at this time.

Liu Xueqing turned her head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Mama, look at the swan!"

Since just now, she has been looking at the two black swans in the lake.

The two black swans slowly swam towards each other by the lotus leaf, making a loud chirping of "oh~oh~".

One bent his neck, lowered his head, nodded, and then stretched his head forward and raised his head, then lowered his head again.

The other one lowered its head when it raised its head, waited for the other to lower its head, and then raised it by itself.

Alternating turns, it seems that some courtship ritual is going on.

They slowly swam together, their heads bowed, looking like young men and women in love, bowing their heads shyly.

The curved necks come together to form a beautiful heart shape.

Reflected in the sparkling water, just looking at it, you will feel very happy and beautiful.


Tourists who saw this romantic scene on the shore could not help but scream.

Especially young girls, with shining eyes, holding their faces in their hands, and looking forward to sweet love!

The stronger black swan lowered his head and buried his bright red beak in the water, as if he had picked up a bunch of water plants and presented it to another slightly petite swan.

The other swan turned its head and looked a little shy, and then the two bowed their heads and pecked in the water together.

The breeder smiled and said, "Have you heard the meaning of the black swan? This meaning may be more famous than the black swan itself."

Some tourists understand: "Does it mean that the financial market suddenly collapsed?"

The breeder said: "There is this meaning. Before the 17th century, the swans that Europeans saw were all white, and the swans were white, and they took it for granted, just like the sun rising from the east every day.

However, with the development of the maritime industry, people found that there are black swans in Australia, and this very firm concept suddenly collapsed.

So people use the black swan to imply an event that is unpredictable before it happens, but has a very significant impact after it happens.

There is not much difference between male and female black swans in appearance, but if you look closely, there are still some differences. Male swans have a thicker and rounder body and a slightly longer neck.

They chirp more frequently during the breeding season, perform love song duets, and courtship is relatively simple without too many rituals. "

After hearing this, Liu Xueqing stared at the two swans in the water for a long time, but still couldn't see the difference.

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