I Have a Research Support System

Chapter 395 Thought Remolding (for Subscription)

On Wednesday morning, Xu Qiu, Chen Wanqing and Han Jiaying took the school bus to Blue River's company.

After arriving at the downstairs of the company, Chen Wanqing took out the access control card, and with a beep, swiped the card to enter.

Xu Qiu jokingly said, "You have all the access control cards, are you planning to officially join the job?"

"Nope," Chen Wanqing explained with a smile, "Because basically we have to come here once a week, so for convenience, Lan He made one for us as well."

Xu Qiu didn't continue this topic, and followed his senior sister into the staff office of Blue River Company.

It was just past nine o'clock in the morning, and Yang Qin and the others hadn't started the experiment yet, so they all sat around and had a simple morning meeting.

Yang Qin presided over the meeting sitting at the main seat, and when he saw Xu Qiu and others coming, he gestured for the suspension of the meeting, and then said: "You guys are here, I'll call Lan He, he's in the office. "

"Okay." Xu Qiu looked at the others. Apart from the few people we met last time, Blue River had two extra employees. They should be new recruits. One is a programmer, and the other is an organic synthesis engineer. .

Both of them wear glasses and have messy hair. One is wearing a gray jacket and gray casual trousers, the other is a blue and white checked shirt and black casual trousers. It is still difficult to distinguish their identities from their appearance alone.

While Xu Qiu was poking and reasoning secretly, the door of Lan He's office was pushed open.

The wide blue river came out from it, and Yang Qin followed behind him.

Lan He greeted: "Brother Xu Qiu, why are you here today when you are free? Come to my office to chat?"

"Okay." Xu Qiu nodded. He just told Lan He that he would come, but he didn't mention anything specific.

"Okay, then you guys continue." Lan He signaled the others to continue the meeting, and then brought Xu Qiu into his office.

Both Chen Wanqing and Han Jiaying knew that Xu Qiu had participated in the company founded by Wei Xingsi and Lan He, so they were not surprised.

It's just that the senior sister couldn't help muttering in her heart: "Looking at the way Lan He and Xu Qiu are getting close now, it's obvious that they regard each other as a partner. If I really join Lan He's company in the future, I will become Xu Qiu's employee." Well, the identity change between me and my junior is really fast enough."

Xu Qiu walked into Lan He's office and looked around.

The area here is much larger than Wei Xingsi's office, estimated to be over forty square meters.

However, there are not too many exaggerated things, a simple desk, a boss chair, a set of reception sofa and coffee table, a water dispenser, a refrigerator, a few pots of green plants, and two rows of bookshelves.

There are four floors of bookshelves, and there are hundreds of books on them. It is estimated that there are hundreds of books.

In addition, there is a vertical cabinet with some decorations on it, the most conspicuous one is a big jade Pixiu.

Seeing Xu Qiu's gaze resting on the Pixiu, Lan He explained with a smile: "My father gave it to me. The older generation is more superstitious about it, saying that the Pixiu feeds on wealth from all directions and swallows everything without giving it away. , can attract wealth and gather treasures, only in and out, supernatural powers."

"Very good, the carver looks good." Xu Qiu nodded noncommittally. There are quite a few people in business, especially the older generation, who are superstitious.

As a mature adult, he always has his own set of three views, whether it is the "superstitious" three views or the "scientific" three views, there will always be one.

Therefore, this situation is actually inevitable.

On the one hand, the threshold for accepting "superstition" is lower than accepting "science"; on the other hand, a certain catastrophe hindered the spread of "science", which naturally pushed many people in that era to "superstition".

Now, very few young people are superstitious, especially those with higher education.

In the final analysis, the country has repeatedly instilled "scientific" concepts into young people through nine-year compulsory education and several years of higher education, semi-compulsory.

To put it bluntly, it is brainwashing, and to put it bluntly, it is thought remolding.

Of course, this kind of ideological transformation is beneficial to the progress of the entire civilization, and it is worth advocating.

After all, when the productivity progresses to a certain stage, it is necessary to open up the wisdom of the people in order to promote the further development of society.

A simple example, the aunts will dismantle the signal transmitting base station due to radiation, and at the same time ask the operator why my home is not connected to the Internet.

Just imagine, there are such a few aunts in each community, how can the network be spread out.

Without the Internet, a series of technologies based on the Internet cannot be rolled out.

It's a pity that for aunts, at their age, the concept of "everything experts in the circle of friends say is the truth" has been deeply ingrained and difficult to change.

The difficulty of ideological remolding has also been greatly increased. You can't send them to learn electromagnetism.

Therefore, thought remolding should be carried out as early as possible. It is easier to write content on a blank paper. If it is a piece of paper that already has content, it is more difficult to erase the original content and write new content.

Similarly, the spread of Voldemort and patriarchal ideas is that the previous generation has been constantly remolding the next generation since childhood, and has been passed down from generation to generation.

Many girls have grown up and realized that this kind of thinking may not be right, but the body is still uncontrollable to be a Voldemort.

In addition, there are some crooked nuts who have always believed that the earth is square, and it is the same reason.

Of course, having said that, science is not necessarily true. In essence, the current science is only a set of temporarily self-consistent and unfalsifiable theories.

Just like we can "play" with things in the two-dimensional world at will, if there are existences like high-dimensional universes that are difficult for humans to understand, it is not impossible to deliberately set up a scientific system for us, and humans may never Nor will the truth be discovered.

Even if it is really discovered that there is a high-dimensional or other unknown existence manipulating human civilization, there is actually no way for human civilization, but it can only continue to follow the established method.

"Brother Xu Qiu, what are you doing here today?" Lan He took out two cans of modern iced Coke from the refrigerator next to him, and handed one to Xu Qiu.

"Thank you." Xu Qiu took it. He thought that a business person like Lan He would like to drink tea, but he didn't expect to drink Coke. However, it is understandable when you think of the opponent's size.

Xu Qiu explained: "Recently, I just submitted an article for the major sub-journal of "Nature", "Nature·Energy", and I have been free for a while, and I want to come here to see how our company is doing."

"Hey, "Nature·Energy", my brother can do it." Lan He's eyes lit up. Although he has an MBA, his undergraduate degree is science and engineering, and he still knows a little about academic papers. He naturally knows that "Nature" is a major sub-published. Therefore, he asked again: "When will the result be available?"

"It's hard to say. The review period for articles in the "Nature" department is generally very long, and many tasks may be delayed for a year..." Xu Qiu changed the subject: "Therefore, I have now opened a new research direction, and this time I am here. I want to cooperate with this side to prepare devices by scraping coating. Specifically, I chose three kinds of donor materials and one acceptor material, which are..."

After hearing Xu Qiu's introduction, Lan He immediately responded: "No problem, it happens that our machine can also be perfected during this process...Then who do you plan to let be in charge of the specific experiment, Chen Wanqing?"

"Well, I think Chen Wanqing is more suitable," Xu Qiu nodded: "She is about to graduate, and she is relatively free recently."

"Okay, I'll ask Yang Qin to coordinate with her." Lan He paused and asked casually, "By the way, what do you think of Chen Wanqing's ability? Objectively speaking."

"Hmm..." Xu Qiu thought about it for a moment, and then responded: "Objectively speaking, Chen Wanqing's experimental ability is pretty good and relatively stable. She is also my senior sister who introduced me to the experiment before."

Naturally, Xu Qiu couldn't reveal the old background of senior sister, and in fact, it is not considered old bottom. Many people seem not so good, just because they are all big bosses in the reference system.

If the senior is compared with other doctors in the same industry, the doctor's ability can exceed 90%, at least 50%.

On the other hand, Xu Qiu felt that the senior sister had a pretty good fit with him. If the senior sister still worked under him after graduation, she would definitely be able to carry out his orders more accurately than other strangers.

A team can have one general or two generals, but not everyone can be a general, there must be someone to perform specific operations and be a soldier.

In an unfamiliar team, generals and soldiers need to run in, and work efficiency will be lost during the run-in period.

The key point is that you may not be able to run in well after running in. After all, people are not real screws, and they will have various ideas of their own.

At this time, it is definitely better to use acquaintances who are compatible.

Just like a headhunting company poaching a middle-level manager can pull out the carrot and bring out the mud, and pull the whole team over, the well-established team will also tend to advance and retreat together.

"I also think that Chen Wanqing's performance is also good." Lan He nodded, half-jokingly said: "Can you see if you can persuade her to stay with us?"

"It depends on what senior sister Chen Wanqing thinks." Xu Qiu shook his head, naturally he would not take this kind of work on himself.

So, Xu Qiu casually picked up two books from the bookshelf, and changed the subject, "A Brief History of Time, From One to Infinity... Lan He, you usually read a lot of books."

"Yeah, I have loved reading since I was a child. I think that through reading, I can understand the world through other people's eyes." Lan He became excited and began to talk endlessly:

"For example, the book "Neural Network and Deep Learning" I saw recently..."

PS: Happy New Year, fellow book lovers~

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