I Have a Research Support System

Chapter 382 Find a way to find a new job to do (seeking subscription)

Monday, group meeting.

Two AM articles by Wu Shengnan and Mo Wenlin were successfully accepted after a major revision.

However, neither of them got a bonus.

Wu Shengnan is because she is a post-doctoral fellow and has already received a monthly salary of 2W, which is equivalent to directly buying out all the scientific research labor output. Publishing articles is part of the job, so naturally there is no bonus.

Mo Wenlin is because the articles she posted are counted as the results of Gong Yuanjiang's side, and Wei Xingsi is not the number one newsletter, so naturally it is impossible to send her money

I just don't know if Gong Yuanjiang has rewarded Mo Wenlin, there is a high probability that there is, after all, it is an AM.

Xu Qiu was sitting next to Wei Xingsi, and he could see everyone's expressions. He looked at Wu Shengnan and Mo Wenlin, both of whom were quite calm, and didn't shrink in the corner because of the bonus.

The four new undergraduates are not eligible to join the group meeting for the time being, so this time the group meeting will still be attended by the previous nine people.

Excluding undergraduates from the group meeting is not a special case on Wei Xingsi's side, it is also the practice of most research groups.

On the one hand, most teachers position undergraduates as tools for "passing the pillar", "washing the substrate", and "casting the reaction".

On the other hand, undergraduate students are relatively unstable and may run away at any time. If they are allowed to participate in the group meeting, there will be a risk of leaking secrets. rash.

Of course, if the tutor approves an undergraduate student, he will also agree to participate in the group meeting, such as Xu Qiu and Han Jiaying before.

The group will begin.

Wu Feifei: "After the review was submitted last week, I established a new research direction. I intend to replace the PEA with thiophene ethylamine (PEA) as the standard system of two-dimensional perovskite with an organic spacer layer. Amine (TEA), last week I tried to test the light source GIWAXS of the TEA system, and the result was not bad, as can be seen from the image..."

Xu Qiu secretly nodded at the side. Wu Feifei's idea is more "organic photovoltaic", and it is very likely that she got inspiration from the field of organic photovoltaic. Because in the field of organic photovoltaics, replacing benzene with thiophene is a very common idea. After such an improvement, the performance of the material will usually not deteriorate, and even if it deteriorates, it will not decrease too much.

For a research group that does not have an organic photovoltaic foundation and only studies perovskite systems, it is difficult to think of this idea.

Generally speaking, Wu Feifei's thinking is relatively conservative. She chose a system with a high probability of being able to publish articles, and did not challenge too innovative directions.

Duan Yun and Wu Feifei collaborated on the work of "cobalt nanowire doped PVDF thermoelectric materials". The main data are in hand, and Duan Yun has already started to organize the article.

Seeing Duan Yun's appearance, Xu Qiu probably wanted to hurry up and "sell" this job. After all, Duan Yun didn't have much time left, and he probably didn't want to drag his tail before leaving.

During this period of time, major companies and government departments have started recruiting for autumn, and various recruitment and selection seminars are held almost every night.

Therefore, Duan Yun does not do experiments every night. He either listens to lectures he is interested in, or browses the school's signboard information website, and starts to cast resumes widely, trying to find a job.

Even Chen Wanqing was a little anxious, and followed a lot of lectures.

Although the senior sister now has half an offer from Blue River, as long as she wants to go, there is basically no problem.

But who doesn't want to find a better job, the senior sister also wants to ride a donkey to find a horse, and try to see if there is a better opportunity, the kind with more money and less trouble.

Moreover, most presentations will give gifts, such as U disks, notebooks and other gadgets. Sometimes when encountering a presentation at 6 o'clock in the evening, people in the group will form a group to listen together after eating.

Sun Wo stood up and reported that the result this time was good, so he was more confident when reporting:

"Last week, I tried the two-dimensional perovskite standard system based on phenylethylamine and n-butylamine organic spacer layers, and the idea of ​​ammonium chloride additive and DMSO solvent annealing...

"Among them, the standard samples of phenylethylamine and n-butylamine did not repeat the values ​​in the literature, only 5.22% and 4.87% respectively...

"After two steps of ammonium chloride additive and DMSO solvent annealing, the performance of the device was improved, reaching 7.22% and 6.99% respectively...

"The GIWAXS characterization of the light source was performed and the results showed that..."

Wei Xingsi nodded: "Yes, keep working hard."

Although the standard sample system such as phenylethylamine and n-butylamine, the highest efficiency in the world can reach more than 15%.

But in any case, compared with Sun Wo's previous results of 0, 0.01%, and 0.5%, the progress has been very large.

Tian Qing: "Last week, the two excitonic properties of the H22 benchmark donor material were tested. The exciton binding energy is about 280 millielectronvolts, and the exciton diffusion distance is about 13.7 nanometers, which is comparable to that of traditional polymer donor materials. ..."

This result was expected by Xu Qiu, and once again confirmed that the NB of the non-fullerene system is due to the non-fullerene acceptor material itself, not the matching donor material.

Tian Qing: "At the same time, the cover of Xu Qiu AM's article has been drawn."

As for the cover picture, Xu Qiu has already accepted it, and it is still the familiar Tian Qing cartoon style, which is very good.

The main body of the picture is a podium, and three typical organic photovoltaic acceptor materials, ITIC, PCBM and PDI, are represented in an anthropomorphic form.

Among them, ITIC is placed in the middle of the podium, that is, the position of the champion. The ICIN groups at both ends of its molecule are like two arms raised high, and the second place next to it is PCBM, a chubby with side chains The sphere, the third place on the other side, is PDI, a long strip-shaped molecule.

This picture implies the rise of non-fullerene materials of the ITIC type.

Although there is a sense of stepping on the two, but the academic circle is like this. If you dare not say good about the materials you have developed, others will not recognize you even more.

What's more, what is said now is still true.

Next, the organic group of five began to report.

Chen Wanqing's work on IEICO-4Cl, tested the GIWAXS and R-SoXS of the light source last week, and the current data is basically completed, and the target journal is JACS.

This time, the senior sister switched to JACS, mainly because she had been rejected for AM, and was also rejected.

Obviously my job is still very good, why can't I get it?

Therefore, the senior sister said: "The previous AM submission is the last submission. Regardless of whether you are selected or not this time, I will not submit to your journal again. If you have the ability, you can reject me again."

Xu Qiu’s work on IDIC-4F, now the data has been fully completed, he reported the light source data tested last week at the group meeting, mainly the R-SoXS results:

"The results show that the phase purity of this system is relatively high, with a relative purity of 1:0.95..."

"The domain scale of the aggregated phase is around 30 nanometers..."

"Okay, very good," Wei Xingsi praised, then asked after a pause, "How is the article written?"

Xu Qiu thought about it, and replied: "The progress is about 60%. If it goes well, the manuscript should be published this week."

Xu Qiu wrote the draft of "Nature·Energy" very seriously, carefully polishing every sentence, so the writing speed is relatively slow. If it is another article, even if it is a communication article of AM level, It took him a week to basically get his liver out.

"It's good to be slow, slow work yields fine work." Wei Xingsi nodded.

Han Jiaying submitted her J2 work last week, and started to sort out the work of the J3 system, and began to write articles. The current progress is about 10%, which means it has just started.

Last week, Wu Shengnan submitted his "six-in-one" work, and began to sort out the articles of the m-ITIC system. The current progress is about 30%, and the IDIC-M system is still in the queue.

Last week, Mo Wenlin completed the data of the two ternary systems, H22:ITIC:IEICO and J1:ITIC:PDI4-B4T, and began to write the article.

It is worth mentioning that the two ternary systems carried out simultaneously by Mo Wenlin are somewhat behind in terms of giving and receiving materials.

For example, H22 has an upgraded version of H43, ITIC, and an upgraded version of IT-4F. IEICO and J1 also have corresponding better systems, but she still chooses to continue.

On the one hand, the experiments have already been completed, and it is obviously inappropriate to change the system at this time.

On the other hand, it is also the most important reason. Now that the two systems are published, better materials can continue to publish articles without affecting it.

Anyway, even if you don't publish this kind of article yourself, your colleagues will post it, so it's better to make yourself cheaper.

While listening to the reports from the seniors and the others, Xu Qiu was also thinking to himself:

"When the current wave of articles is digested, ITIC's system has almost been researched, and I have to find a way to find some new jobs for myself and the four girls under my command."

After the group meeting, Xu Qiu took the initiative to stay: "Mr. Wei, the school requires our direct doctoral students to do teaching practice, that is, to be a teaching assistant or supervisor for one semester, which counts as two credits..."

Wei Xingsi immediately said: "Then come to my class and get a teaching assistant. The class I give to undergraduates this year is the same as before, "Lectures on the Frontiers of Materials Science". Don’t come, because there is no homework for this class, and your energy is mainly on scientific research.”

"Okay," Xu Qiu took out the teaching assistant application form that he had prepared earlier: "Here, a signature is required."

Wei Xingsi readily took the document and signed his name.

The teaching practice of postgraduates in the school is mandatory for masters of science and doctoral students, and professional masters do not need to participate. There are two types of teaching assistants and management assistants.

Among them, the assistant is to help the teachers of the administrative department of the Department of Materials, such as helping to print documents and organize documents in the office of the department. Basically, I have to go there once or twice a week. Under the nose of the teacher, there is no paddling The opportunity to catch fish is more difficult, so not many students choose this.

Most are teaching assistants.

Teaching assistants usually find their own tutors to name them. The school will issue a four-month subsidy. In the past few years, there was no distinction. All types of teaching assistants are 1500 per month. Now the price has been reduced, except for "University Physics", " Teaching assistants for major courses such as Mathematical Analysis, that is, teaching assistants involved in correcting homework and teaching exercises, the subsidies of other teaching assistants are halved, only 750 a month.

There is nothing wrong with this price reduction, because Xu Qiu also took a lot of classes as an undergraduate. Most of the teaching assistants can meet once at the beginning of the semester, and then meet again when the final exam is invigilated, and they will not show up at other times.

Of course, objectively, many courses do not really need the position of teaching assistant. For example, for some courses that only three or five people take electives, it is not necessary to have a teaching assistant to attend the lectures to make up for it.

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