The person who spoke was the head of Long Guoweilan.

A few words are sonorous and powerful.

It clearly shows Long Guo's attitude towards this!


It didn't take long before the jaw-dropping operation appeared.

The beautiful country official held a large-scale press conference at a very fast speed.

The speed is shocking, and it definitely exceeds the efficiency of any previous incident.

At this press conference, Trump came forward.

He personally announced the fact that nuclear weapons were used.

He has no denial about this.

He first took out the video of the giant beast destroying the aircraft carrier in a short time.

It took out the picture of the giant beast destroying the fighter.

Finally began his "shocking" speech.

[Sorry, my dear people, I am very ashamed of the release of this weapon and the death of those innocent people...

But I don't think this is a wrong decision. On the contrary, he is definitely the most wise decision. If this weapon is not used, then the monster will cause greater losses.

But now we have successfully prevented it, and what we have lost is only a very small number of people and a small piece of land that are temporarily unusable.

I believe those people are also very proud of being able to contribute to a great and beautiful country...]

This speech was awe-inspiring.

Even said this matter as the most correct decision.

Su Ze was stunned.

The official Long Guo Wei Lan was also confused.

All those who knew the facts were dumbfounded.

But the ordinary people of the beautiful country who didn't know the truth really believed it.

After the press conference, Trump used his best skill.

Control public opinion!

For a time, the major news newspapers, major radio programs...all the channels that can be propagated were controlled by Trump's people.

If you don't use this weapon, the consequences of letting this giant beast continue to advance forward are described in an exaggerated direction.

But for those who lost their lives for no reason, they said nothing.

You must know that some of them had to work so hard to escape the beast's attack.

They managed to escape!

But the final result was ruthlessly killed by the country he trusted.

However, all this was covered up, and no one spoke for them.


All those who knew the knowledge of Longguo's senior management were shocked by Trump's shameless "whitewashing" operation.


"You go to make a data analysis report of the whole process, and tell the public the least loss method, so that everyone in a beautiful country can see exactly what their so-called high-level face is!"

In an unknown office in Longguo, an old man patted the table while talking to his subordinates.


Chapter 40

Soon, a very detailed analysis report was produced by Long Guowei's technicians.

The above lists the time it took to notify residents within the scope of the nuclear bomb to leave.

It also lists the speed and direction that the behemoth is advancing forward.

It clearly shows that even if these people are notified to evacuate, releasing this weapon will not cause any additional losses.

The only reason they chose not to notify.

Just afraid of death!

They were afraid of protests and marches.

Such opposition may cause their plan to not be fully implemented.


This data analysis file caused a sensation in an instant after being uploaded to the beautiful country network.

Because the heat of this matter is too high.

So the post on this file was also rushed to the list.

The first reaction of all the netizens who saw the beautiful country was to disbelieve.

However, some of them found after calculations that the data shown in this data report, which resolutely opposes the official behavior of beautiful countries, is surprisingly reasonable.

So which one is true?

Trump and the others have control over public opinion, but the popularity of this post has actually broken through their blockade in a miraculous way.

More and more people have browsed this information.

More and more people began to question.

Some of these people who have a bigger picture gradually discovered the loopholes in the official news given by the beautiful country.

The situation got worse.

There were even protests and demonstrations.

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