only see the fish populations of martial artists, and found no appearance of these fish seem flustered.

Because ......

Haibu previous General Assembly, these fish are also such a panic.

" Roar--!"

At this time, I heard a sudden roar sounded in the sea.

turn up one after another terrible waves.

waves impact on the fishing boat, let Martial Artist fishing vessels are stunned.

"What happened?"

" unclear."

"Look there! What is that?!"

waves pointing to the center of a Martial Artist, looking frightened he shouted.

I saw that the waves center, an incomparable gigantic head exposed.

It is a very crimson carp head, the head as well as two sides of a long beard.

" Roar--!"

This is the first giant red carp, sent a terrible roar.

Just that road roar, it turned out to be the first issued to fish!

At the same time, the sky, but also the emergence of dark clouds, among the layers of clouds.

arch formed a huge white halo appears therein.

"This ...... This in the end is how the same thing?!"

" I know what ah? child experience small, never seen such a scene!"

a congregation East City Martial Artist where have I seen such a strange picture, are stunned at the fishing boat.

This is the first time in carp appear, as far away as Los month among hotel also suddenly opened his eyes:

" You finally came ah Little Yu'er!."

then, Luo months to licked his lips.

Little Yu'er taste, it can be really good!

Carp two hundred and fourteen chapters ruber

altitude above sea level, the convergence layers of clouds.

a white halo arches formed volley set up.

Under this arch, is a huge crimson stature carp.

This time redness appears carp, sea waves rolled up layers.

a public fishing boats on the sea with the waves is rocking, do not stabilize.

"This is ...... This is the first carp in the end is how the matter?"

" do not know, in the past have not had this head carp ah?"

"this is the first breath of the carp body, good horror ah!"

a public fishing boat Martial Artist said the terrified face.

fishing, but a high-risk industry, so the General Assembly to participate in the sea to catch the Martial Artist, cultivation base are generally Dao Spirit Realm road or through the environment.

And this golden carp body of the atmosphere, and even the road through the territory Martial Artist feel fear.

One can imagine how high the level of this golden carp up!

Honghong -

Earthquake and the sea, the sea like boiling general, crazy bubbling.

huhuhu ......

Suddenly, violent wind erupted on the sea.

All fishing vessels were shaking violently, it is difficult to maintain a balance in the storm.

Only a few fishing boats tonnage of terror, barely able to ensure that no shaking so violently.

" Not good, here are dangerous! We get out!"

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