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On the way back to the village, Yuzu and Ignacio met General Monroe and the others who were also taking people to the village.

Because of their large numbers, they are not as fast as Yuzu and Ignacio riding Pokemon Flying.

So Yuzu and the others hurried back to the village with General Monroe.

After a long journey for more than a month, Yuzu and the others returned to the village safe and sound.

Because there were a lot of people joining the village this time, they invested in the construction of the village as soon as they came back.

Then Yuzu and the others received the news that the Frantz Empire had a great victory and completely occupied the entire territory of the Arus Empire. King Arus was destroyed and a dead city was completely destroyed.

However, although the Frantz Empire occupied Arus, it did not put much effort into governing here. Because of Groudon, most of the entire Arus area became a Desert, and there were very few areas for human life.

The Frantz Empire is not willing to do that thankless thing.

It is precisely because of this that Yuzu and the others in this remote area have not been harassed by the Frantz Empire, and they have settled in a corner.

After another month, all the newcomers to the village were well settled down, and the village became Refresh due to the major reconstruction. It was no longer the original small village, but turned into a medium-sized small town.

Because of the participation of General Monroe and the others, the armed forces of the village have been greatly enhanced. Even if Yuzu leaves in the future, there is no need to worry about their safety.

After another half a month, Celebi appeared in front of Yuzu and told him it was time to leave.

Only Ignacio and Ruby who knew Yuzu came from the future were the only ones who knew that Yuzu came from, so when Yuzu left, these two people came to see him off.

To be honest, Yuzu was quite reluctant to give up on this place. After all, he and Ignacio 2 built it brick by brick and brought it together.

In this era, he also stayed for more than 2 years, which was not shorter than the time he spent in modern times after crossing, and he also formed a deep friendship with Ignacio.

Because of this, they never had a chance to meet again, and so did Ruby who followed him all the time and shouted Second Boss and Second Boss.

But he must leave. He does not belong to this era. In the future, he will have relatives, friends, partners waiting for him, as well as his hard work.

“Goodbye, take care!”

Yuzu gave Ignacio a hug!

Ignacio lightly nodded, not at all spoke, but Yuzu saw a little water in his eyes.

“Ruby too!”

Yuzu touched Murubi’s messy head and barely smiled.

Unlike the reserved Ignacio, Ruby’s emotional leakage is very exaggerated, wiping tears while crying loudly.

“2…Second Boss, you…you…you have to…take care! I will…will always remember…remember you!”

Ruby hiccups while talking, obviously crying hard.

“Well, I will remember you too. After I leave, you have to train hard and strive to be a good helper for Big Boss!”

Yuzu warned repeatedly against Ruby.

“Well… it will definitely… it will.”

Ruby wiped a tear, nodded heavily.

“After you leave, I will declare to the public that you are out for a tour.”

Ignacio said to Yuzu, even though he was trying his best to endure it, Yuzu still heard the choking in his voice.

“it is good.”

“We should go!”

At this time, Celebi on Yuzu’s head urged.

” Take care!”

Yuzu waved sadly at Ignacio and Ruby, and was enveloped by the time and space ripples of Celebi. Then the white light flashed and Yuzu disappeared in front of Ignacio and Ruby.

In the space-time channel, Yuzu seemed to vaguely heard Ignacio and Ruby shouting goodbye to him.

However, Yuzu fell out of it with just one effort!

“Little Yu?”

As soon as Yuzu looked up, he saw the surprise on his Master’s face, and then another confused face.


Yuzu yelled happily.

After more than 2 years, I finally came back! The sadness caused by the separation in my heart has alleviated a lot.

Compared with ancient life, he really likes modernity.

“How are you…”

The first thing Mr. Gotto noticed was Yuzu’s mature face and taller figure.

After Yuzu came out, Celebi also emerged from the ripples of time and space. Upon seeing this, Yuzu said to Mr. Gotto: “Master, things are very complicated. I’ll talk to you later.”

Mr. Gotto looked at Celebi and Yuzu again, suppressing the doubt in his heart, nodded.

Celebi: “You are back safely, and my mission is completed.”

Yuzu: “Thank you!”

Celebi shook the head: “This is what I should do.”

“Are you leaving now?” Yuzu asked.

Celebi nodded: “Yes!”

“Then… Then can you think of a way to change my appearance.”

Yuzu said somewhat sorry.

Celebi soon realized what Yuzu meant.

Although Yuzu has been in ancient times for more than 2 years, the modern time is still at that point, so his appearance is very abrupt after 2 years now.

“Actually… After receiving my blessing, your lifespan is already much longer than the average person. You don’t need to care about this.”

Celebi thought for a while and said.

Yuzu hearing this was taken aback.

I don’t care about lifespan! He understood such things a long time ago!

Just look at Mr. Gotto and understood, he is more than 100 years old and still very healthy, Mr. Gotto also specifically mentioned to him.

So just two years is really nothing to those who have been blessed by Celebi.

But this all of a sudden growing face, no matter how you look at it, it will make outsiders feel strange!

So Yuzu expressed his doubts in his heart.

“I’m sorry, I can’t do it!”

Celebi regretfully said.

Although it can travel through time and space, it has no way to turn a person’s age back in time alone.

Seeing Yuzu’s look of disappointment, Celebi comforted: “Actually, it’s not a big deal, this World is full of miracles, and something strange that happens to you is not a major event.”

Yuzu had no choice but to accept Celebi’s comfort.

After saying goodbye to Yuzu, Celebi re-disappeared in the ripples of time and space.

Then Yuzu went to ancient times and told Mr. Gotto about the things he had spent in ancient times for more than 2 years without omission and in detail.

It also explained the relationship between this Celebi and their Celebi enshrined in this lineage.

“Didn’t expect that you have experienced so many things in this short quarter of an hour.”

Mr. Gotto is experienced and knowledgeable, and he can’t help but marvel at the magic of Yuzu’s experience.

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