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The leader and Budding Deer looked at each other for a few seconds, and then said to the shiver coldly men behind him:


Although they were scared, they knew the current situation, so they had the courage to direct their Poochyena or Mightyena to the budding deer on the opposite side.

But just as the Poochyenas and Mightyenas rushed over, one after another wind blade shot out from the bushes. Those Poochyenas and Mightyenas were knocked to the ground without notice.

When the boss discovered the situation, he saw dozens of Taillow and Swellow flying above the budding deer’s sky.

Those wind blades are from these Taillow and Swellow.

These Taillow and Swellow are all carefully selected by Yuzu, and their strength and Aptitude are quite good.

Seeing those Taillow and Swellow, the boss’s face instantly paled, and at the same time he knew that they might have been spotted by the other as soon as they entered the forest.

Those Mightyena and Poochyena got up and again baring fangs and brandishing claws moved towards the budding deer rushed over.

Unlike their shiver coldly masters, Poochyena and Mightyena are fierce and unafraid of death, grinning and grinning is very vicious.

Mightyena and Poochyena started, and Taillow and Swellow, who were waiting in the air, naturally not to be outdone.

Seeing that his subordinates were not up to the task, the boss had to do it himself.

“Flygon, Dragon Claw.”

Hearing his master’s command, Flygon’s wings fluttered and flew into the air, then lifted a paw that emits green light moved towards Budding Deer grabbed it.

Budding Deer was very calm, quietly watching Flygon’s paw moved towards and tearing it away.

Just when Flygon’s paws were about to touch the budding deer, the budding deer kicked on its two powerful hind legs, and in the blink of an eye, Flygon jumped into the air.

Budding Deer’s Bounce is amazing, and it easily jumped onto Flygon’s back.

When it fell, the two front legs of the budding deer gave off a dazzling white light and stepped heavily on Flygon’s back.

Just hearing a “bang” sound, Flygon hit the ground hard like a flying cannonball, knocking Ground out of a big pit.

In the big pit, Flygon endured the severe pain from his back, flapped his wings in panic, and wanted to fly again.

The budding deer stood on the edge of the big hole, and moved towards it again.

Flygon’s miserable Growl resounded through the forest.

The Ability used twice by Budding Deer is the Ability Jump Kick of Fighting Type.

Budding Deer’s most powerful weapon is its 4 hooves and 2 horns, coupled with Fighting Type’s Top Rank Ability Jump Kick, you can guess the pain of Flygon without even thinking about it.

Fortunately, Dragon Type Pokemon has good physical fitness. Otherwise, if the budding deer stepped on it twice, Flygon’s backbone would not be intact.

Seeing that the mysterious Pokemon on the opposite side only faced each other, he stepped on his proud Flygon and collapsed to the ground with cold hands and feet.

Not long after, those Poochyena and Mightyena were also solved by Taillow and Swellow.

Yuzu outside the forest waited for a while. Seeing that the time was almost up, he said to Ruby next to him:

“Go to the village and call everyone out, take the rope and go in and tie people.”

Ruby knew the people in the woods had been dealt with when he heard it. This was not the first time this happened, and he was not surprised at all.

“Okay, you wait.”

Ruby finished talking and ran away.

When he came back again, behind him was a group of robust men with twine in their hands.

Soon the group of soldiers in the forest was tied up and pulled out by the villagers.

Their unconscious Pokemon were also carried back by the robust man.

After Budding Deer came back, Yuzu praised it and took it back to Poké Ball.

As for these prisoners, the handling is very simple: confiscated Pokemon, stripped off the armor, and distributed all of them to wasteland.

Yuzu has only settled here for one year. As the number of people increases, the demand for food is increasing, and more and more fields need to be cultivated.

These captives are the best and cheapest labor.

Now all the soldiers of the Arus Empire captured by them will be arranged to open fields or do some rough work.

The status of these prisoners in the village is very low. Apart from being able to maintain basic food and clothing, they can only work hard at ordinary times.

No way, most of the villagers in the village lost their homes because of the soldiers of the Arus Empire. They were kind-hearted to keep the prisoners alive. It is basically impossible for them to treat the prisoners kindly, and Yuzu does not insist on comparison.

Of course not all prisoners can survive.

Some of the invading soldiers and generals are the nobles of Arus. How could they be willing to work for a group of lower-class people in their eyes?

So they often do things.

Here, all prisoners who do things have only one fate, and that is death.

In this era, human lives are worthless, and everyday all don’t know how much to die.

The villagers were very comfortable with arranging the prisoners to work, and more than 40 prisoners were quickly arranged to work everywhere.

As for the wounded soldiers, Yuzu directly asked Gardevoir to give them a Heal Pulse and it was over. They were not fatally injured.

“Second Boss, Big Boss has been away for more than ten days, when will you come back?”

Ruby asked Yuzu worriedly.

“Calculating time should be fast.”

Ignacio’s purpose of going out this time is to bring a group of people back.

As time slowly passed, Yuzu knew that the time of Arus’s demise in the record was getting closer and closer, and that time became more tiring and urgent.

In the past two years, he and Ignacio have been trying their best to gather the 2 innocent names of Arus.

It’s just that the two of them have limited abilities, the transportation here is not developed, and the number of people that can be brought back is not too much. At least compared with the total number of 2 surnames in Arus, the person they can save is only one hair from nine oxen.

But they did their best, and the others were left to their fate.

Arus and Frantz border on the border.

The camp of the Emperor Frantz.

At this time Emperor Frantz sat high above the camp, very majestic.

At this time, a Top Rank general in armor hurriedly walked in and knelt on the ground and said excitedly to Emperor Frantz:

“Your Majesty, that legendary demonic beast was finally found by us!”

When the Emperor Frantz heard this, he stood up excitedly and asked the general: “Really?”

The general lifts the head with a look of excitement.

“1000 is really 10000 indeed!”

“Very good! Very good! In this way, the conquest of Arus is just around the corner.”

Speaking of Emperor Frantz, he took out a vermilion orb from his clothes and rubbed it with his fingers cautiously.

“With this legendary demonic beast, that guy Rhodes doesn’t count anything.”

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