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That day, Yuzu was sitting in the shop, watching Diandian playing with Strawberries and Shroomish, and saw Officer Jenny hurriedly walking into the shop.

Yuzu got up and walked to Officer Jenny, and asked strangely, “How can Officer Jenny have time to come to me today?”

Officer Jenny sighed said: “Someone found a few human and Pokemon mummy corpses in the woods outside the town. The deaths were very tragic, so I will now notify everyone from house to house to let everyone pay attention.”

“Mummy?” Yuzu asked in surprise.

Officer Jenny said: “Yeah, I went and took a look. It was nothing like that. I suspect that there is an evil Ghost Pokemon absorbing life energy.”

Ghost Pokemon that absorbs life energy? That should really pay attention.

Most of Ghost Pokemon will not absorb the life energy of creatures at will, and even if it does, it will control the life energy of creatures.

However, a small amount of Ghost-type Pokemon will unscrupulously absorb the life energy of creatures, regardless of the life and death of other creatures. Such Ghost-type Pokemon are very scary.

And the Ghost Pokemon that grew up in this way is much stronger than the Normal Ghost Pokemon.

“Anyway, this is the case, Boss Shimizu, pay more attention to it. I have to go to other people.”

Speaking of Officer Jenny, he hurried out.

As soon as Officer Jenny walked on his front foot, Yuzu saw a beautiful girl in a light purple skirt coming in.


Yuzu said to the girl.

“You are Shimizu Yuzu, right?”

As soon as the girl saw Yuzu, she jumped to Yuzu happily and looked at Yuzu with her big eyes.

“It’s… it’s me, why… what’s wrong?”

Yuzu was taken aback by the girl’s sudden movements.

What’s the matter with this person? do we know each other?

“Very good, I finally saw you!”

The girl was very excited when she heard Yuzu admit her identity.

“Uh, do we know that?” Yuzu asked strangely.

“I don’t know it! But I have heard of you a long time ago, I like you very much and I am your fan!”

The girl is exactly like a girl who worships idols, but how Yuzu sees it, how does she feel that this person is very violent.

Yuzu looked at the girl in front of her carefully.

Well, it looks about the same size as myself, very beautiful.

He is tall, with light purple hair and a light purple over-the-knee dress, which is very temperamental.

It was that his face was too pale, and the ghost-type Pokemon aura emanating from his body couldn’t be concealed.

Because of the Light of Life relationship, Yuzu has long discovered that he is very sensitive to the energies of Bug Type, Ghost Type, and Psychic Type that can affect the power of Bug Type, so he can easily detect the strong Ghost energy of the girl.

“Excuse me, what is your name?” Yuzu asked.

“Miya, my name is Miya, idol, remember my name!”

Hearing Yuzu asking her name, Miya was very happy, as if she had won the lottery.

Yuzu helplessly said: “Oh, Miya, yes, a good name, but can we be quiet? There are customers in my shop.”

Miya hearing this hurriedly covered her mouth, and whispered: “Hehe……sorry, I’m so happy to see you, I couldn’t hold back it for a while!”

Yuzu actually didn’t believe Miya’s words at all. You said that if you were like Raymond, a novice Trainer who just got Starter Pokemon, I might still believe it.

After all, Rookie Trainers like Raymond have limited knowledge, but if you look at yourself, you don’t look like a novice Trainer!

But Yuzu didn’t think about whether this girl named Miya was here to do and so on, so he could only follow her words to pick up.

Isn’t it just acting? We will act better than anyone else, and let you show your feet sooner or later.

“Miss Miya is too rewarding, how can I deserve your praise!” Yuzu pretended to be ashamed.

“Who said it’s not worth it! Some time ago, you helped Officer Jenny maintain the law and order of Verdanturf Town. Everyone in the town knows that you are the hero of Verdanturf Town!”

There are small stars in Miya’s eyes, she looks like a star-chaser girl.

What a show!

If it weren’t for finding that you were wrong, I would have thought that I had done a major event just by looking at your performance! Yuzu thought.

“By the way, Miss Miya is a Trainer who specializes in Ghost?” Yuzu asked casually.

Hearing these words from Yuzu, Miya narrowed his eyes slightly, the dangerous color in his eyes flashed, and then he returned to normal.

But this expression comes and goes fast, Yuzu not at all noticed.

“Ah! It was discovered by you!”

Miya stuck out her tongue playfully, said with a laugh.

Yuzu regretfully said: “It’s a pity, there is no Ghost Pokemon in our store, and there is no Pokéblock for Ghost Pokemon, otherwise you won’t come here in vain.”

Miya said indifferently: “It’s okay, it’s okay, my Pokemon doesn’t need…” Miya’s voice stopped abruptly at this point.

No…No need what? Yuzu thought suspiciously.

“I mean, don’t care about my Pokemon, it’s not a waste of time to see you.”

Miya naturally transferred what was just now, and Yuzu couldn’t keep asking.

There really is a problem! Yuzu thought.

Yuzu then chatted with Miya for a long time, trying to try to get some other news from her.

However, this Miya is also a shrewd person. Yuzu didn’t get any useful information. Instead, he was fooled into believing that she was really her fan.

“By the way, idol! Are you still recruiting people here? How do you look at me?” Miya suddenly asked.

Yuzu was caught off guard by her sudden move.

Good guy, are you thinking about breaking into the enemy? Don’t think about it.

Yuzu pretended to be helplessly and said: “It’s really sorry! You see, our Pokémon Day Care is not big, and we don’t need many people.”

After listening to Yuzu’s words, Miya expression was very disappointed and said: “That’s it! What a pity, I thought I could work with an idol!”

I believe you a ghost! Yuzu is no longer able to complain, this girl is too good at acting!

“I’m so sorry!” Yuzu said “apologetically”.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, my request is too much, the idol does not need to apologize.”

Seeing Yuzu expression apologetic, Miya waved her hand and said that she really cared about Yuzu very much.

“Can’t work here, can I stay in the store for a while?” Miya continued.

Yuzu said: “Of course you can, please!”

I want to see what tricks you are playing!

Then Miya walked to the table in the center of the store and sat down, happily watching the to-and-fro crowd in the store.

After Suzuki Mina made a cup of tea for Miya, he teased to Yuzu: “Not bad Boss, he has fans, she is still a beautiful little girl!”

Yuzu shook the head helplessly, thinking: I don’t ask for fans, I just hope it’s not a bomb.

At this time, Miya also cast a glance at Yuzu from the sidelines, thinking: Shimizu Yuzu, our time is still long!

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