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As for the other poster, the information about the upcoming Pokemon Contest is written.

Verdanturf Town is also one of the fixed venues for Pokemon Contest. Pokemon Contest will be held here regularly at this time of the year.

The Verdanturf Ribbon here is also part of the admission ticket to the annual Grand Festival Contest.

But Yuzu is interested in Pokemon Contest not at all, so he didn’t pay much attention.

Speaking of which, Hoenn Region is the Place of Origin of Pokemon Contest, but it is Sinnoh Region that really prospered Pokemon Contest.

According to Yuzu, in recent years, the development of Pokemon Contest in Hoenn has not been as good as Sinnoh Region, so Hoenn Alliance is now struggling to catch up, and has always held a strong support for the development of Pokemon Contest.

However, these all are what Yuzu saw on the Internet in order to learn more about this World. He didn’t pay attention to these, so he didn’t know much.

After reading these two posters, Yuzu went back to the waiting area and continued to wait for his Pokemon check to be completed.

Nurse Joy’s work efficiency is very high. Yuzu didn’t have to wait long before Yuzu heard the broadcast from the Pokemon Center and called his name.

After retrieving his Pokemon, Yuzu returned home.

Now that he decided to participate in the Verdanturf Town Youth Pokemon Competition, Yuzu decided to take this time to continue to exercise his Pokemon.

Although it’s not far from the time of the competition, the so-called last-minute preparation is not fast enough, and it’s good to work harder.

Besides, I am currently a Pokemon Trainer novice. Compared with other people who have been trained by Trainer since childhood, I really didn’t have any advantage when I became a Trainer at 16 years old.

In fact, since Miss Suzuki came to apply for the job, Yuzu thought it might be good to find a clerk.

I usually have to be busy looking at the store and busy training Pokemon. If there is an emergency that Pokemon can’t train, the store has to be closed. This is really not conducive to the development of Pokémon Day Care.

However, Yuzu did not rush to make a decision. After all, the store is still under construction. These days, Yuzu can only be half-opened.

After returning home, Yuzu took his Pokemon to the backyard and released them all, and then gave them training missions one after another.

The speaking of which poster stated that the game time is 4 days later, but there is not much time left. Yuzu is really a last-minute preparation.

Because of the store, Yuzu not at all personally supervised the training of the Pokemon, but gave the task of supervision to Absol.

Other Pokemon Yuzu are not too worried, but Floette is usually naughty, and no one is staring at Slack Off, which always finds ways.

After explaining everything about the training, Yuzu went back to the store to check out.

But as soon as Yuzu sat down, he saw a little head sticking one’s head around to look for in the shop by the door, and he didn’t know what he was doing.

Seeing this little head, Yuzu laughed and stood up and shouted at the door: “Andy, why don’t you come in, what are you doing at the door?”

As if shocked by Yuzu’s sudden sound, the little head by the door suddenly retracted like a frightened little bunny.

Seeing Andy’s head retracted, Yuzu was taken aback, suddenly wondering if he looked too scary, or how could he scare away people just by shouting.

Unable to understand touched his face, Yuzu felt that he looked good, although he did not say the handsome heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, at least he was very satisfied, not so ugly to scare people away .

Yuzu shook the head was about to sit down again, and saw Andy poked his head out again and looked left and right in the shop, it seemed that he was looking for something.

Now Yuzu knew what he was doing sticking one’s head around to look for at the door.

“Floette, they are not in the store today.”

Hearing what Yuzu said, Andy was obviously lost a lot, and then walked into the store.

“Floette where are they? I came to play with them.”

Walking to the front of the counter, Andy asked Yuzu.

“They are training in the backyard. They can’t play with you today.”

After listening to Yuzu’s words, Andy’s mood became even lower.

Andy is the son of Uncle Shane next door. He is 6 years old and looks very similar to Uncle Shane.

The Uncle Shane family and the Tolkowsky family have been neighbors for several decades. It is said that they have moved together from the Yuzu grandfather generation, and the relationship between the two families can be said to be very good.

In addition, Tolkowsky’s family is in Verdanturf Town not at all other relatives. When Yuzu this generation is married, it is because of a daughter like Aunt Meiko that has a relative of Kurosaki’s family. Therefore, the relationship between Tolkowsky’s family and Uncle Shane’s family has been very good.

However, unlike the Tolkowsky family, the Uncle Shane family is a traditional farmer in Verdanturf Town, and their economic conditions are not as good as the Tolkowsky family.

Although Tolkowsky’s family is not a wealthy family, because they drove a Pokémon Day Care, they were relatively wealthy compared to an average person family.

Since Verdanturf Town is just a town for tourism and recuperation, the main economic development depends on agriculture. Relatively speaking, most of the residents are farmers. Uncle Shane’s family is one of the ordinary farmers in Verdanturf Town.

Compared with other professions, although agriculture is an indispensable part of economic development, the income of farmers is indeed not high, so the economic conditions of Uncle Shane’s family are not as good as Tolkowsky’s.

Andy and Yuzu’s cousin Yuna are the same age and are still in the same school.

The school that Andy and Yuna go to is a special training school for Trainer. The students in it all aim at Trainer, including traditional Trainer, Coordinator, breeder, etc.

There are many such schools both in big cities and small towns.

Because the profession of Trainer is one of the mainstream professions in this World, the important positions of the police, the army and the Alliance are all composed of the Trainer group.

However, if you want to become a Trainer, you must have enough economic strength as support. Whether it is Starter Pokemon or the materials needed for breeding pokemon in the future, it needs money to support.

Families like Tolkowsky’s can still support it, but the conditions of Uncle Shane’s are quite reluctant.

Yuzu’s predecessor also grew up watching Andy. He never thought of being a Trainer himself, but he knew that Andy really liked Pokemon and wanted to be a Trainer very much.

Shane is just such a son and loves him very much, so he gritted his teeth and sent Andy to Trainer School.

Andy’s mother died early, so Andy has been very sensible since he was a child, very different from Yuna, who is only naughty.

At the age of 6, he knows that raising his father is not easy. Not only does he often help with housework at home, he also has very good grades in school.

Since Yuzu had Flabébé, Andy has been very envious and often comes to play with it.

In the past, Andy felt that Yuzu, who had such an outstanding Pokemon as Flabébé, but was not aggressive at all, was very reckless waste of natural resources.

“Why don’t you come in, but what are you doing at the door?”

Andy usually visits the store often, and he is considered familiar to the store, and I don’t know what happened today.

“I heard father say that there are many people in your house.”

Upon hearing these words, Yuzu suddenly realized.

This child, Andy, is good at everything, filial, polite, sensible, and upright, but his personality is a bit weak, he is also afraid of meeting strangers, he is not talkative, nor can he play with other children.

The people in his mouth must refer to Kuronu Daichi and the others who helped Huayun build the Ecology Park. He was afraid of Flinch at the door because he was afraid to meet these people.

“You said them, don’t worry, they are all in my backyard and won’t come to the front.”

“Oh, Elder Brother Yuzu, then I’ll go first, and I will come when Floette has time.”

After hearing Yuzu’s words, Andy turned and was about to leave.

“Hey, come back, come here. Why are you walking in such a hurry.”

Speaking of Yuzu, he stood up and reached out and grabbed Andy by the collar and pulled Andy back after a few steps.

Andy flushed with his clothes strangled, panting and looking at Yuzu, not knowing what he was trying to do.

Looking at Andy flushed and panting, Yuzu smiled wryly: “Sorry Andy, I didn’t pay attention just now. Are you okay?”

Andy unable to understand looked at Yuzu, then shook the head and said he was okay.

He thinks that Elder Brother Yuzu is very strange recently. They used to talk very little.

He himself is a low-talker. Yuzu used to be lazy and didn’t like to talk to himself, but recently he didn’t know what happened. He always talked to himself whenever he saw himself.

But Andy understands when he thinks that Elder Brother Yuzu’s father mother just passed away. He must be lonely at home alone, so he always wants to talk to someone.

Thinking of this, Andy decided to check Elder Brother Yuzu in the future.

Yuzu looked at Andy in front of him and didn’t know that Andy had automatically replaced his brain with someone who had just lost his parents and was afraid of loneliness.

“Andy, do you know our Yuna?”

Andy nodded said that he knew that Yuna was an influential figure in her school, with good grades, but mischievous, which can be regarded as the kind of teacher who loves and hates.

“Yes, are you in the same class?”

Lani shook the head said that he was not there, not only was he not in the same class, they had not even said anything.

Although I have good grades, I don’t interact with people very much at school. I don’t have many friends. I am a semi-transparent person, let alone talk to Yuna who is considered “famous” at school.

“Not in the same class.” Yuzu touched his chin. “Then do you know how she behaves in school?”

After hearing this question, Andy didn’t know how to answer for a while. Let’s say it’s not good. Her grades are really good. Let’s say okay. She usually climbs up the tree and climbs the wall at school, teasing her classmates and the Teacher. The bad thing is the same. Nothing less.

Seeing Andy’s hesitation, Yuzu thought to himself, is it possible that Yuna, a little girl, did not perform well in school? That should be the case, otherwise Andy wouldn’t be so embarrassed.

The reason why Yuzu asked Andy about Yuna’s at school was because it was Yuna’s birthday some time later, and he had to prepare a Present for her, but he wanted to do according to Yuna’s performance at school. Decided.

At this time, the Yuna kid didn’t know that the Present that his cousin gave him would drop a level in such an unclear situation.

Yuzu, who had guessed the truth consciously, didn’t ask too much, and said to Andy: “Okay, I’m understood, you go back, wait until Floette has time for them, you can come look for them.”

Andy was still thinking about how to answer Yuzu’s question. He didn’t think much about what Yuzu said, turned around and left.

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