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Mr. Moore’s Charizard Flying is not fast. It should be intentional to wait for other Trainers behind, because not all Pokemon can fly as fast as the Elite Charizard.

More than 100 people took the Pokemon and flew into the sky together. It was quite spectacular. Many residents of Napru Gym raised their heads when they saw Unable to Bear.

Many Trainers followed the Moore Old Master’s Charizard all the way to the east, and after a while they entered the Sea Territory, and the eyes were all blue.

During the flying process, Yuzu could occasionally see some small islands floating on the sea, but Mr. Moore flew past without looking back, obviously those are not the destination.

In this way, Yuzu and the others have been flying for nearly a day, only to find an uninhabited island on the way to take a break when someone can’t hold on.

Fortunately, there are many uninhabited islands on this road, otherwise everyone may be exhausted directly on the sea. No one didn’t expect that the destination of their trip would be so far away.

Finally, against the orange red sunset, Mr. Moore rode on Charizard and pointed to the distance, shouting to the trainers behind: “The destination is ahead!”

The trainers followed the direction pointed by Mr. Moore and finally saw a tree-lined island from a distance.

Even in winter, most of the Hoenn Region’s seaside areas are warm as spring, which is the climate characteristic of Hoenn.

In the center of the island is a very conspicuous mountain. According to the information they obtained before, it should be the place where the Fire Stone vein was discovered. It is a dormant Volcano and a gathering place for Fire Type Pokemon.

Hearing Mr. Moore’s words, the trainers all cheered and finally arrived at their destination. After flying for a day, everyone couldn’t stand it.

Under the leadership of Moore Old Master, everyone landed on the edge of the island, and someone from here came to take it.

These people are the vanguard of the Alliance, mainly geological survey personnel and some entourages, plus the mine mining troops.

As long as Yuzu and the others clear the Fire Type Pokemon, these people will go to survey and mine the veins.

It was the Chief-In-Charge of these people who met Yuzu and them, a middle-aged man who was more rounded.

As soon as he saw Mr. Moore coming down from Charizard, he immediately greeted him with enthusiasm and said, “Old Master, you are here at last, but I was anxious.”

Mr. Moore obviously knew the middle-aged man, laughed heartily and said: “What anxious! We are here!”

The middle-aged man said: “Yes, yes! I will arrange a place for you first! It’s not early today, and it’s not suitable for action. If there is anything, let’s talk about it tomorrow!”

Mr. Moore nodded, said: “Okay, I will trouble you.”

The middle-aged man hurriedly waved his hand and said, “What’s the trouble with this, I should do it.”

Mr. Moore turned his head and said to many Trainers: “It’s getting late today. Let’s settle down here. I’ll tell you about the island’s situation tomorrow, and then act.”

The trainers had no objections and agreed.

After being introduced by Mr. Moore, Yuzu and their understood came to welcome them. The middle-aged man named Wuxe is a very famous geological researcher and Chief-In-Charge of this vein mining.

They came here as early as when the mineral vein was discovered. They not only surveyed the entire island in general, but also established a simple base.

Under the leadership of Wuxe, Yuzu entire group came to that “simple base”.

There is a circle of barbed wire around the base, presumably to prevent some Pokemon from entering by mistake. The houses on the base are iron-covered houses that are very convenient to build.

Many of the staff are in and out of the tin room, looking very busy, but Yuzu and the trainers don’t understand it.

Wuxe took Yuzu and the others to a row of 2-Layer tin houses, pointed at them and said to Yuzu and the others: “You lived here during the operation. The place is relatively simple. I hope you can forgive me.”

To tell the truth, it was very surprising that there were houses to live in most Trainers. They originally thought they were going to live in their own tents during the operation. They even brought the tents.

Most of Trainer are people who can endure hardships, otherwise they will not walk long on this road. Even rich people like Steven, who are in the wild all year round, are adventurous in the wild, so his strength will far exceed peers.

Fighting, training, and adventure are the constant themes of most Trainers.

Of course, I won’t mention the pseudo-trainer like Yuzu. They are men with golden fingers.

Under Wuxe’s ​​arrangement, the trainers chose one in a row of two-story metal houses to live in.

However, Yuzu has a relatively large number of people and the number of rooms is limited, so they basically live in a room with two people.

Flannery shared a room with a female Trainer he didn’t know, and Yuzu also shared a room with a male Trainer he didn’t know.

The room is very simple, except for a bunk bed, there is only a table, 2 chairs, of course, there are still quilt pillows and so on.

Just as Yuzu was looking at the house, his temporary roommate also came in.

“Hey, you are the Trainer riding Dragonair!”

The visitor is a young man in his 20s. He was very surprised when he saw that his roommate was Yuzu.

“Hello! My name is Yuzu, the past few days will take care of me.”

Yuzu nodded, greeted the youth.

“Hello, hello! My name is Brandon, I can show you more.”

The young man looks more cheerful, with a bright smile on his face.

“By the way, you are from Nancy Gym!” Brandon suddenly asked Yuzu.

Yuzu froze for a moment, and then nodded. Although he was not from Nancy Gym, he did represent Nancy Gym. He didn’t bother to explain it, so he simply admitted it.

“How do you know?” Yuzu asked strangely.

Brandon said with a smile: “I’m afraid everyone is understood, who made you the last to come! Before you came, everyone met each other, only you from Nancy Gym signed up but no one showed up.”

“But isn’t the time of the meeting the day before yesterday?” Yuzu puzzled.

“It was right the day before yesterday, but everyone Normal will be there a day earlier. See each other first. This is a tacit thing, didn’t your Gym Leader tell you?” Brandon asked suspiciously.

“I really do not know!”

Yuzu didn’t expect and this kind of customary thing, sighed, didn’t expect, he became famous before he arrived, but why didn’t Mr. Aiden tell him about it?

In fact, what Yuzu doesn’t know is that Aiden himself doesn’t know such a thing.

Nancy Gym hasn’t participated in such an action for a long time. When he participated in the past, his discipline Wallace was in charge. The team was led by Wallace. Aiden naturally did not care about such details.

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