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After reading the website design, Yuzu lifts the head said: “I am very satisfied with the design of this website. You can come to work with me at any time as long as you want.”

After listening to Yuzu’s words, Finn nodded, not at all, what a special expression, neither happy nor unhappy.

Yuzu: “Let me tell you about your salary and job content.”

Finn said very few words. He didn’t say a word from his mouth for a long time. He often didn’t say anything, shaking his head and nodded frequently, so Yuzu had to take the initiative to explain the situation to him.

“Your salary is the same as Sister Mina. Oh, Sister Mina is the lady who just received you in the store. Her name is Suzuki Mina. She is the only employee in the store except you. You will call her Sister Mina in the future. “

Finn nodded.

Yuzu continued: “Sister Mina’s salary is 3000 per month, so are you too, do you have any comments?”

Finn shook the head, no comments.

Yuzu: “Well, that’s the end of the salary issue. Let’s talk about your job content.

In addition to the daily maintenance and management of the website, your job is also responsible for answering some customer questions on the website, giving feedback to customers, introducing Pokémon Day Care, and promoting.

how about it? Is there a problem? “

Finn listened very carefully. After Yuzu finished speaking, he said that he had no problems with these tasks.

Yuzu said a little apologetically: “Your workload may indeed be a bit big and cumbersome, so if you do well, I will give you a bonus.

By the way, have you found a place to live? “

Finn shook the head, saying that he hadn’t, he came to YuYu’s Day Care as soon as he arrived in Verdanturf Town, and he hadn’t had time to find a place to live.

Yuzu thought for a while and said to Finn, “You wait here for a while, I’ll help you inquire, and see if I can find you a place to live. After all, you are not familiar with this place just now.”

In fact, Yuzu feels uncomfortable. People like Finn are considered to be relatively outstanding talents. The salary he pays him is not high. He is still willing to work here. Yuzu feels that he can help him more or less. Point.

In fact, Yuzu himself didn’t know where to find a place to live. After leaving the store, he had to stand at the door of Uncle Shane’s house and shouted inside, “Uncle Shane, Uncle Shane, are you there?”

After the door of Uncle Shane’s house opened with a “creak”, Uncle Shane walked out from inside, saw Yuzu standing at the door, and asked: “What’s wrong, Little Yu?”

Yuzu: “That’s it, I want to ask if you know if there is any house for rent near our house.”


Uncle Shane thought for a while and said, “By the way, the Grandpa Bosque house opposite your house is going to be sold. Ask him if he wants to rent it to you.”

Yuzu asked strangely: “Why does his house sell? Isn’t it a good one?”

Grandpa Bosque’s house is opposite to Yuzu’s Pokémon Day Care. The two houses are adjacent to the street, one north and south, and they have been neighbors for many years.

Uncle Shane said with a smile: “Do you remember the thunderstorms that you used to play with before?

I heard that he is now working in Rustboro City and the house was bought there, so I planned to take him grandfather to live with him. I heard that I didn’t plan to come back, so I decided to sell the old house here. “

Yuzu thought for a while. There is indeed an Elder Brother Rayne in Yuanji’s memory. He is 5~6 years old. Yuanshi often played with him when he was young. Later he went to other cities. I haven’t seen it.

“So that’s the case, then I’ll go to Grandpa Bosque and ask.”

Saying Yuzu, he turned and went to the opposite side.

However, Yuzu not at all successfully rented the house, Grandpa Bosque was unwilling to rent out the house.

The reason is that he won’t have a chance to come back in the future. It’s better to sell the house if you rent it. Otherwise, it’s inconvenient to collect the rent from a long distance. Will be worried.

Without any help, Yuzu was a little discouraged, so he walked home dejectedly.

At this time, Uncle Shane, who was about to go out, saw Yuzu who came back and asked: “What’s the matter? Didn’t get the rent?”

Yuzu lifts the head and saw Uncle Shane, sighed said: “Yes, Grandpa Bosque doesn’t want to rent, just sells.”

Uncle Shane: “Why do you want to rent a house? Don’t you have a house?”

Yuzu slapped his head, yes, isn’t there still an empty room in his own home?

In fact, the second floor of Yuzu’s house is vacant besides his own room, his parents’ room and the former grandfather damn it room.

The grandfather damn it room has been unoccupied for many years, so it was used as a utility room when Yuzu’s parents were there, and there are still many messy things.

The room of Yuzu’s parents is completely preserved, probably because of the original memory. Except for daily cleaning, Yuzu has not been in very much, always feeling uncomfortable.

Yuzu thought for a while, and felt that it was fine for Finn to live in his parents’ room, as long as his desire for destruction was too strong, so he hurried back to the store.

When Yuzu returned to the store, Finn was sitting on the stool Yuzu used to study under the climate tree, with his own computer on his lap, and he didn’t know what he was doing when he tapped his fingers.

And little bit crouched beside Finn holding the strawberry and stared at him without blinking.

Yuzu walked over to all of a sudden and picked up Dot, and then asked, “What is Dot looking at?”

Diandian was startled by Yuzu’s sudden movements, but after seeing that it was Yuzu who was holding him up, he giggled.

After a little bit of laughter, Yuzu squeezed his fleshy little face and asked, “You haven’t told me what you are looking at, you watch so intently.”

Laughed and pointed to Finn.

Yuzu said with a smile: “This is Finn big brother.”

Diandian followed Yuzu and called out: “Finn big brother.”

Yuzu bent down to put a little bit down, and said, “Hey, go and play by yourself, the store manager big brother and Finn big brother have something to say.”

After getting up, Yuzu said to Finn, “I couldn’t find a place to live outside.”

Finn stopped his movements and said, “It’s okay, I just need to find it myself.”

Yuzu: “I haven’t finished my words yet, why are you in a hurry?

There is still an empty house in my house. It is my parents’ original room. Now it’s vacant. If you don’t mind, just live in my house.

I won’t charge your rent anymore. Anyway, it was empty or empty. You can still get angry when you live in, but you should pay attention to cleaning. “

Finn nodded said: “Okay, trouble.”

Yuzu smiled and stretched out his right hand, and said, “Then welcome to join YuYu’s Day Care.”

Finn also reached out and held Yuzu’s right hand: “Please advise.”

2 people looked at each other and smiled.

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