I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 477: 474. Moral Education

"Although he comes from a pure-blooded family, he has been in the Muggle world all year round. He has no prejudice against Muggles, and he knows enough about technology and history. He has good moral character and integrity, so he is the best candidate for moral education. "

Lynn turned to look at Hermione: "Have you taken his class yet?"

Hermione shook her head: "No, we only have Professor Fox's class this afternoon."

"Then you can look forward to it. I have always thought that Professor Fox's lectures are very interesting, even though he has always said that during his tenure as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, he was not interested in being a professor."

Hermione was indeed looking forward to Professor Fox's class.

Not only because Lynn often mentioned him in front of her, but also because Hermione had lived and died with Fox and Lynn on the island, so she would naturally feel kinder to him.

In the afternoon, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff fourth-year students had their first wizarding moral education class as scheduled.

Fox was still wearing his trench coat that had never changed for thousands of years, and walked into the classroom with nothing but a wand in his hand.

The students didn't bring any textbooks except wands, because there was no official textbook for this class, and Fox didn't ask them to bring anything to class in advance.

After the regular roll call before class, Fox looked at the students below and said with a smile.

"You are all fourth-grade students, and most of you have reached the age of 15, so you have basically formed your own set of ideas. It seems a bit late to give you moral education at this time.

However, although our class is a compulsory course at Hogwarts, it will not be included in the assessment of wizards at all levels. Originally, Professor Dumbledore wanted to set up a reward and punishment system for moral education points in the school, but in the end it was my Canceled under persuasion.

Because I think that as long as it does not touch the law, a person's morality cannot be considered in any form. After all, the line in everyone's heart is different.

Therefore, we do not have any exams in this class, including the final exam, and I will not give you any after-class homework. You can even treat our class time as a simple fireside party, and you can feel free to It's just that there is no stove and beer here, only a deserted classroom and me, a nagging old man. "

Fox's opening remarks caused a burst of joyful laughter in the classroom.

After listening to his words, the students couldn't help but relax. Since there is no pressure from exams and homework, there is no need for them to be tense all the time in class.

"I believe that at this time, some people will definitely question, since we have neither homework nor exams in this class, what is the reason for setting it up?" Fox smiled and looked at the students below.

His voice was very magnetic, not as rough as Moody's, and every word he said could attract the attention of the little wizards.

"I was very excited when I first received that Hogwarts was going to offer such a course and asked me to be the first professor of this course.

Because I have visited many magic schools during the years of my travels around the world, even the seven most famous magic schools in the world, I have visited all of them, but no school has proposed to teach children like you anything but magic knowledge beyond.

Some people may say, since we are a magic school, we must learn magic. Besides this, should we learn other things?

There is nothing wrong with this statement. Magic schools naturally have to learn magic first, but this is not all that a school should teach.

Education itself is not just about teaching underage children knowledge, what you need to be educated more is the principle of being a human being and doing things and the morality that everyone should have in their hearts.

I am very happy that Hogwarts can become the first wizarding school that can realize this, and can add ideological and moral aspects to daily education.

Before that, in the society of the magical world, family education was basically responsible for these things and principles. Most parents would instill correct ideas in you, but it is undeniable that some parents The ideological education itself is very lacking. When educating you, these bad habits and thoughts will inevitably affect you.

Of course, everyone has their own set of principles for how to behave and do things. I can’t believe that all the ideas that disagree with me are all wrong. You can take my class as a story class and social practice class. The truth Many people will talk about it, but if you really want to understand these principles, you still have to experience them yourself.

So in the moral education class, I will not instill those boring truths to you. Our courses will basically be divided into two types.

The first is the debate class. Normally, I will give you a proposition in the classroom. You can decide the pros and cons according to what you think in your heart, and then freely express your views to debate. I will also participate in it and speak out. My own point of view, of course, my point of view is not necessarily correct, so there are no referees and no winners or losers in our debates in class, but I will maintain order, and the final result depends on which one you agree with more, or which one you think in your heart One is correct.

The second is the practical class. There should not be many of this type of class. After all, Hogwarts is a boarding magic school. I have applied to Professor Dumbledore to give me Personally set aside your time for a day and made it hard for him to take you out of the castle for your lessons. But in the end, he graciously agreed to my request, and each grade arranged for me 5 days in a school year, so that I could take you out of the castle to attend practical lessons. "

What Fox said made the students even more excited.

Based on his long speech alone, they had infinite interest in this class.

The usual class is to debate, and there is a chance to go out of the castle to play for a whole day, and more importantly, it will not take up extra-curricular time. Is there any better course in the world than this?

"What kind of professors do we usually teach outside in our practical classes?" Some students raised their hands happily and asked.

"Of course it is to do some relaxing and pleasant things. You can actually regard the outing of the practical class as a group outing, and it will become a very interesting experience in your life."

Fox said with a smile, and then he clapped his palms.

"Okay, I have finished what I should say at the beginning, and now we are going to start the content of our first class. This class is undoubtedly a debate class. Because of the different ages of students in each grade, I will give The topics are also different, so the topic of your first debate in the fourth grade is—are wizards and Muggles the same kind of people?"

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