I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 446: 443. World Tournament Ends

"However, it is not ruled out that they have other means of attack after transformation."

Hermione heard Lynn's grunt beside her. She looked at Harry and Ron's strange behavior in confusion, and asked inexplicably.

"What's wrong with them?"

"Strictly speaking, Veela is not a human being. To be precise, it should be classified as a category of magical animals. They have natural beauty, but such an attractive and addictive charm cannot be a normal phenomenon. It is a kind of magic."

"Then why am I not affected?"

"How can you be influenced? Veevas all appear as women, and their powerful charm can only be applied to male wizards. Female wizards are not jealous of such creatures, how could they still be charmed by her?"

Hermione stared at him: "Then why haven't you been affected?"

Lynn touched his chin.

"Hmm~ It's probably because my magic immunity is too high. Their charm magic is directly aimed at the wizard's spirit, so it has no effect on me. Or if the willpower is high enough, I will avoid it if I see this creature too much." Influenced by them, for example, look at the prestigious wizards in this box, even Mr. Weasley is not like Harry and the others."

His answer wasn't exactly what Hermione had in mind, but it sounded honest enough so she could accept it.

The veela didn't play for long, and when they left the field, the whole stadium suddenly boiled up.

Tens of thousands of wizards shouted angrily that they did not want them to leave the venue, but they could not prevent such a result.

Harry and Ron also came back to their senses in a dazed state, and they realized that they had already protruded halfway out of the stands, as if they might jump from here at any time.

Hermione looked at them with disdain, and under her gaze, Harry and Ron also sat back in their seats with shame on their faces.

But their frustration didn't last long before the Irish mascot came on the scene.

A huge firework-like thing exploded in the sky, and the next moment, a clover pattern representing Ireland was formed on the horizon. At the same time, the entire stadium was like golden rain, and countless golden coins fell from the sky. There was another commotion in the auditorium, and the wizards left their seats and began to fight for the gold coins that fell on the ground.

In the box where Lynn was located, no adults except the children went to pick up these gold coins, and Lynn squinted at the huge clover pattern in the sky.

"Quiz, Hermione, do you know what the mascot of Ireland is? I told you about it in Defense Against the Dark Arts class before."

Hermione raised her panoramic binoculars and looked at the dwarfs in green clothes flying in the sky.

"Is the Leprechaun?"

"That's right, the special magical animals in Ireland, just like the Veela in Bulgaria."

At this time, Xiao Bu excitedly held up a large handful of Leprechaun's gold coins and approached Lin En.

"The money is my pocket money, you can no longer stop me from eating three cones a day!"

Lynn shrugged, regretful on his face.

"It's a pity that the gold coins of the Leprechauns are all fake. The goblins in Gringotts not only don't approve of this kind of gold coins, they can even be said to hate them. You can't spend them in the wizarding world, but you can go to Cheating to ignorant Muggles, but if you're in jail by the Muggle police, I'm not going to fish you out."

Hearing Lin En's words, Xiao Bu immediately became depressed, she pouted, and finally stuffed the gold coins into her pocket, at least these things can be kept as a souvenir.

After the mascots on both sides had performed, the game began quickly.

The game was exciting, and even someone like Lynn, who doesn't watch Quidditch much, could feel his blood boil, but the result was overwhelming.

The level of the Irish team's chasers is obviously higher than that of the Bulgarian team. They scored three goals in less than half an hour, pulling the score to 30:0.

The players of the Bulgarian team tried their best to score points and were fouled by the referee. The veela even charmed the referee.

In the end, the wizard who came forward to maintain the order of the mascot kicked the referee awake, so that the game could continue.

After watching the game for a while, Lynn became interested in the panoramic telescope in his hand.

He originally thought that this telescope had the function of zooming in and slowing down the screen, so that the wizard could better watch the game. Later, after Xiao Bu's guidance, he discovered that this thing can return to the screen like a camera, and it can also analyze tactics with one click. .

It's not magical at all!

Lynn even wondered if someone in the magic world had already developed artificial intelligence, and a telescope actually had the function of tactical analysis.

It is true that the times are advancing, and the magic world has not stopped developing.

The final result of the game was the same as in the original book. The Irish team won the game with a 10-point advantage, but the Golden Snitch was caught by the Bulgarian team's star Seeker Krum.

The final score was 160:170.

Immediately, the entire stadium set off a wave of green, and countless fans of the Irish team cheered wildly.

Harry, Ron and Xiaobu also danced together.

Xiao Bu even talked nonsense in excitement, and dyed his hair green when he got home.

George and Fried hugged each other excitedly.

They made crazy money. Before the game, no one would have thought that it would end like this. After all, 90% of the teams that caught the Golden Snitch would win the game.

Lynn must have earned more money than them, but for him, changes in money numbers are no longer something that can make his emotions fluctuate.

After the game ended, it was just midnight, and most Irish fans estimated that they would stay up all night, and their carnival would last for a long time.

Mrs Weasley certainly wouldn't allow a bunch of kids to stay up all night.

Like ducks, she drove Harry and the others back to their tent, and Lynn and Hermione also returned to their tent.

It's just that after the bed was settled, Lynn didn't intend to go to sleep. He sat in front of the coffee table in the living room, staring at the glove box on the table and waiting silently.

Hermione saw that Lynn wasn't going to sleep, and didn't go back to her bedroom, so she sat beside him curiously.

"Are you waiting for someone?"

Lynn nodded: "Wait for the former Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, Professor Adrian Fox."

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