Not long after their dinner was over, two new guests came to the camp.

Ludo Balmain, director of the Department of Magical Sports and Sports, and Barty Crouch, director of the Department of International Magical Cooperation.

To be exact, Ludo came here first, and Crouch followed to find him.

"Sit down and rest for a while, Batty." Balmain said happily, patting the grass beside him.

"No, thank you, Ludo." Crouch said, with a hint of impatience in his voice, he also saw Lynn, but didn't know that he was the one who actually got his "friendship" behind the scenes.

Lynn also shut up and pretended to be a transparent person after the arrival of the two directors of the Ministry of Magic. He didn't want to impress himself too much among the senior officials of the Ministry of Magic.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. The Bulgarians insist we put twelve more seats in the top box."

"Oh, so they wanted this!" Bagman said disgustedly. "I thought the guy was going to borrow a pair of tweezers from me. The accent is too strong."

"Mr. Crouch!" Percy was out of breath with excitement, and he had always been like this, especially since Barty Crouch was the wizard he admired most in the Ministry of Magic.

He leaned over in a bowing gesture that made him look like a hunchback: "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Crouch looked at Percy with a little surprise, as if thinking about something: "Okay - thank you, Wetherby."

Fred and George laughed so hard they nearly spewed tea into their cups. Percy's ears turned pink and he pretended to be busy tending the teapot.

He had called Percy by the wrong last name.

"By the way, there's something I've been meaning to tell you, Arthur," said Crouch, his piercing eyes falling on Mr. Weasley again. Talk about your ban on flying carpets."

Mr. Weasley sighed heavily.

"I sent him an owl letter last week specifically about it. I've told him a hundred times that in England rugs are defined as Muggle artifacts on the Register of Prohibited Magical Items, but he would Do you listen?"

"I doubt he will," Crouch said, taking Percy's cup of tea as he was handed him. "He can't wait to export the flying carpet here."

"But the broom is the mainstream means of transportation for wizards in Europe. Besides, the current broomstick market is dominated by the Rungard Company. Bashir has no strength to fight against the Rungard Company." Bagman said.

"But he thinks there is a gap in the market for family vehicles," Crouch said, "but he doesn't move his elm-like head to think about it, even if the flying carpet can expand the market in the UK, Will Rungard give them the market again?."

From his words, it seems that he has no indescribable relationship with the Lengard Company.

"Have you been busy lately, Batty?" Bagman changed the subject and asked happily.

"Busy," Crouch said dryly. "Organizing and arranging Portkeys across five continents is not an easy task."

"Haven't you recently recruited a lot of staff in the International Department of Magical Affairs? Not enough staff?" asked Mr. Weasley.

Crouch raised an eyebrow at Mr. Weasley.

"I can't wait to recruit more people. I need to spread them all over the world, and even arrange a Floo network over Antarctica."

"Other than that? How are you preparing for the next event?"

"We promise not to announce until all the details—"

"Oh, details!" Bagman interrupted, waving his hand disapprovingly, as if driving away a swarm of floaters, "They signed it, didn't they? They agreed, didn't they? Soon the Hogwarts children will Everyone will know about it.”

"No! They signed it, but there were extra people involved!" Crouch said with a frown, "To be honest, I've been worrying about this recently, whether I should agree to their request or not."

"Those rotten gringos? Oh! You shouldn't be bothering Batty for them. You can put their request on the spot that the country people want to come to the city to see the world. We should give them a chance, after all, we are all A generous English gentleman—”

"Ludo, you should know we need to meet those Bulgarians," said Crouch sternly, interrupting Bagman. "Thanks for the tea, Weatherby."

He shoved the undrinked teacup back into Percy's hand and waited for Ludo to get up.

Ludo struggled to stand up, and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp. It seemed that he hadn't enjoyed the conversation yet, but some topics were really not suitable to continue talking here.

"See you later!" he said. "You're with me in the top box—I'm the game commentator!"

He waved goodbye, Barty Crouch nodded lightly, and they both Disapparated out of sight.

"What's going on at Hogwarts, Dad?" Fred asked immediately. "What were they talking about?"

"You'll find out soon enough," said Mr. Weasley, laughing.

"It's a secret, and it won't be known until the Ministry decides to make it public," said Percy solemnly. "Mr. Crouch is right not to divulge the secret easily."

"Oh, shut up, Wetherby," said Fred.

George turned his gaze to Lynn, who had been silent all this time, and he asked tentatively.

"I guess Lynn must know what it is."

Percy shook his head and said it was impossible: "Even the Ministry has not disclosed this matter, and Lynn has no family members working in the Ministry of Magic, so it is impossible for him to know."

Lynn said thoughtfully.

"It's about the game."

Immediately, everyone present widened their eyes.

"What event?" George and Fried urged Lynn to continue, but Mr. Weasley stopped him.

"Although I don't know where you learned about it, you can't tell them Lynn. This matter can't be made public until everything is arranged."

Only then did Lynn come to his senses, and he nodded to Mr. Weasley.

"I know Mr. Weasley, he won't talk about it outside."

Harry, Ron and the twins wailed, begging Mr. Weasley to just tell them these people, and they promised not to spread the matter.

Lynn was still thinking about the conversation between Crouch and Bagman just now.

He knew that the Triwizard Tournament would be held again at Hogwarts, but in the original book, it was a competitive competition jointly held by three schools in Europe. What does it have to do with the people of the United States?

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