I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 395: 392. Black is Wormtail!

"Why would Black give you this thing? Hermione is completely baseless."

At lunchtime, Ron and Harry walked towards the Great Hall together, they still didn't get on the Firebolt in the end.

Although they said it was impossible, in their hearts, Harry and Ron were secretly frightened.

"It's better to listen to Hermione, let Lynn take a look at it after dinner, it probably won't take long."

The tables in the auditorium were moved to the wall again, and only one table for sixteen people was placed in the center of the room.

Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, and Flitwick were there, as was Filch the Administrator.

Filch had shed his usual brown coat and was wearing a very old and rather dated tuxedo.

Apart from them, there were only five students: two extremely nervous first years, Betty Riddle, a flat-faced Gryffindor first-year, and a sullen sixth-year in Slytherin House. There is Lynn.

Xiaobu is not here, every Christmas, Lynn will let her go home to spend with Kira.

"Merry Christmas!" said Dumbledore when he saw that everyone had arrived.

That's when Harry, Ron and Hermione approached the table.

"We don't have many people, it's a bit silly to use those tables in each courtyard, sit down, sit down!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione originally wanted to sit next to Lynn, but Lynn was sitting next to Dumbledore, and there was Professor McGonagall beside him. There was no way, the three little ones could only sit at the end of the table .

Lynn was chatting with Professor McGonagall beside him about something. Professor McGonagall seemed to be in a good mood, and there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth when talking to Lynn.

"Firecracker!" said Dumbledore enthusiastically, handing Snape the tail of a large silver firecracker.

Reluctantly, Snape took it and pulled it, and the firecracker slammed, like a gun, and scattered, revealing a large witch's hat with a pointed top, and there were specimens of mountain eagles on the top of the hat.

Harry thought about the Boggart in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and met Ron's eyes, both grinning.

Snape's mouth pursed, he pushed the hat over to Dumbledore, who immediately replaced it with his own wizard's hat.

"Eat!" he said with a smile to the whole table.

The Christmas lunch was equally lavish, and although there were only a dozen of them, the house-elves still cooked a large table.

Professor Trelawney of the prophecy class came late, and had some disputes with Professor McGonagall because of an unlucky prediction, but this little episode didn't affect Harry's mood of enjoying the food.

After lunch, the three hurriedly took Lynn to Gryffindor's bedroom.

The shape of the Firebolt was too conspicuous, so Harry naturally wouldn't bring it out.

"Hermione suspects that this thing was given to Harry by Black. There must be some evil spell cast on it. You must check it before you can make sure it is safe to ride on it."

Ron said a little indignantly: "If you ask me, how could Black give Harry such a valuable thing."

Lynn didn't speak, but took the Firebolt in Harry's hand and looked at it carefully.

Whether or not there is a curse Lynn on this broom is actually very clear.

Blake didn't even touch it when he went to the broom shop to buy it, but had the clerk pack it up and deliver it to Harry Potter on Christmas Day.

But Hermione guessed right, this broom was indeed given to Harry by Black.

"There are no evil spells. Apart from the original windproof spell and other related spells, there are no other special spells on this broom."

Harry and Ron were all in high spirits.

"I just said Hermione was needless to worry, come on, Harry, let me try it."

Lynn returned the broom to Harry.

"The absence of a curse does not mean that Hermione's guess is wrong. This broom is most likely a gift from Black to Harry."

With Lynn backing her up, Hermione naturally glared at the two of them not to be outdone.

Harry and Ron stopped trying the new broom, and Harry looked at Lynn puzzled.

"Why did he send me such a valuable thing?"

Lynn shrugged, indicating that he didn't know, but then he continued.

"Although I don't know why, you may have a chance to ask him yourself tonight."

Harry was taken aback for a moment, but then he realized it.

"You mean we can catch Black tonight!"

"It's not that we can, but that we have an opportunity. As for whether the opportunity is great or not, it depends on our luck tonight."

Harry and Ron were immediately in no mood to study that Firebolt.

Even if it was confirmed that this broomstick was really given by Black, it would be impossible for Harry to ride it, even if there were no jinxes on it.

"Tonight? What are we going to do?" Harry asked eagerly.

Every move of Blake was under Lynn's surveillance, and now the big black dog had sneaked into the castle through the secret passage behind the statue of the blind and hunchbacked old witch.

It was very good at finding places, so it chose an empty classroom very close to Gryffindor Tower, and hid in it.

Next door to that classroom was the staircase leading directly to the Gryffindor lounge, and anyone who walked past Blake on the stairs could see who it was.

Just when Lynn and the three of them went upstairs, Black was already watching them secretly.

It was just because there were too many of them, and just after lunch, Dumbledore was also walking upstairs to his office, so Black didn't choose to act rashly.

But right away, Lynn will create a good time for him.

"Blake is in the castle now!"

After hearing the news, Harry, Ron and Hermione were all shocked.

Ron was a little nervous. He had just been attacked by that vicious bastard. Knowing that he was nearby, he seemed a little scared.

Harry didn't believe Lynn's words. He took out the Marauder's Map from his pocket, and read out the password, revealing the whole view of Hogwarts.

There were very few people left in the castle during Christmas, so the names on the map can be seen very clearly.

"But Black's name is not displayed on the Marauder's Map. It is impossible for him to know about the Marauder's Map, and there is no way to block its magic."

Lynn blinked, pointed to his own name on the map and said.

"As long as I want to, this map can't find me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lynn Bellock's name on the Marauder's Map was erased the next moment as if he had heard his order.

Harry was dumbfounded at the sight.

"And why is it impossible for Black to know about the Marauder's Map? Maybe he participated in the making of this map."

Lynn's words flashed through Harry's mind like a bolt from the blue.

He thought of the code names of the four producers on the Marauder's Map, the relationship between his father, Blake, and Peter, whom he had overheard in Hogsmeade, and at the same time, he thought of what Lynn had done to him before. Prophecy!

A bold guess blurted out of his mouth.

"Sirius Black is Wormtail!"

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