I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 391. 388. The Ultimate Dog Licking

"That's right, it's just an ordinary mouse, but we can disguise it as Scabbers and lure Black out."

Harry and the others all looked puzzled.

"Why is Black interested in this mouse, Scabbers?"

Lynn shrugged.

"I don't know, but judging from the way he attacked Ron yesterday, he treated the mouse more eagerly than he treated Harry."

"These are irrelevant for the time being. If you can catch Black, I can make him answer whatever you want to ask him. The key is whether you dare to take this risk."

Harry blinked, and said softly, "Didn't you say you could guarantee my safety?"

"I can guarantee your safety in this kind of thing, but there is no risk in what to do? What if if I don't pay attention, Black suddenly shoots you with a death curse?"

"Then what are the chances of this happening?" Harry gritted his teeth and asked.

Lynn held out a finger to him.

"There is a 10% chance, there is a 10% chance that Black will kill you in front of me."

Lynn was half scaring Harry and half telling the truth.

Black did have the possibility of injuring Harry by accident, but the chances were less than 1 percent.

He said that just to see how deep Harry's hatred for Black was now.

The result was not beyond Lynn's expectation, Harry agreed decisively.

"I'm willing to take this risk. If it's just for me to avenge my parents and catch Black with my own hands, I'm willing to do it!"

Lynn turned to look at Ron.

"And you Ron, if you're going to get Black out, you need a headline."

Instead of being timid at all, Ron seemed a little excited after listening to Lynn.

"What level of newspaper is it?"

"Only the Daily Prophet, of course."

"I'm more than happy to help!" Ron said without hesitation.

Anyway, he was only in the newspapers to show off, and he was not needed to fight Black.

After finalizing everything, Lynn immediately stood up from the chair.

"Well, you'd better get ready today, the Daily Prophet's interview will start this afternoon."

He stretched out his wand and tapped the mouse on the table that had changed back to normal, and the next second it changed back to Scabbers.

"Don't forget to spend time developing a relationship with this mouse, and I will take pictures of you when the time comes."

After explaining, Lin En hummed a little tune and left the auditorium with a smile.

Not long after he emerged from the auditorium, Hermione caught up with him from behind.

She looked at Lynn suspiciously: "It's not like you to do this. You are not the kind of person who would let your friends take risks."

Lynn winked at her.

"Trust me Hermione, don't ask too many questions, just do what I tell you, and I promise it's not a bad thing for Harry, and there's absolutely no danger for the two of them."

Hermione wrinkled her nose.

"Your expression like this is obviously a bad idea."

Lynn spread his hands innocently and said: "It seems that you have misunderstood me deeply. I think there should never be a lack of trust between the two of us."

Hermione's ears were a little red, she hummed a couple of times, she didn't ask any more questions, and turned to find Harry and the others.

After dealing with Hermione, Lynn went straight to the owl room and wrote a letter to Daily Prophet reporter Rita Skeeter with her own owl, asking her to bring a videographer to Hogwarts today Went to Ci, he has a piece of news for her.

Then he went to the treasure room whose entrance was under the lawn outside Hogwarts.

This is the first time Lynn has come to this place.

When fighting the basilisk and Fontana last year, this secret passage was actually damaged by the basilisk.

After that, he was admitted to the school hospital, which was repaired by Dumbledore himself.

After he came out of the school hospital, he was busy with Tom's affairs and was not in the mood to visit the treasure place where the basilisk was hiding.

After walking along the secret path under the lawn for about an hour, he came to this legendary goblin's treasure trove.

It was empty inside, and even if there were original treasures, all the fairies had taken them away.

Lynn looked at the surrounding stone walls, and could clearly see a few deep paw prints, which were obviously scratched out unconsciously by the werewolf suffering extreme pain when transforming.

Ian was a werewolf. Although he was a werewolf, he couldn't suppress the pain even when he transformed on a full moon night.

Lupine was clearly more of an ordinary werewolf.

Even if Snape specially brewed the wolfsbane potion for him, it could not relieve him of this pain, but it could only allow him to preserve his sanity when he became a werewolf, and would not rush out to hurt others.

After observing the venue, Lynn left the treasure place very satisfied.

The place is very large, which is very suitable for performing some bloody dramas.

The actors and the venue have all been found, and naturally only he, the director, is needed to arrange the scenes.

At this time, Black has chosen the latest flying broom in the wizarding world - the Firebolt as Harry's Christmas gift.

I have to say that these pure-blood families are indeed rich, and there is no such thing in the wizarding world as saying that if you break any law, you will be deprived of all your economic property.

So even if Black is living outside, he can still spend a lot of money to buy one for Harry, which is equivalent to the new top-level limited-edition supercar-level flying broom in the Muggle world this year as a Christmas gift.

He doesn't need to think about Black's side for the time being, he just needs to let him "accidentally" see a copy of the Daily Prophet later on.

In the afternoon, Lynn specially entertained the new deputy editor-in-chief of the Daily Prophet and the famous reporter Ms. Rita Skeeter who came from afar.

"I heard that you have a big news to break to us. Is it about Dumbledore? Don't worry, we will definitely perform the job of a journalist perfectly, and the principal of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry The unbearable behavior is publicized, and this school only needs your leadership!"

As soon as they met, Skeeter revealed her dog-licking nature.

Don't blame her for having no bottom line. Last time, it was because she licked well. It is said that the new investment boss of the newspaper named and praised her for her strong professional work and she is a very capable journalist.

Based on such a sentence, basically after this editor-in-chief retires, she will definitely be the next editor-in-chief.

The promotion password was already so obvious, if Skeeter couldn't grasp it any longer, she would just find a dementor to kiss him and commit suicide.

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