I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 289 286. Danger Never Disappears

News came back to Hogwarts that Dumbledore had been dismissed as Headmaster.

This made all the students and professors in the whole castle tense, until Dumbledore came back from outside and announced in the auditorium that Professor McGonagall would be the interim headmaster, and he would not leave Hogwarts, and would stay in the headmaster's office all the time Only then did the students feel at ease.

The students at Hogwarts knew best that they were safe as long as Dumbledore was at Hogwarts.

On the afternoon when Dumbledore returned to the castle, Lynn came to the entrance of the principal's office.

The stone monster who was in charge of guarding the door was already familiar with Lin En. There was no need for a password to enter the door, but when Lin En wanted to enter, the stone monster suddenly opened his mouth to remind him.

"Vice Headmaster McGonagall is talking to Dumbledore inside."

Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall must be talking to each other about the principal. Lynn did not rush in, but waited for Professor McGonagall to come out at the entrance.

With nothing to do, Lynn chatted with the stone monster.

"Are you a magical animal?" He was very curious about the life structure of the stone monster.

The stone monster also seems to be very interested in chatting with him: "You can regard me as a creature of the same nature as the guy in the sorting hat. Compared with animals, I am more like a man-made alchemy creature."

"Then you also existed in the early days of Hogwarts?"

"Of course, who else but the great four wizards could have created a life like me?"

Lynn and the stone monster didn't talk for long before Professor McGonagall walked out of the principal's office.

She frowned tightly, looking preoccupied and not in a good mood.

Lynn took the initiative to greet her: "Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall looked up at him: "Professor Lockhart, just now Albus asked me to find you to meet him, but I didn't expect you to come."

Lynn raised his brows: "Professor Dumbledore has stepped down as the headmaster?"

Professor McGonagall looked very troubled, although she was happy to help Dumbledore manage Hogwarts, but not in this way.

"The school directors held a meeting to vote and forcibly resigned from Albus' post. Albus also agreed, so now I can only serve as the interim principal."

Professor McGonagall didn't talk to Lynn much. She usually has a lot of things to do, and now she can't be free. After bidding farewell to Lynn, she left.

After Professor McGonagall left, Lynn walked into the principal's office.

Dumbledore seemed to be sitting on the chair very easily now, holding a storybook in his hand, and the cover of the book "The Tales of Peter the Bard" could just be seen from the angle where Lynn came in.

"You still like reading storybooks for children at such an age?" Lynn complained as he sat across from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore put the story books together: "What people like has nothing to do with age. This book is one of my favorite books. It was like this when I was young, and it will always be like this even when I am old."

"What's going on with the school board?" Lynn asked bluntly.

"Obviously, someone doesn't want me to stay at Hogwarts." Dumbledore seemed to be in a very good mood, "They seem very eager, and they seem to have discovered something, otherwise they wouldn't be so impatient."

"Why was your principal dismissed?" Lynn was very puzzled by this.

"Because the headmaster's name is not important, anyone can be the headmaster, but the key is that I have to stay at Hogwarts, and it is a normal procedure to remove the headmaster and others, of course I should accept it."

"But you're still at Hogwarts."

"That's right, they can't change this, and there's no way to change it." Dumbledore said with a smile, "What we lost was just the title of headmaster, but we gained a lot. At least we have now clearly discovered one of our enemies." gone."

Lynn guessed who he found, pinching his chin, Lynn told the situation of his monitoring these days by the way.

"For the time being, I haven't noticed that the target of my surveillance has contacted the elf in the school. During this period of time, she has also behaved very normally, but from today's events, it can be seen that they really can't wait any longer, that is, Said they will continue to figure out a way.”

Lynn suddenly looked up at Dumbledore.

"I have a plan to teach."

Dumbledore looked at him with those blue eyes that seemed to be smiling: "I can probably guess your plan."

"Then do you think it's feasible?"

"Why not? Since they have been forced to such an extent, I think it is completely possible to give it a try."

Lynn shrugged: "Is that why you trust me?"

Dumbledore laughed: "The last thing we lack is trust, isn't it?"

Dumbledore's resignation as headmaster doesn't seem to have any effect in Hogwarts. After all, Dumbledore didn't really leave Hogwarts, and he didn't even move from his headmaster's room, except in name Except that he is no longer the principal of this school, nothing else seems to have changed.

Until one afternoon three weeks later, Professor McGonagall summoned the four deans of the school and Lynn, who was the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, into her office.

Professor McGonagall was sitting in the armchair at her desk, his face as serious as ever.

"Gentlemen, Albus left Hogwarts this morning."

Professor Flitwick was a little puzzled by this: "Is it a common thing that Dumbledore is not at Hogwarts? Why did you call us here?"

He asked the doubts that other professors had.

"This time is different from usual." Professor McGonagall shook his head, "You also know that not long ago the school board removed him from the post of principal, and Albus told me that it was actually a conspiracy. From Hogwarts."

Snape frowned tightly, his face still so gloomy.

"Since Dumbledore knew it was a conspiracy, why did he leave Hogwarts?"

Professor McGonagall said heavily.

"Because he is not only the headmaster of Hogwarts, but also the chairman of the International Federation of Wizards. He needs to mediate the disputes between the Magic Congress of the Moldy Country and some Ministry of Magic in the Middle East. Before leaving, Albus Remind me to do a good job of defending Hogwarts, he doesn't want any chaos in the castle during this time."

"And where does the danger come from?" asked Professor Sprout.

Then Lynn interjected, "I might be able to tell you that."

The professors turned their eyes to him.

"Everyone, don't forget that although it has been silent for more than three months, the danger of the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets being opened has never disappeared."

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