I Have a Big Problem with My Hogwarts

Chapter 253 250. Evenly matched? One-sided slaughter!

The dark green scales were looming under the reflection of the firelight, and the thick and long figure was wandering on the ceiling.

He just glanced at it and immediately closed his eyes. The petrification effect of the basilisk is too powerful, even a dead ghost can be affected. Lynn doesn't dare to be too big. If he dares to try it, he can't bear it. That's a real capsize in the gutter.

The fact that the eyes can't come in handy doesn't affect Lynn very much. The increase in physique also means the enhancement of the five senses. With his current hearing, he can completely distinguish the position by listening to the wind.

The basilisk was lurking above the ceiling ten meters away from Lynn, and it had already discovered that the human was aware of him, but instead of running, he stood motionless, as if waiting for it to rush past.

Basilisks possess some plain intelligence, as well as the instincts of beasts.

It stared coldly at Lynn with those huge khaki eyes, and could clearly feel that this thin human was not easy to mess with!

Lynn didn't move rashly, nor did it move rashly. The basilisk was always winding up and down at a safe distance ten meters away from Lynn, quietly spitting out letters. Its hunting experience is not rich, but it is born with the knowledge that fighting with prey of equal strength will put pressure on the prey. If it has a psychological advantage, then the battle is equal to half of the victory.

But as time passed, Lynn seemed to be half-cast with concrete, and he didn't move, and gradually the basilisk became impatient.

Its patience should have been enough, but Filch ran away before, and if it dragged on like this, he would call in more people.

The master's order to him was to kill the man, but only if more people could not discover it.

So after spending five minutes with Lynn, it finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Spreading and hovering on the ceiling, the body that was more than 20 feet long gradually shrank into a disk shape. The basilisk stared at Lynn with gloomy eyes. The front half of the body slowly contracted, compressing like a spring. His body is also compressing his own strength.

When its entire body shrank smaller and smaller, just when it was about to shrink to the limit, the entire body of the Basilisk suddenly stopped for a second!

Then, the compressed muscles suddenly burst out, and the entire snake body was like a spring that was compressed to the extreme and then suddenly released, turning into a dark green straight line in mid-air, rushing straight like black lightning. To Lynn!

The distance of ten meters is approaching in an instant!

It opened a bloody mouth that was bigger than Lynn's entire body. Its long and narrow fangs were like two unsheathed swords. The stench was accompanied by the whistling of the wind and rushed towards Lynn's face.

The basilisk's intention is very obvious. It wants to swallow Lynn in one bite. It doesn't have much experience in fighting wizards, but its owner has recently taught it that in the face of wizards, it must get close to them quickly and can't give them anything. Reflecting the time of casting, as long as it dashes within three meters of the wizard before the wizard has time to raise his wand, even a wizard as powerful as Dumbledore will surely die!

It only took less than a second for the basilisk to stab in front of Lynn's face, but Lynn still didn't move at all, like a clay sculpture.

It was not until the glowing fangs were less than half a meter away from his face, and the snake letter was about to touch his face, that Lynn finally moved!

He still closed his eyes tightly, and had no intention of looking at his opponent at all. Lynn judged the distance between the Basilisk and him based on the time when the wind and smell filled the air, and then decisively raised his wand without holding it. His left fist, there was no time to charge and he was not allowed to charge, so he swung it straight in front of him with his bare hands.


A muffled sound sounded, and Lynn's fist hit the fangs on the right side of the Basilisk!

The force of the Basilisk's rushing forward and the force of Lynn's punching were two huge forces against each other. The comparison was not whose strength was greater at all, but which of the fangs and Lynn's fist was stronger and more resistant!

The basilisk was very surprised by Lynn's response. It even showed a very humane look in its eyes. No matter how strong a human being, it was impossible to compare it with its body mass, not to mention the fangs in its body. One of the hardest parts.

It has begun to regret why it has just been so careful, this wizard is a complete fool!

However, those thoughts all vanished the second its fangs touched Lynn's fist.

At that moment, an unbearable pain erupted from the root of its fangs. The indescribable pain made the whole body tremble uncontrollably, followed by a huge force that knocked the whole snake out!


The basilisk flew into the wall on the right with a punch, and the huge impact directly smashed through the wall of the classroom next to it. The thick and long snake body twisted and twisted inside, smashing the desks and chairs into pieces. mess.

Lynn's fist didn't even have a red mark, but it still made him spit out with a bad look on his face.

"Bah, I missed it."

Of course, he couldn't just hit the basilisk's fangs from the beginning. Before he knew the specific physical strength of this thing, Lynn would not hit his fist in such a meaningless place unless his brain was pumped. He started What I want to aim at is actually the eyes of the basilisk. As long as the risk of petrifying it is solved, this thing is no different from the small earthworm to Lynn.

Unfortunately, there were some deviations in his judgment, and his fist was aimed at the wrong place, but fortunately, he was not lucky enough to hit the basilisk's mouth. If it wasn't for the knight's sword that he asked Old John to help buy because it couldn't fit in his pocket So he didn't bring it with him, and he wouldn't just go up there with his bare hands.

Of course, Lynn didn't stand still at first to pretend to be handsome and cool. As for what is evenly matched and still, I will wait for it to reveal its flaws.

He didn't move first because he had to rely on the sound of the basilisk's movement to judge its movement, otherwise the invisible Lynn wouldn't be able to catch it at all, and if he rushed forward, he would have to worry about not hitting it hard enough to give it to him. scared away.

Now there is no such worry at all. The snake was abruptly broken by Lynn, and it was rolling on the ground in pain. It would not be able to escape with Ben for a while.

He ignored the huge broken fangs on the ground (he had closed his eyes), and walked quickly into the classroom that had been smashed through the wall, listening to the basilisk's painful roar, and easily pinpointed its location .

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