"Wizard Chess," Harry said quietly.

"If you can't drink water, you have to eat it raw." Hermione said faintly.

Ron could only shrug his neck and pretend to be dead.

Who knew that Lockhart had become low-key today, not as flamboyant as they had seen in Diagon Alley before.

Not only did this surprise Ron, it also made Hermione feel that Lockhart's impression of her had changed again.

The witty, brave and clever adventurer in the book; the hypocritical and arrogant writer in Diagon Alley; the serious and reliable professor in Hogwarts.

So which of these messes is the real Lockhart?

Lynn picked up the textbook on the desk of a little wizard beside him. It was one of Lockhart's autobiographies, "Traveling with the Vampire."

Lockhart, a liar, made a lot of money by being a professor. He requires every student to have at least seven textbooks for this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts, all of which are his autobiographies, and the price of each one is not high. Low, a family like Weasley, who has to feed so many children to school a year, can really afford to buy it.

"First of all, before the class, let's talk about the textbooks you are holding." He held up the Lockhart autobiography in his hand, "Because I had some miscommunication with Professor Dumbledore before, So it was my mistake that you bought these things as textbooks for this year, because we don't need these books in class at all."

There was a little noise in the classroom. After all, these books are really not cheap. As a result, Lockhart now says that he has not bought them.

"Because this responsibility is on me, you won't be responsible for the money you use to buy these books. After class, you can go to the prefect of your own college and ask them to help count how many people in a college bought how many books. Then report to me, and I will refund everyone the money they bought the book."

After Lynn finished speaking, the classroom suddenly fell into a brief silence, followed by violent cheers.

Most of the little wizards in Hogwarts were born from mixed-blood and Muggle families, and only a very small number of wealthy pure-blood families are, and if the money is returned, it must go to the students, and then go home to the parents. It's not up to them to figure it out on their own, or hide it secretly.

Ron, who had been pretending to be an ostrich, was also excited. His wand was broken when the car hit the punching willow, and now he was afraid to tell his family that if Lynn returned the book money, he would be able to get a new wand. .

While the little wizard was jubilant, someone raised their hand again, this time it was still a girl, but it was a student of Gryffindor.

"Any questions?"

The girl asked, "Then do you want to take back the books we are holding now?"

Lynn spread out his hands: "It's a meeting gift for you. Of course, if you don't like it, I wouldn't mind using it as toilet paper."

There was a roar of laughter in the classroom, which let the little wizards know that their Defence Against the Dark Arts professor was not that serious and old-fashioned.

In less than five minutes of class, Lynn had already established a preliminary reputation in the hearts of these little wizards. Of course, it was because Lynn spent money, but it was not his own money.

Although Lynn said it was no exaggeration to say that he was rich enough to rival a country, but if he was asked to pay for Lockhart, a liar, he would definitely not want to be the victim.

After Lockhart became a fool, with Dumbledore's acquiescence, Lynn went to his house and confiscated all the things he had left behind.

Even though the wizard's money is generally stored in Gringotts' treasury, there will be some funds left at home for backup. Lynn confiscated the gold Galleon left by Lockhart at home. The amount is not large. It's not too small, and it's more than enough to buy books for the little wizards at Hogwarts.

Apart from that, his biggest gain in the Lockhart family was the oblivion spell written by the liar himself.

If nothing else, the Oblivion Curse is definitely Lockhart's signature. He relied on this unique skill to attack a number of adventurer wizards who really had the experience in his book, and finally achieved his current achievement.

Lynn walked back to the podium and knocked on the table to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Okay, we are officially starting the class now, because the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts changes every year, so I don't know how much Professor Quirrell took you to learn last year, plus the dark magic. Defense is a comprehensive subject, and in this class, I need to first understand what magical knowledge you have.”

He took out a stack of test papers and handed them out. As soon as the exam was about to be taken, the little wizard below suddenly frowned.

"Mutual understanding is the first step. Don't talk to each other when writing, and don't cheat by flipping through the book. You don't even need to write your name on this test paper. I just want to know what knowledge you have now through it. Of course, you can't either. Write nonsense on it and tell you in advance that as long as I want, I can find out who his master is through the test paper."

After Lynn finished speaking, the exam began.

Instead of sitting on the podium, he stepped down and looked around.

The purpose of the exam, as he said, was to simply test how much knowledge these little wizards possessed. He certainly couldn't measure them with the standards he had when he was in the second grade. That would be too unfair.

Lynn has always had a very clear position for himself. If there is no system to add up the points of magic talent, he may become a hard-working genius, but now, he is just a hard-working guy.

He toured the classroom twice, and probably figured out the situation of these little wizards.

Lynn can't take himself as a standard now, but he can take Harry as a standard.

The reason why Harry is because his own magical talent is not low, and even has a high talent in defense against the dark magic, but he doesn't usually work hard enough, and even spends most of his time not doing his job, or he is blind with Ron. To do things, or to play Quidditch, there is very little time for serious study.

Lynn had planned to use Hermione as a benchmark, but after a round of inspection, he found that if this was the case, no one in the entire classroom could reach the passing line.

But even using Harry's grades, the grades of these little wizards are not satisfactory. Few of them have passed the pass line, and they can count them with a single slap. This is still the case of Ravenclaw students.

That is to say, the remaining people who are not even as good as Harry have neither the magical talent like him, but also play crazy like him.

This is enough to see how slack the students at Hogwarts are in their studies.

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