"Gift, gift, gift?"

Early in the morning, Xiaobu just came back from Hermione's house and saw Lynn, so he held onto the corner of his clothes and kept talking like a repeater.

Lynn pushed her forehead so that her hand couldn't catch her, then said while fumbling in her pocket with the other hand.

"I didn't forget, of course I brought you a gift."

He took out a candy box and handed it to Xiaobu, who immediately took it with a look of excitement, shook it in his hand, and the sound of the candy shaking was clearly heard inside.

"Thank you Lynn!" She thanked her crisply.

Lin En touched her head with a smile: "No thanks, let's take it apart and have a look. I'll check your math homework later."

The little girl happily ran to the sofa with the candy box and took it apart.

But Lynn sent one away, and another was waiting for him.

"What about mine? What about mine?" Hermione moved closer to Lynn.

Lynn fumbled in his pocket again, after choosing for a long time, he finally found a magic notebook.

"This is the only magic book I found for you in the country of Su."

Hermione immediately took it over happily. This magic book looked very old and obviously very precious.

The magic note is actually one of the magic books that Lynn dug out from the magic library that Elena took him to.

The content is about the configuration and improvement of potions. From Lynn's critical eyes, he thinks this notebook is very useful.

He had been in a hurry in the Su country for so many days, and he didn't have time to choose a gift for Xiaomai and Hermione, but it was still okay to take a few things as a gift.

"Did everything go well with you over there?" Hermione didn't know what Lynn was doing, and she didn't ask any further questions.

"It's going well, I finally have a few days of free time after I come back this time." Lynn yawned and leaned back in the chair relaxedly.

"Then when are we going to Diagon Alley? I read this year's textbook list, and Professor Dumbledore's newly hired Defence Against the Dark Arts professor turned out to be Mr. Lockhart! He is very good!"

Hermione said to Lynn excitedly.

The fact that she admires Lockhart is something that Lynn has known since last semester. Hermione read Lockhart's adventure stories from a book she bought, and she has longed for the image of a professional adventurer depicted in the book. .

I have to say that although Lockhart is a liar, his novels are really good. Lynn also read some of his adventurous autobiographies on Hermione's recommendation. It's fascinating to watch. If he traveled back to Lynn's era, he would definitely be popular as a web writer.

So why should a good writer not be a fraudster?

"His books are not cheap, and it takes a lot of determination for a family like Weasley to buy a set for each of their children."

Lockhart's approach is typical of cheating money. His autobiographies look good as storybooks, and there are indeed some practical Defense Against the Dark Arts knowledge in them, but they are not suitable for use as textbooks.

He obviously just wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to become a professor to gain fame and gain, and this hypocritical face was a bit disgusting.

Just as Lynn was chatting with Hermione at the dining table, Xiaobu's screams suddenly came from the sofa!

Hermione hurriedly stood up and went over to see what was going on, while Lynn followed her unhurriedly.

There was still a half-opened candy box on the coffee table, but Xiaobu Ren hid behind the sofa, only daring to look at them with a pair of eyes.

Seeing Lynn approaching, she shouted angrily with watery eyes.

"Lynn lies! There's no candy in the box at all! It's cockroaches! You bully kids!"

When Hermione heard the steps she was walking forward, she stopped and stared at Lynn with Xiaobu.

Lynn watched them spread out their hands, walked directly to the coffee table, and picked up a pile of cockroaches from the box in front of them.

"It's not actually a cockroach, it's an edible candy."

He said that in order to prove it, he ate one himself.

There was a lot of honey in the cockroach pile. Lynn ate one in one bite, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but flow out.

Hermione's body shuddered when she saw this scene, she took a big step back, and looked at him with a look of disgust from a distance.

Lynn wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue, and took out another cockroach leg from the box.

"Aren't you going to try it? It tastes really good."

Hermione shook her head as fast as a five-speed electric fan.

Lynn said sadly.

"Your ability to accept is still too bad, let alone this kind of candy that looks like a cockroach, even if it is a real cockroach, I have seen people eat it."

Hearing Lynn say this, Hermione couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

"How disgusting that must be."

On the other hand, Xiaobu seemed to have a foodie instinct. She realized that Lynn's enjoyment expression was not fake.

"Really, is it really delicious?"

She came out from behind the sofa and looked at Lynn timidly and expectantly.

Lynn broke off a cockroach leg for her.

"Of course it's delicious, you can try it with a leg first."

Xiaobu took the cockroach leg from Lynn's hand, put it in her mouth and took a light bite, her eyes suddenly lit up.

"Really delicious!"

She took out a whole one from the box and took a bite. She could only bite off half of the cockroach's body. Xiaobu happily took the other half of the "cockroach corpse" and recommended it to Hermione.

"Sister Hermione, don't you try it? Lynn didn't lie, it's really delicious!"

Seeing the unidentified yellow liquid cockroach corpse constantly pouring out, Hermione took a big step back and shook her head like a five-speed fan.

"I decided to just eat normal food."

Lynn shook his head with a sigh and said, "Then you missed out on a great delicacy."

When he finished eating the one in his hand, just as he was about to take another one from the box, Xiaobu rushes to seal the box again before him.

"You gave it to me, you can't let you eat it all!"

She is like a puppy who protects food, hummingly picking up the candy box and preparing to hide it in her room.

"Don't hide under the bed, be careful that one day cockroaches will climb in."

Lynn admonished behind her.

Xiaobu's footsteps stopped all of a sudden, obviously Lynn had guessed her idea just now.

The little girl hesitated for a while, and finally put the box of cockroaches in the refrigerator, and tried her best to pretend that Lynn warned her normally.

"You're not allowed to steal it."

Lynn pouted: "I'm not you."

Today, the Belloc family was very lively, and Hermione stayed here for a day without going back. Lunch and dinner were eaten here.

When Lynn was enjoying his leisure time at home, he did not forget that Dumbledore asked him to help him. In the afternoon, he sent the owl to Harry's aunt's house to deliver a letter, and made a unilateral appointment with them that he would be in the morning the day after tomorrow. pay a visit to.

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