After replying to Rosie's message, Ji Ruo casually opened an e-book and handed the phone to Emily.

Emily took it with joy, and carefully learned the tricks and began to look over it.

Although she doesn't know Da Xia's words...

But is this the problem?

As the agent of the **** of nature and life, perhaps Emily acts like a fool most of the time, and the eyes of the gods will not be on her for a long time - but if it involves some more important things, For example, what is wrong with Ji Ruo, who was specially explained by 'Earth Mother', or if there is a new one...

Ahem, in short, once something more important is involved, the gods will immediately cast their gazes, and then try to understand them through their own authority or divine power.

So with the desperate efforts of the very eager goddess of nature, the e-book that Ji Ruo translated for Emily was quickly deciphered by Emily.

""Old Mi Mobile Phone User Guide" seems very interesting!"

So Emily looked up with great interest.

Ji Ruo didn't expect this guy to decipher the text so fast, so he was a little surprised, but when he thought that this guy mainly read the user manual of the mobile phone, he was too lazy to pay attention.

"Ji Ruo, we...really want this?"

Liang Shixian glanced at the church a few hundred meters away, and was still a little tangled: "Is this not a good idea?"

"Why not?"

Ji Ruo said seriously: "We are making reasonable money through legal means. If you don't believe me, ask Sheila if it's legal."

To be honest, Sheila had never seen such a scene before, she hesitated and said, "It's legal, it's legal, but..."

"It's legal! Squad leader, don't be nervous, come on!"


Liang Shixian sighed deeply, finally made up his mind, and walked towards the church with the reward slip in hand.

That's right, the way Ji Ruo thought of making money was to report himself to the Church of Truth in exchange for a bounty...

According to Ji Ruo's idea, the Church of Truth has needs, and others have needs. Taking it all together, both parties can get the desired results, so why not do it?

But that said, the truth is such a truth, Liang Shixian is still a little unacceptable - how can anyone get a bounty for a wanted order in order to make money? !

Ji Ruo saw Liang Shixian dawdling, and suddenly realized that what they wanted was the bounty of 'providing location information', which meant that he also needed to be present, so he put on a mask and a fisherman hat and stood up.

"Squad leader, walk faster, why are you dawdling, what do you do when the house closes?"

Liang Shixian: "?"

"You want to come in with me?!"

"Why do you provide the wanted person's information? It would be more convenient if the wanted person was present."

"This, this is..."

Liang Shixian gritted his teeth and said, "Then if you remember to follow the plan, let's cheat the bounty and run away..."

"What is cheating? Squad leader, I don't like listening to you." Ji Ruo said with some dissatisfaction: "We didn't provide them with real robber information?"

"Jie, robber?" Liang Shixian opened his mouth: "Ji Ruo, what the **** are you doing here!"

"It's not an important matter, it's just grabbing a avatar of the **** of truth."


The two confirmed with Sheila that the wanted order contained a trace of the divine power of 'truth'. As the initiator of the wanted order, the Truth Association must accept it.

Because it was one of the 'truths' they believed in before they got caught.

That's why Ji Ruo is so bold.

The two entered the church.

Because they were worried that too many witnesses would cause unnecessary trouble to Ji Ruo's 'surrender', they specially chose to come over in the evening when there were few people, and ran away after receiving the reward, even planning the route.

In the mother continent, mission is just needed, so churches are generally gorgeous, chapels, cathedrals, halls... everything.

And this is also one of the reasons why Ji Ruo chose to 'surrender himself'. The regular sects with churches are generally richer, and there is no problem in paying the bounty.

Although it was already evening, the Church of Truth did not have curfew regulations, or in other words, except for some remote places, there were no curfew traditions in many places.

Earth Mother Continent is not very developed in technology and people's livelihood. Although many of the gods' abilities are quite functional, almost no gods will use their abilities to help human beings develop.

And many monsters will become more active at night, and it is not safe to go out.

Therefore, for the sake of their own safety and the lack of entertainment activities, some remote areas will implement a curfew policy.

Many people have nothing to do at night, and usually just pound their clothes.

Of course, churches and the like are definitely not like this. As a church that serves the gods, although the gods themselves don’t care much, they have also mastered the power of transcendence, and they can naturally play more outside at night...Cough cough.

At this moment, under the organization of the cardinal, more than a dozen believers are conducting daily pilgrimages to the statue of the God of Truth.

The God of Truth they worshiped was different from the avatars Ji Ruo had seen before. The one Ji Ruo used to practice his equipment had a human appearance. Engraved with intricate patterns that seem to be incomprehensible, there is an inexplicable feeling of soul-stirring.

According to the passionate speech of the cardinal and the fanatical response of the believers, Ji Ruo knew that this eye was called the 'Eye of Truth', so the full name of the truth sect they found should be 'The truth sect. Eye Dispatch'...

"You gods, can you take them apart to believe?!" Ji Ruo said in shock.

The passionate speech of the cardinal stopped abruptly, and the believers turned back suddenly, looking angrily at the two uninvited guests who disturbed their worship of the gods.

When Liang Shixian saw the situation, he couldn't care less. He quickly raised the wanted warrant in his hand and said, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to disturb you, but we have very important information here, so we can't delay it!"

"Important information?"

The cardinal sensed the familiar aura of the gods on the wanted order, and separated the angry crowd to Liang Shixian, raising his head so that Liang Shixian could look down at himself: "Do you have news about that heretic?"

During the speech, symbols of unknown meaning flickered in the pupils of the cardinal, and finally merged into two deep vortexes, as if they could absorb the soul of a person.

"answer me!"

"Ah, yes, yes." Liang Shixian turned his head subconsciously, not looking directly into the eyes of the cardinal.

It's true, but what I've done always feels a little unkind.

The believers slowly gathered around.

The symbols in the bishop's eyes flickered faster and faster: "Truth identification..."

The atmosphere gradually became depressed, and after a while, the cardinal took a breath and said, "What you said is true."

The church members cheered—their branch was the first to get the news the gods needed, how could they not be happy?

Seeing this, Liang Shixian breathed a sigh of relief.

The cardinal grabbed Liang Shixian's arm, and said with force, "Tell me, where are the heretics!"

Liang Shixian blinked, not understanding why this guy suddenly got so close to him, and squeezed his arm lightly...

"What about the reward?" Liang Shixian didn't let his guard down: "If I tell you the news, what will you do if you go back on it?"

The believers were stunned for a moment, and then they all burst into laughter.

A believer said proudly: "Our Truth Church disdains to do such a thing. What we believe in and abide by is the truth!"

Ji Ruo said: "We don't believe in your gods, and we pay with one hand and deliver with the other. This is the truth we believe in!"

The believers were about to get angry when the cardinal suddenly raised his hand.

"Interesting. Well, we can pay first, but you have to make an oath under the gaze of the Eye of Truth that everything you say next is true and what we need."

With that said, the cardinal took out a small true eye.


Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian made an oath under the gaze of the True Eye, and the cardinal also handed the bounty to the two of them according to the rules.

The cardinal said: "Just provide information, you can get ten gold coins... We have already paid, now, it's your turn."

Ji Ruo nodded, took the wanted warrant from Liang Shixian, and took off his mask and fisherman hat.

"Look, is this the person you're looking for?"


The believers looked at Ji Ruo's face that was the same as the one on the wanted list, and they were all stunned.

The cardinal obviously did not expect such a turning point, and pointed with trembling fingers, "You you you..."

"Is that the person you're looking for?" Ji Ruo asked again.

The Eye of Reality gave feedback, and the Cardinal said subconsciously: "Yes, it is indeed the person we are looking for..."

Ji Ruoyi clapped his hands and said, "Okay, the deal is over, happy cooperation, goodbye!"

Saying that, Ji Ruo has stepped on the shadow step and left the encirclement.

Liang Shixian smiled shyly and said, "Then let's go first."

Then he bent his knees and jumped straight out of the crowd, followed by Ji Ruo and fled.

The believers were stunned for a long time.

"That... Bishop, did we almost complete Lord Truth's mission just now?" a believer murmured.

"Yes...!!!" The Cardinal came back to his senses and gritted his teeth: "Damn, catch up! Don't let them run away!"

Everyone reacted.

"Damn it! How can someone collect their own bounty by themselves!"

"This is something that humans can do?!"

"Infidel, infidel! Damn it!"

The pilgrims' noses were crooked, and they didn't care about worshiping, and they all chased the two who fled.

The cardinal trembled with arrogance, and holding the reduced version of the Eye of Truth, he came under the statue, reported the situation to the truth, and prayed to the gods to give him strength to chase down the 'fugitive' and make up for his faults.

Under the embarrassed whisper of the cardinal, the stone statue suddenly came to life, the divine light flowed, the eyes opened a gap, and the eyeballs rolled.

It first glanced at the devotees who were running away, and then turned to the cardinal.

Cold sweat broke out on the cardinal's body, and he hurriedly said: "The great eternal truth, you—"

Before he finished his dog-licking remarks, the idol suddenly emitted a beam of divine power, and in the frantic eyes of the cardinal, the beam of light fell directly between the cardinal's eyebrows.

The sound of flesh being roasted sounded, and a strange smell of meat rose from the empty church. The cardinal's hair turned silver, and his body was hunched at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there were many wrinkles on his skin...

A pattern similar to the Eye of Reality was branded on the center of the cardinal's forehead.

The intense pain caused the veins on the cardinal's forehead and neck to jump, but he did not cry out in pain.

This is the gaze of the gods!

"Great eternal truth! Your eyes can penetrate all the false and unknown, and all..."

'Go get someone! ’

"Follow your will!"

The cardinal turned around quickly, the eyebrows and eyes opened, and the whole world suddenly turned into countless lines in his eyes, orderly or disorderly, intertwined with each other, turning into the most real appearance of the world.

He lowered his head, and a line suddenly appeared under his feet.

One part of the line is linked to the old bishop, and the other end is linked to Ji Ruo!

The bishop took a step forward, the space shrank, and he instantly appeared beside Ji Ruo.

Truth: The shortest line segment between two points!

Ji Ruo was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the old man. Whether it was his divine sense or the martial artist's intuition, he didn't even realize how the other party appeared here!

"Pagan, your doomsday is... you stop- oops!"

Surprised but surprised, Ji Ruo didn't mean to stop, while the bishop was pretending to be x, Ji Ruo used 'Bajitian · Violent Foot' and ran away again like a teleport.

However, Liang Shixian, who followed closely behind, did not notice the sudden appearance of the cardinal in front of him because he kept looking back at the progress of the pursuit of the believers behind him.

By the time he noticed, the bishop had already been knocked out by him...

"Eh? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I really didn't see it!"

Liang Shixian, who found that he had hit an old man, subconsciously wanted to go back to see how the other party was injured, but when he saw that the other party was directly floating in the air, he cursed with anger on his face, and he didn't want to go back to check.

He can still fly, and has the strength to scold people, so it doesn't look like he's been hurt...

Ji Ruo came to the grass where he was hiding before, and greeted Sheila and Emily to run together.

Sheila didn't expect Ji Ruo to actually receive the bounty, even though she was hunted down—

[First-line sense] Crazy warning!

"The Eye of Truth!"

The true eyes of the cardinal's eyebrows shined brightly. Except for Ji Ruo and others, everything lost its color in an instant and turned into the most basic black and white lines.

The cardinal flicked with both hands, and countless lines were chaotically intertwined, and the bishop was rubbed into a ball.

In just a few the color is back again, but the world has changed.

The chaotic lines were smashed into a ball, and after the color returned, it turned into a huge barrier, completely blocking the direction of Ji Ruo and others' escape.

But Ji Ruo and the others have disappeared.

After the big move was released, the bishop looked even older. Fortunately, the news that the truth fed back to him clearly told him that Ji Ruo and others had not left this place, and the lines controlled by the pupil of truth were not just as simple as forming barriers in the material world. There are also many abstract rules or concepts involved.

If you don't find the original correct path, no matter which direction you go from, you will only go around in circles.

"Find! Find them for me! They can't escape!"



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