I Have 48 Hours a Day

Vol 2 Chapter 234: Return to Nassau

After distributing food and fresh water to the island's survivors, Zhang Heng also focused on salvaging gold.

There is not much time left for them. The navy side agreed to rejoin at Parrot Island after two weeks. Now most of the time has passed, and there are about five days left, but in fact it is impossible for the navy side to take it. So accurate, usually come back a day or two in advance.

Therefore, the time allowed for the Jackdaw to carry gold is only about three or four days, and the issue of leaving after the gold is moved must be taken into account as far as possible from the returning navy. This also requires time. Last night, Zhang Heng and they actually only had about two days of safe salvage.

However, the good news is that the Kent, which had nothing to do outside the port, was also thinking about the issue of salvaging gold. The carpenters on board also produced a set of salvage tools.

The structure is actually very simple, that is, to improve the claw hook, add two more hooks, tie the front end with a short rope, and form a triangle with the previous hook, increasing stability, so that the box can be hooked from the bottom of the sea , Of course, even with this tool, people still need to go to the sea to hook the hook on the gold box.

Walden originally intended to force the rest of the pirates on the island to force them into the water to do the job, but Zhang must not be able to do this, and asked the carpenter Guy on the boat, "How is it, is it difficult? "

"In terms of imitation, there is actually no difficulty. They have already measured the size. Just follow the instructions. There are many claw hooks on the boat. I can deliver ten more sets before sunset."

"I picked the salvaged people," Difraina said on the other side, "both Jackdaws have the best water, but even the most powerful of them can't stay too long underwater. The people under it couldn't even swim to the box. "

"That's because they wasted too much energy and oxygen on the way." Zhang Hengdao, "Everyone hold a stone when diving, so that they can sink directly to the bottom of the sea without any effort, and on the waist Also tie a cable, set the time, and catch people at the point, so that the time saved can be used to install the claw hooks. "

As for the problem of pressure, Zhang Heng has no good way. He can only let the diving person overcome it. Fortunately, the depth of 20 meters is not too serious for the body. Adverse reactions will definitely occur, but they should be returned. Not to die, of course, the people responsible for salvaging must also have corresponding rewards to stimulate their enthusiasm.

However, these details were passed to Billy and Difraina for discussion. The quartermaster nodded when he heard the words. He first sent someone to do a test. With the successful delivery of the first case of gold, it also confirmed the method. Feasibility, followed by perfect and repetitive work. By the next night, Jackdaw had successfully picked up most of its gold.

However, the salvage work was also in trouble afterwards. The Spanish treasure ship was quite sturdy and was sunk after many rounds of artillery. However, it was inevitable that the warehouse was also severely shelled and the boxes of gold Almost moved, the rest is gold bars scattered all over the place.

Collecting this part of the gold is very troublesome. The tools I made before are also useless. You can only pick it up by human hands. This will naturally reduce the efficiency. The other day you can stay underwater is also limited. People who dive can also feel a little overwhelmed.

Fortunately, the surviving part of the pirates on the island also recovered a lot the next day. In order to repay the Jackdaw rescue, they not only gave up the ownership of gold, but also willing to help Jackdaw salvage for free, but even In this way, on the third night, everyone worked together to get only about 3,000 pounds and 200 pounds of gold.

There are 1,800 pounds of gold left, either scattered too far or being crushed under the wreckage of the shipwreck, which is not completely impossible to salvage, but it will take a lot of time.

And Zhang Heng has no plans to wait any longer. The battles that the Jackdaw experienced in these days are a bit too intensive. After escaping from Parrot Island, everyone was breathing a sigh of relief, but this breath also came out after sinking the Kent. Almost, the crew on the ship began to feel tired. At the same time, although they received some gunpowder supplements from the Kent, they were not enough to support the next battle.

Therefore, Zhang Heng was not ready to stay any longer, and took Brook and others to return to Nassau.

Compared with the time when they came, they spent nearly twice as much time on the way home. In addition to avoiding the other five ships, they also had a lot of people and cargo on the Jackdaw, but fortunately, they have been surprised on the way. It was dangerous until the stone walls and fortresses of Nassau were revisited, and the hearts of the people were completely let go.

However, everyone's mood was different at the moment when they saw the land. For the crew of Jackdaw, although the process of going out to sea this time was tortuous, the final result was another victory for Jackdaw. In the end, Captain Zhang Heng also continued his legend ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Under the situation of almost desperation at the time, Jackdaw was the only pirate ship successfully escaped from the siege of the navy. Afterwards, it was incredible to complete the headwind reversal, killing Miranda and Kent one after another, robbing most of the gold, and also rescued the surviving pirates on Parrot Island.

However, the other side is the survivor of five other pirate ships. They lost completely this time. Not only did they get nothing, but their ships were sunk by the navy, but they died. Compared with their companions, they are lucky, at least they can survive and return to Nassau.

After docking, Brook and the other captain hurriedly disembarked. They had a bunch of aftermath to deal with, and they had to re-recruit the crew to find a new ship. Eric then resigned to Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng first sent them ashore with a ferry boat, and then began to command the Jackdaw people to unload the gold on the ship, although more than 1,800 pounds of gold slept on the sea floor (should fall into the navy and pirates later Hunter's hands), but this time their harvest is still very amazing, especially considering that the other five pirate ships have given up ownership.

The harvest this time alone is enough to make the pirates on the boat wash their hands. Most people can't even see so much gold in their lifetime. Especially when the Jackdaw unloaded, the whole Nassau made another sensation.

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