I Had a Home In 1982

Chapter 53: 53. Eat meat and drink with Teacher Wang

   Chapter 53 53. Eat meat and drink with Teacher Wang

  Wang Yi has no knowledge of RMB collection, but he knows that this thing is very popular.

   The first version of the RMB must be rare in the world, and he has never even seen this version of the RMB, whether in reality or online.

It was only the last time he traveled back to 22 years when he took pictures of the coins in his hand and sent them to the forum. The forum big data pushed him a few posts about RMB collection, and then he saw one of them that mentioned the first edition of RMB. .

   This version of the renminbi was issued in December 1948 before the founding of New China, aiming to unify the chaotic currencies in the liberated areas at that time.

   But the situation in various regions was too chaotic at that time, which led to the chaotic issuance of the first edition of the RMB, which was issued by banknote printing factories in multiple regions.

   In addition, the war did not end during the issuance of the RMB. Later, capitalists joined forces to disrupt the market order, resulting in serious inflation in the financial market for a period of time. The value of the currency issued by the bank gradually increased, from one yuan and two yuan at the beginning to 150,000.

  Especially in ethnic minority areas, the local National Party’s indiscriminate issuance of currency led to exaggerated currency values. In order to provide a soft landing environment for the economy, large currency values ​​were also issued.

   For example, he saw 50,000 yuan in coins in the post…

   Obviously, the first edition of the coin has collectible value, so its price must be at least 100 yuan or 1000 yuan, so Wang Yi will not lose as long as he receives it.

   Huang Xiaohua looked at him with a hesitant expression.

   Wang Yi was surprised and asked, "Do you think I'm giving too little? Or do you want to sell it?"

  Huang Xiaohua reluctantly said: "No, Mr. Wang, you paid a lot. The bank was at the same price at the time. I also wanted to sell it. It's just that I don't have much money in exchange for 10,000 to 1."

   She hurriedly added: "Mr. Wang, if you like that kind of old money, I can give it to you. It's not worth it if you exchange it. The old money in my hand is about a thousand yuan in total!"

She rubbed her hands and added again: "Hey, what do you like about these old money? Teacher Wang, I know you want to help my family. Alas, how can this be done? You saved my life and gave seven to the baby's father. A big meat bun..."

   The more she talked, the more confused she became, and she almost cried.

   But Wang Yi understood what she meant, she didn't have much first edition coins in her hand.

   So he said, "It's alright, sister-in-law, don't worry, you can take the money you have first, and I'll see and exchange it for you when the time comes."

  Huang Xiaohua is still hesitant: "Mr. Wang can't do this kind of thing, you spend money to buy my old money, isn't this speculative?"

   Wang Yi was stunned.

  The thinking of the people on the island is still stuck in the collective era of the last decade, and private transactions are illegal.

After thinking about it, he came up with an idea, and said, "Well then, you give me the old money in your hand, I like it. Isn't your family short of food? I will support your family with these 20 catties of cornmeal. , I'll go and leave fifty catties of corn for your family later, we call it a gift to each other!"

   Huang Xiaohua was flattered, she subconsciously hugged the child and said, "How is this good? How is this good? This is not good, I can't have it, Teacher Wang, this is not good."

  Wang Yi comforted her and said, "There's nothing wrong with it. I really like old money. Go home and get it for me. When everyone is gone, you can come and get the food."

  Huang Xiaohua still hesitated: "Mr. Wang, how can this be done? Let the child's father know, the child's father, the child's father will be very happy..."

   She pondered for a while, and finally chose to tell the truth.

  Wang Yi waved and smiled and said, "Just be happy, it's better for your family to live a good life than anything else. Oh, you have a meal, remember to let your children come over to study, children must be literate and knowledgeable before they can eat well!"

  Huang Xiaohua put her arms around the heads of the two children and said, "Listen to Teacher Wang!"

   She wiped her tears and went out.

  The bold daughter-in-law Fengya came in suspiciously: "What's wrong? Why did the good baby go out crying from you?"

  Wang Yi said: "I gave her some food on credit, she was very happy, what are you doing here, auntie?"

  Fengya said: "Oh, so, tomorrow my aunt's little cousin will come to the house as a guest. She is from the city, and she is educated and educated, so you have a meal together."

  Wang Yi didn't understand her logic.

   Are you asking me to accompany you?

   He wanted to ask, but Fengya had already left.

   Those who received the food quickly left.

  There is only one stone mill in the team, and every household who buys corn, sorghum, and wheat has to wait in line to grind grain.

   After they all left, Huang Xiaohua led the child carefully.

   She held a towel in her hand, and when the towel was opened, there was a neat stack of banknotes inside.

   The largest denomination is a piece of 500 yuan, all in traditional Chinese characters, with the words 'People's Bank of China' and 'Wu Baiyuan' on the back, and a crane in the middle.

There is only one piece of 500 yuan, other coins are of smaller value, 200 yuan with the Great Wall, 100 yuan with a ship in red, 100 yuan with a factory in red, and a small amount of 1 yuan, 5 yuan, ten yuan and 20 yuan. $50, etc.

   A total of about 1,200 yuan.

  Wang Yi collected the money.

   Go back to the forum and ask the price together with the third set of RMB in your hand.

  Huang Xiaohua took the food and left happily.

  Wang Yi led the big confused to spread the big leaf seaweed to dry, and then prepare for dinner.

All ten members of the    militia team worked here, and the number of people was fast, and the roof of Tingtao Residence had been repaired in one afternoon.

  According to the rules, Wang Yi has to take care of the meals.

   The strong laborers of the militia team are willing to come to repair the roof also for this meal. They know that they can eat meat and drink with Teacher Wang.

   Now the whole team on the island knows that Mr. Wang has a high salary and a high standard of living. He eats the same food as the people in the city. He has refined grains and refined grains, no big meat but big oil.

   There are a lot of people. Wang Yi prepared a 5-liter barrel of liquor in advance. The most common Red Star Erguotou in the market. This barrel is 100 yuan.

   dishes do not need to be fine, heavy salt and heavy oil.

  The stove is still burning, he is going to stew a pot of sauerkraut and meatballs.

  There is no electricity in the space-time house, and the refrigerator and freezer cannot be used. Instead of buying meat, he bought some canned and vacuum-packed meat products.

  These meatballs are dry-fried and vacuum-packed, and have a shelf life of fifteen days.

   In addition, he also bought barrels of lard and chicken fat from the market. These things are cheap. A five-pound barrel of lard costs 60 yuan. The shelf life is very long, and it can be stored for one year in a cold place.

  The sauerkraut must be heavy oil, and the oil and water will not be scented.

  Wang Yi prepared ten catties of sauerkraut, and he poured in half a barrel of lard.

  The lard melted and immediately gave off a rich fragrance. He sprinkled onion chopped **** slices, threw a handful of dried chili peppers, poured it into sauerkraut and fry it again and again.

   The oil is almost too oily, add water to stew, put **** and noodles, this is a pot of hard vegetables.

   And he is not a simple stew, he put a big box of bisque into it.

   He learned this trick from a restaurant. The restaurant is not a Northeastern restaurant, but the stewed sauerkraut is delicious, and the soup is especially delicious.

  The owner of the restaurant claimed that the soup was made of ancestral old soup and big bones to hang the taste. As a result, Wang Yi accidentally saw that he was making stewed sauerkraut by adding thick soup treasure...

  A new world just opened up!

   In addition to this pot of sauerkraut stewed meatballs, he also made fish and shrimp, all braised - very simple, put braised sauce.

   He prepared two vacuum-packed braised chickens in advance, fried a large plate of peanuts, boiled some soybeans, added aniseed and sprinkled with salt.

   Lao Huang sat happily beside him with his tail wagging, raised his head and stuck out his **** well-mannered manner.

  Wang Dongyang likes dogs. He wiped his hands and came in and said, "It's really fragrant, hey, Mr. Wang, your old Huang is really a stray dog? You see, he has more duties than mine."

   "Yes, I saw it today, Lao Huang is honest and has a sense of proportion, the dogs on our island are mad dogs compared to him!" The strong man named Wang Dongyi said at the door.

Wang Yi rubbed the dog's head and smiled: "What can I say? It can only be said that the dog's nature follows the owner, so if you find that your dog is a mad dog, then don't always look for reasons from them, you have to ask yourself and examine yourself! You guys! Reflect!"

   He asked again: "By the way, the security on the island is so good, and the households are not closed at night, why are there still dogs?"

   "Because we have to block rabbits." Wang Dongyi said, "We have rabbits on Tianya Island, and we can block a few rabbits every winter."

   "Also, you can catch birds. It's getting warmer in a few days, Mr. Wang, please watch. Some birds come to rest on our island, and then I'll give you a goose to eat."

   Big Dazed heard the voice: "Are there geese to eat? Leave me a bite?"

  Wang Dongyang rolled his eyes: "No, only in autumn!"

   said confusedly: "The goose meat is delicious, its legs are better than chicken legs!"

   "This pot of vegetables is not as fragrant as Mr. Wang's stew." Bold also came in.

   He lifted the lid of the pot, and there was heat rising into the sky like a mushroom cloud, fragrant, spicy, sour, and appetizing!

  The tables in the school are all fixed, so Wang Yi found wooden boards to put them together. He didn’t have enough tableware and chopsticks here, so the militiamen went home to get their own.

  Bold even brought his youngest son over, and said with a smirk, "The little brat is restless at home..."

  Wang Yi said: "Enough to eat!"

   Wang Dongyi, who had just returned, heard this and turned around to take his children.

   Big guys tease each other, but they all understand.

   This meal is more abundant than their Chinese New Year meal. There are chicken and meatballs, fish and shrimp are not rare, but braised fish and shrimp are rare.

  The sun sets, the sea breeze is rustling and the sea is red.

  There are birds returning from spring lined up and flying north in groups, passing the outer islands, they circled down, and there was always a crisp bird song coming from the mountains.

   Every household smokes from cooking.

  The sea breeze carried the aroma of rice all over the island.

  The most fragrant taste is at the top of the mountain.

   Big stumbled to cook rice.

  Wang Yi poured wine for everyone.

   boldly kicked Wang Dongfeng.

  Wang Dongfeng, who was looking for chicken legs from the braised chicken, quickly stood up: "Mr. Wang, let me pour it—I am grass, so much wine?"

  Wang Yi said: "I only prepared loose wine, everyone will drink it alive."

   "This is not a job, this is a good day." Wang Dongyi said.

   The fishermen are addicted to alcohol, and they all have a good drinker, because it is too cold to go fishing in winter, and they also have to go into the water to fish for abalone with sea cucumbers.

   This is also the reason why the strong laborers on the island make a lot of money a year, but they can't save it at home. Not only do they have to buy food rations to feed their family, but also buy wine!

   They all use the bowls they eat to hold the liquor.

   is a bowl.

   After turning around like this, a big barrel of liquor was suddenly empty...

   (end of this chapter)

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