I Had a Home In 1982

Chapter 30: 200,000, get it

   Chapter 30 30. Two hundred thousand, get it

   A pungent smoke lingered.

  Wang Yi asked Manager Xu: "I understand what Dongxi and the others are thinking, so you also agree that our team will be divided into households?"

   Manager Xu nodded: "This is progress."

   Wang Yi said solemnly: "It is indeed progress, because too many collectives have raised lazy and idle people."

   Manager Xu looked happy, and Wang Dongxi and others were even more happy.

  Wang Yi went on to say: "The leader said that we should look at problems dialectically, analyze specific situations and seek truth from facts."

   "Then have you all dialectically read the policy of splitting ships to households and analyzed our team?"

   "The purpose of the ship is to not raise lazy people, but although I came to our team for a short time, I found that there are no lazy people in our team. They are all good people, good members, and good comrades."

   "This is where we are different from Splash Island. It's normal for Splash Island to split up. There are many lazy people, and one laziness leads a hundred laziness. No one wants to be advanced. If you are a first-class household, you are raising a family behind!"

   "There were no lazy people in our team, no big backwards, so what's the difference between splitting the boat and not splitting the boat?"

   boldly rubbed the stubble on his chin and said, "Mr. Wang is right, how about we—quack?"

   Manager Xu said patiently: "But Splash Island has developed through restructuring."

  Wang Yi said: "The poverty and backwardness of our island have nothing to do with restructuring or not, but have something to do with the modernization of production machinery and the lack of technology in production technology."

   He dragged Wang Xianghong to the yard and said in a low voice, "Secretary, this thousand liters of diesel is necessary!"

  Wang Xianghong gave him face very much, and said helplessly: "Mr. Wang, this costs money! Why does the county keep giving us diesel fuel? It wants us to buy diesel boats. Diesel is small and diesel is big!"

  Wang Yi said: "No, Party Secretary, the county does not restrict the use of diesel oil for us. We don't have to use it on diesel ships, we can use it for power generation!"

   "Secretary, the team bought diesel oil. I'll see if I can find my classmates in the northeast to support us with a diesel generator, so that the island can be powered on!"

   "Our Tianya Island has become the first island with electricity in the outer islands!"

  Wang Xianghong was stunned when he heard this.

   didn't even react for a while, he subconsciously asked: "Diesel generator? Can we get electricity on Tianya Island? Electricity? Electricity!"

  Wang Yi nodded solemnly: "Yes, I can get a diesel generator, and the island will be powered on and the lights will be used, so that every household will not have to eat in the dark at night!"

Wang Xianghong firmly grasped his wrist with a big rough hand, his face full of excitement: "I don't dare to joke about this, but I can't make fun of your uncle, can you get a diesel generator? How do you do this? What kind of industrial coupons do you need? ?"

   As he said that, he became frustrated again: "You can find a way to buy a diesel generator, and we don't have any money. How much does that thing cost? Not tens of thousands of dollars?"

   "Thousands of dollars!"

   He sighed heavily, the team was busy with a fishing flood, and paid the commune members according to the work points, and in the end they couldn't even drop a thousand yuan.

   And this requires tens of thousands of dollars!

Wang Yi said: "No need to spend money, it is a newly developed machine by their unit, using the latest intelligent control technology, changing the internal wiring method, replacing the transformer provided by foreign companies that are in line with international standards, and their cylinders have also been carried out. Technical restructuring and material restructuring, new design of oil pipelines, and the latest experimental products are ready to be sold to foreign countries to earn foreign exchange for our country.”

   "According to the regulations of the foreign sales market, the sale of this kind of machine requires the support of practical data, and the recording of practical data requires a professional threshold, so their unit has issued a policy to find an experimental site that can provide them with data recording..."

   "In short, as long as we have diesel, then I will receive one, and then I will be in charge of this machine and provide him with data!"

   Wang Xianghong was at a loss: "What, what? What technology? What data?"

  Wang Yi secretly said, how do I know what technology and data, I just pulled out the slip of words just now, if you ask me to say it again, I can't say it.

He didn't plan to say it again, and said directly: "Zhishu, you don't understand what I said in detail, so let me make it simple, that is, their machines are going to be sold abroad, but because they are new machines, they need them to provide some data. The machine is safe to allow them to sell.”

   "In this way, my classmate's unit will cooperate with other units. They can provide machines, and other units will feedback machine usage data. Do you understand?"

   Wang Xianghong nodded and said: "Understood, we will change the guns when we are in the army. The logistics will choose a few companies to change the guns first, and then these companies will summarize the experience and advantages and disadvantages of using guns..."

   "That's right, that's the truth." Wang Yi nodded again and again.

  Wang Xianghong asked excitedly: "Then your classmates are reliable? Are you sure they can give us a generator? After giving us a generator, can you summarize the advantages and disadvantages for others?"

   "Almost." Wang Yi agreed, "I'll try it, it's usually fine."

  Wang Xianghong was so happy, his happy lips trembled: "I, I, is this true? Ok! That's fine! If we have a generator—ok, Mr. Wang, you have done a great job to our team!"

   "Then we have to buy diesel, we have to buy it!"

   He said, and became annoyed again: "Hey, I'm a stubborn old man. I knew you could get a diesel engine. Before Lao Xu gave our team a diesel engine, how good would I be?"

Wang Yi said: "I'll communicate with Manager Xu about this matter. It's enough for us to know the origin of the generator. Don't publicize it. I'm afraid that they will go to my classmates' unit to apply when they know the news. If you don’t come down, it will inevitably spread rumors and cause trouble.”

   Wang Xianghong said decisively: "Yes, this is what they can do! The news of the generator is top secret on our island, first-class top secret!"

   He rushed back with a smile on his face: "Sit down, all sit down to drink water, what are you doing standing up? Do you want to hold a criticism meeting?"

   The group looked at him in astonishment.

   looked at Wang Yi again in astonishment.

   Liu Hongmei couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Wang, what magic trick did you use to make the secretary happy all of a sudden?"

   Wang Xianghong glared: "What's the matter, am I happy? You want me to get angry?"

  Wang Yi called Manager Xu and Wang Dongxi out.

   He asked: "Brother Dongxi, is Manager Xu your rescuer? Yesterday in the office you said 'the branch secretary will listen to some people's words', you mean Manager Xu?"

   Wang Dong was ashamed to answer.

   Manager Xu said calmly: "It was Xizi who sent me a secret letter."

  Wang Yi shook his head: "This is a trick, Manager Xu, you don't understand the temper of our party secretary? He is a stubborn donkey, you have to follow the hair."

   Manager Xu also shook his head: "I think he is used to being the number one leader, and he has the style of a big father!"

  Wang Yi smiled and said: "This is serious, but it's not so bad, the party secretary won't be able to come down to the stage today. You guys are carrying him inside and out. Isn't that putting him on fire?"

   "The specific policy of distributing ships to households will be implemented sooner or later, but you can't be in a hurry. You can't say that you have to separate the family after a hula."

   "Look, there are good boats and bad boats on the island, and fishing nets are new and old. Who will give good boats and new nets? If this trouble is bad, the members will become conflicted or even turn against each other!"

   "So this matter should be done slowly and step by step. At least let the members go out first and get used to being able to be on their own. Then split up the family and let everyone be responsible for everything by themselves, right?"

  Wang Dongxi said: "Yes, it makes sense."

  Wang Yi said, "Secretary Party has also compromised. Manager Xu, let's first buy a thousand liters of diesel oil, and then save some money or take out a loan to buy an oil tanker, and gradually improve!"

   "You can't make a fat man in one bite." Manager Xu said solemnly.

  Wang Yi said: "Yes!"

  Wang Dongxi asked in disbelief: "Buy diesel first? Can you decide this?"

   Wang Yi said: "The branch secretary can be the master, this is the meaning of the branch secretary."

   Manager Xu was also surprised, he asked loudly, "Pharaoh, do you want that thousand liters of diesel?"

   Wang Xianghong's loud voice came out: "I want it, not only this thousand liters, but if you have it, you can send it to us in the future. There are many households in our village, and one thousand liters is not enough!"

   For Manager Xu, Wang Xianghong is indeed an improvement.

   He walked back happily and said, "Hey, Mr. Wang really deserves to be a college student. He can really make magic tricks, and even let you old stubborn accept advanced ideas."

   "The world is developing, and progress is correct. You can no longer look at everything with old thinking and old eyes, and you can no longer keep guarding this set of sweet memories..."

   Watching him point to the old saying about white porcelain carvings again, Wang Xianghong got angry again: "Then I'll smash them!"

   Liu Hongmei quickly got up and said, "Uncle Xu, look at you, which pot can't be opened and lifted!"

   Wang Yi had a happy expression on his face.

   Uncle Xu, you are really good, you gave me a good assist!

   He said calmly, "Don't be angry with the secretary, you misunderstood Uncle Xu. Uncle Xu meant that you should not keep guarding this set of porcelain sculptures by yourself, you have to take them out."

   "So, Party Secretary, do you send them to our school? Our school doesn't have any teaching tools, it's shabby!"

  Wang Xianghong pouted when he heard this: "Okay, you can take it to the school later, this thing will be in the eyes of advanced elements!"

  Wang Yi immediately went to clean up.

   Two hundred thousand ah two hundred thousand!

   Get it!

   Wang Xianghong was stunned: let you take it, do you really take it? And why are you in such a hurry?

   (end of this chapter)

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